Alleviate the Suffering

Alleviate the Suffering

Alleviate the Suffering

UNIFY Updates – June/July 2024, Sivan 5785

Be inspired by the miracle-filled reports from Israel and the Nations – UNIFY is on the move!

Lighten Their Burdens

United States/Israel

Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman

‘In that day many nations will join themselves to Adonai and they will be My people and I will dwell among you.’ Then you will know that Adonai-Tzva’ot has sent me to you. Adonai will inherit Judah as His portion in the holy land and will once again choose Jerusalem. Be silent before Adonai, all flesh, for He has aroused Himself from His holy dwelling.”” Zechariah 2:15-17 TLV

This is the scripture by which UNIFY was established, given to me by a revelation in 2006 during the 2nd Lebanon War. We were on the Golan Heights, on Mt Bental overlooking the Northern border. My team and I were blowing shofars and praying around 4- 5:00 AM. The clouds were very low on the mountain, and as we were praying inside the cloud, Yeshua appeared to me. I saw Him standing as He, with much determination, was mobilizing the troops for a great war. Then He turned to me and said He would not sit again until all of Israel is restored and that He was coming back soon. Then He disappeared. I asked Him, “I know this is You but since you are standing, I need to see where you are standing in the Bible”.

There is nothing He will reveal to us that is not backed up by scripture, whether verbatim or in principle. He led me to Zechariah 2:17, Be silent before Adonai, all flesh, for He has aroused Himself from His holy dwelling. That’s how I saw Him, standing up, arising from His holy dwelling. Kings do not stand for too long. If you do not do what they say, heads will roll. That is exactly what is happening now. There is a parallel walk between the church, believers in Messiah Yeshua, and Israel. Judgment is happening in His House, among His People so we can line up with Him and His plans. He will not sit again until Israel is restored, the People and the Land.


When YHVH downloaded on me the flag of UNIFY and our logo in 2012, He showed me Zechariah 2:15-17 (quoted above). On that day, Israel will know that YHVH sent the Messiah. Now, in 2024, we can see this is coming to pass. When our UNIFY members come to stand with Israel in the midst of the war and the suffering, they see Messiah.

Since October 7 last year there has been a historical shift. Israel suffered an untold calamity and from then on, in a parallel way to the shakings in Israel, we see “heads rolling” in the evangelical, charismatic prophetic movement where very high profile pastors have had to step down from the pulpit because of hidden sin and immorality. Many thousands of believers feel betrayed by their Senior Leaders, old timer generals in the Church.

Similar things are happening in Israel among a type of “mafia” of IDF generals who have been pressuring Netanyahu to stop the war without victory. Some of them have betrayed the country in every way but pretend they are for the nation of Israel. Together, there is a clique of old timer leftist generals who are ganging up on Netanyahu so they can release the hostages at all costs and stop the war to “let the troops recover”, which they don’t care about because they sold us out on October 7. The People of Israel feel betrayed.

YHVH is exposing things to the light, both in Israel and in the church. People are beginning to fall like dominoes because they oppose what He showed me in 2006, namely the Restoration of Israel. It happens to the Jews first, then to the nations.

Antisemitism is causing shaking among the Jewish communities in America, Europe and all over the world, making them think about the urgent need to make Aliyah. In France, they raped a Jewish girl just because she was Jewish. Since then, the Jewish community in France has realized they must make Aliyah. Shaking is all around.

Read parashah Numbers 8-12 and haftorah Zechariah 2-4 thoroughly. Zechariah 2 is UNIFY’s chapter and is completely connected to the restoration of Israel. It is in this context that restoration will be brought to Israel. The bride of Yeshua will begin to wake up and be cleansed from Replacement Theology so the Body of Messiah will become one as the Gentiles will be to the Jews like Ruth to Naomi. It will be like the lighting of the menorah or like the pillar of fire and cloud causing all of Israel to move forward towards possessing its Covenant Land and her full redemption.

The haftara of this parashah is Zechariah 2-4. In Zechariah 4:6: Then he responded to me by saying, ‘This is the word of Adonai to Zerubbabel saying: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Ruach!” says Adonai-Tzva’ot. UNIFY is completely described and depicted in these chapters. Prophet Zechariah sees a menorah with olive branches bringing in oil to the menorah. That is our logo, which is a prophetic fulfillment for the restoration of Israel.

The two witnesses are Moshe and Elijah, they may also represent Ruth and Naomi, Israel and the grafted-in Gentiles, and they are bringing in the oil to the menorah so that it can be lit up throughout the world. In other words, we are Yah’s “baby”, UNIFY was brought forth by His Ruach and there is nothing we can do unless the pillar of fire is moving and we move with Him. No religion or “figuring it out” or self-effort will help, only obedience to the Ruach rooted in the Word in complete faithfulness. UNIFY was planted in my womb, and only the Holy Spirit could bring it on and is the only one who can grow it and mature it.

Truly Messianic

Surrendering to the Ruach HaKodesh is the key. Read my new book Truly Messianic to understand the importance of moving in the spirit. This entire movement is comprised of people from every walk of life, Jewish and Christian. GRM Bible School is the great equalizer so we can all be on the same foundation. The Deliverance and Freedom from Pain Seminar has been added to the end of GRM to bring forth more wholeness. We are a prophetic fulfillment of what YHVH prophesied many thousands of years ago.

Concerning the People of Israel and those we are sent to:

Yah said to me, “Alleviate the suffering,” and then He whispered another Word that goes with it, “and lighten their burdens.”

The Ruach Adonai Elohim is on me, because Adonai has anointed me to proclaim Good News to the humble. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of Adonai’s favor and the day of our God’s vengeance, to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of Adonai that He may be glorified. Isaiah 61:1-3

Binding the brokenhearted is alleviating suffering. When we go to Israel on tour, we console those who mourn. Nothing can replace boots on the ground. When He spoke to me, it released me to another dimension of ministry. I am a spiritual surgeon. However, sometimes you cannot do radical treatment or deal with the root cause right away. Sometimes the best we can do is alleviate their suffering and remove their burdens, encouraging them and strengthening them. That is what we are doing with the God of Shalom series and the Deliverance Seminar. This is all part of our ministry.

We cannot whiz through this life without suffering. We can know Him through our suffering as well as through our victories.

When my son died in Kiev 2 and a half years ago, his body was retrieved and was buried in Israel. This wasn’t the way I interpreted Jeremiah 31:15-17 which promises that our children will be returned to their own border. Nevertheless it fits the promise since his body was brought back to Israel. So this word was fulfilled in his death. Some times we expect Yah’s promises to play out one way but they play out differently. We need to learn to trust Him, even when our circumstances do not fit our “theology”.

The charismatic movement in the US has not been cleansed from replacement theology, so they expect a certain scenario to play out, but then another scenario plays out and they are in danger of losing their faith and losing all trust in leadership due to the exposure of hidden sin in many pastors.. They may have received a prophetic word from Yah about revival that they interpreted in their own understanding. It is easy to become disappointed and lose faith when things do not happen the way we expected them to. Both in Israel and in the church, there is a lot of suffering right now, lots of shakings. Yah is cleansing His House and His People.

I am being transparent with my own life for your sake for the purpose of walking in shalom and giving you the example that if you continually hide your suffering, you’re never going to have alleviation of suffering and lightening of burdens. This is the reason I’ve been able to keep going, and why many mothers and fathers in Israel who have lost children can keep going.

Alleviate the Suffering

There is a tremendous amount of suffering in the bride of Messiah, mostly because of rejecting the Torah. Many well-known leaders have stepped down from their ministries after 30-40 years because they have been involved in adulterous affairs and scandals have been exposed. My heart feels broken because I met one of the main leaders of the Intercessory Movement of America, in the 90s and gave her my book The Healing Power of the Roots and explained to her that unless the church is replanted back on its own ground (Jewish Roots of the Faith) it will die. She looked at me with great anger, threw the book down, and left, blaming me for the division in the church. Now, the whole Movement is being shaken. So, what do we do in that situation? Do we pretend that the charismatic prophetic movement is not being shaken?

I brought the message of Torah and Spirit in the 90’s to a well known preacher over lunch and gave him my book The Healing Power of the Roots. He said he might agree with me about pork but not about Shabbat, and he is Jewish!

The sins that are being exposed right now are sins that they’ve harbored and hidden for 20-40 years from the beginning of their pastorate, e.g., sex with minors and grooming them to be their pets. Once the message of repentance is taken lightly, judgment will follow.

Yah gives people a lot of time to repent. You may have an addiction today and you think Yah hasn’t found you out, but He will find you out and it will come to the surface. Walk in transparency. If you have something to hide, bring it out, confess it before your leaders, and ask for prayer to alleviate suffering for you and the body of the Messiah, as well. If you want to hide it and pretend you are spiritual, you have no place here. Being spiritual doesn’t mean being perfect, it means being honest. Immoral sins and addictions are always between you and the body of the Messiah. Those must be brought out to the light. The effectual prayer of the righteous person avails much.

Tremendous ministers have fallen and left behind thousands if not millions shackled, discouraged and broken people with a feeling of betrayal and being orphaned. What do we do in a situation like that? We must come to the plate and alleviate their suffering and lighten their burdens. Some may come knocking on our doors. Some may watch our TV programs because they don’t want to go to church anymore. We must be available to be found on the TV, internet, and other media. But we have to walk in true honesty, not pretend or make-believe. If you are hiding sin, be sure it will find you out. Most of the time, if anyone in our ministry is in sin, Yah will reveal it to me so I can talk to him or her. If we confess our sins and forsake them, we will find mercy. If we do not confess or forsake, we will not find mercy, and that is what has happened to these fallen ministers.

Israel is going through the same things in a sense, feeling betrayed by the administration that bowed down to the USA, UN and other nations who knew about Hamas and didn’t do anything about it. If you haven’t watched the God of Shalom series, or gone through the deliverance session (available for GRM Bible School graduates), do it now. Read Truly Messianic if you haven’t already done so. And if you are hiding something that should have been confessed or forsaken, bring it out to the light. It doesn’t matter if you lose face, but it does matter if you lose faith. Receive help from your spouse, pastor, regional leader, or Archbishop if you are in this situation. Walk honestly and transparently so you will be immovable and unshakeable in YHVH. The gospel made in Zion is the gospel of grace. If you confess and forsake sins, you will find mercy. That is why UNIFY has remained stable; we do not allow our house to be polluted with hidden sin. We need to be humble to stay transparent, honest and pure. None of us has arrived, Teshuva/repentance is a way of life.

Prison Ministry

We have over 2,000 students in the prison ministry. Thirty have graduated this month. They are receiving deliverance and inner healing. They can become honorary UNIFY members, and we already have 57 such members. They cannot join the ministry as we do because of restraints in prison, but they would love to have a miracle to be active members.

Alleviate the Suffering

Graduating and Growing

Pastor Sonia Gotelli, Peru

On June 12, we celebrated Shavuot. The 5 graduates were in charge of declaring the 10 commandments under the chuppah and all the attendees were able to renew the covenant of obedience to YHVH. We had among the guests a Christian pastor with the gift of music who is known by many evangelical churches in which he has given concerts. Since we met him in one of the public acts in favor of Israel, he was very interested in knowing why as a believer he should love and bless Israel. We shared our mission as a messianic, apostolic, and prophetic ministry of helping the church turn its gaze to Israel and learn the original Hebrew foundation of the sacred scriptures. We told him about the AGIMAP school (GRM in Spanish) and the solemn holidays established by YHVH. We gave him Healing Power of Roots and Eradicating the Cancer of Religion books. Now, he courageously declares the name of Yeshua and preaches the need to pray and bless Israel in all the churches where he gives concerts!

Our graduate of the AGIMAP school living in Argentina has been able to see the fruit of his fidelity and patience in bringing the message of the gospel made in Zion to the evangelical pastors. He has been called to share in the congregation, “House of Honor”. He is teaching them about the importance of blessing Israel and returning to the original foundation of our faith.

We have a new member in UNIFY, sister Diana Melero who has entered to serve as a volunteer in the Spanish translations during the midnight watches and supporting the translation of the apostle’s messages on Telegram. All the glory to YHVH the Elohim of Israel!

Alleviate the Suffering

2 Chronicles 7:14 in Action

Pastor Cesar Silva, Mexico

When My people, over whom My Name is called, humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

On February 22 we went to do a prophetic act in Nuevo Padilla, Tamaulipas with Pastor Joel Gutiérrez and his wife. They were going through a time of great drought, not only in Nuevo Padilla but in all the surrounding cities. The dam, called Vicente Guerrero, was only less than 30 % of its capacity so the drought was terrible. We went because of a revelation. The Pastor’s wife had a dream about praying at the dam where Agustín de Iturbide was murdered, and in my February UNIFY report, I gave testimony of the act of repentance and the prophetic act that we did. I recall that 15 days after having made the act of repentance, only a little water had fallen. I remember now that after having done the prophetic act, the Father revealed the number four to me. However, I did not know if the four referred to 4 days, four weeks, or four months. Anyway, I told them that I saw the number four and that we were going to wait for the eternal to do great things, because the number four in the Bible, in Hebrew, is the letter dalet, which means a door. I shared with them that the Father would probably open a great door of blessing for them. Four months later to the day, on June 22, storm Alberto broke out. During the following days, it continued to rain, and even today it is still raining. On June 22, the Pastor’s daughter posted a video on Facebook showing that the capacity of the entire river, 120 m wide and 50 to 70 m deep, was going to completely overflow.

Pastor Joel told me that a brother who cleans the temple remembered that a few months ago they invited Pastor César Silva to come and pray for the drought and repentance. He said, “Pastor, do you realize how that prayer worked?” I believe that 2 Chronicles 7:14 works when we are aligned with Israel, when our direct coverage is through Israel, and when we do not usurp a place. The Heavenly Father listens to us because we do not pray usurping prayers, but we are under the cover and understand the importance of being connected with Israel. Today we can say that the Almighty has been magnified because almost all the States of Mexico have been receiving abundant water. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this wonderful miracle.

We can then testify that aligning ourselves in repentance with the Almighty and aligning ourselves with being under the coverage of the United Nations for Israel is what has brought all this great blessing. Aligning ourselves with offerings of restitution, we shared each of these things with Pastor Joel and at the time he sent a restitution offering for the answer about the water that was so needed. To Adonai belongs all the glory for this repentance and prophetic act.

Alleviate the Suffering

His Name on the Mountain

Pastor Marcelo Corral, Ecuador

On Sunday, June 2, we went to the mountain of Turi in Cuenca to paint the name of YESHUA on the mountain that is 2726 meters high. We had celebrated the days before, praying for the protection and blessing of Adonai on this project. It took 30 gallons of paint and 8 hours to do it. The size of each letter is 14 meters high by 7 meters wide. The Name can be seen from any place in the city of Cuenca, and even the airplanes that arrive can see the Name that is above all names painted on the rock. The work lasted all day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and the sun was strong, but at the end of the day, we blew the shofar declaring that his Name would be spread throughout the nation and beyond and would be protected from earthquakes or devastations in the Name of Yeshua. The glory is to Him.

On Wednesday, June 12, we celebrated the Feast of Shavuot with the entire congregation plus 120 people invited from Christian churches. We taught them that on that day the Torah was delivered to the people of Israel on Mount Sinai, and on that same day 2000 years ago the Ruach HaKodesh came into the highest apostleship, which surprised them because they had never heard anything about it. We presented the fruits of Israel according to Deuteronomy 8:8 and the offering of two loaves of bread according to Leviticus 23, and God sent His Ruach HaKodesh to the celebration. The spirit of joy filled the reunion as many felt manifestations of the Ruach HaKodesh in their lives. One woman felt a current that ran from her head to her feet, another wept, another person was filled by the Ruach, and others danced without getting tired. A man with terminal cancer asked us to pray for his illness, and as he prayed, a warm feeling came over him when he was forgiven. He cried and was cured and all those who came with him gave glory to God. Those who sat in the meeting heard the sound of the wind moving with power while they were praying. The glory is to YHVH who listened to our longing to receive more of the Ruach HaKodesh.

Alleviate the Suffering

Work and Worship Continue

Apostle Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia

UNIFY Malaysia continues to participate in two end-time prayer groups weekly. IMA BAT AMI of Malaysia has a Zoom meeting every Yom Revi’i. There is a weekly Shabbat gathering and a weekly Shabbat letter Zoom sharing for Far East UNIFY members & GRM students. We planted trees for restitution offerings and had a Shavuot convocation on June 15. Our Shavuot first fruit offering was sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries.

Translations and Prayers

Pastor Yutong Tagawa, Japan

Thank you so much for your guidance and teaching at every prayer meeting.

In June, we continued translating books, GRM lessons, and The Identity Theft book. Our translator has finished proofreading GRM lesson 70.

We pray for Israel, especially for the IDF, our 120 soldiers adopted by UNIFY, the Nachala movement, for the Jewish people around the world to make Aliyah, Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, UNIFY, and GRM Prison ministry. Praise YAH!

Alleviate the Suffering

First Fruit of Shavuot

Pastor Perach Yang, Taiwan

On the evening of 15th June, we had a Shavuot celebration in the middle of Taiwan at Simon and Jessica’s home. We worshipped the God of Israel and gave thanks for His Torah and Ruach through Israel to us. We prayed, danced, blew the shofar, and made a Shavuot first fruit offering to UNIFY. Thank Yah for sending Archbishop to the nations to teach us to be grafted into the Olive Tree of Israel.

We prayed for Mina (Simon and Jessica’s daughter) and she was very touched. Then she told her mom that she wanted to study GRM Bible School. Praise Yah! This was the first fruit of Shavuot in Taiwan from the teenage generation, 15 years old, the youngest student currently in Taiwan.

On Shavuot morning while we were worshiping, Simon told us he saw a vision of a little Jewish boy eating bread in a not-very-bright room. We were led to pray more for Jewish children and young generations, asking for the Torah and the Ruach to shine more upon them so they will learn the ways of the God of Israel, and then we also asked Yah to bless the children of Taiwan to learn God’s Torah and not grow up with the wrong kind of education.

Train a child in the way he [should] go; and, even when old, he will not swerve from it. Proverbs 9:6

Apostle Dawid, together with Hadassah and her sister Peng Chun Flower & Ps D’vorah, Rut, and myself, hold a Zoom meeting every Thursday. We study the book Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother: Stories of Loss and Love. Then we worship and pray to see what Ruach will lead us to pray. May Yah’s healing and deliverance come to China.

Alleviate the Suffering

Miracle of Healing

Pastor Dvora Cheung, Hong Kong and China

My 70-year-old auntie has suffered from intestinal cancer despite an operation and it has now spread over to the liver. Her daughter called us to say goodbye to her. Ruach also told me to make a restitution offering for her. She was conscious but slept all day. I prayed for her by laying on hands and pouring oil on her head. To my surprise, I saw the yellow color on her face fade away and it changed from yellow to white. It was witnessed by her husband, relatives, and my brother. Ruach healed her even though she did not know Yeshua. The doctor advised she would die within 1 or 2 days. However, she got extra time and moved to glory only very recently.

Four in Hong Kong have booked tickets via Air France and will join the Sukkot Israel tour in October.

We are also planning for the Tisha B-Av fast from 17 Tammuz to 9 Av (23/7-13/8).

Renewing Connections in Norway

Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway

This month I attended weekly lunches and Shavuot celebrations in the Synagogue. I invited Chana, a Holocaust survivor, Aya (my Jewish friend in the Synagogue), and her elderly mother to my birthday party together with a Messianic friend and my father. It is good to be able to bless and comfort the Jewish people, and to get to know them more and more.

Several Christian and Messianic sisters have also visited me, or we have met for coffee or prayer meetings. I am experiencing more and more openness both for UNIFY and the Gospel from Zion.

I was led by the Ruach to attend a prayer meeting in a church that previously had received Archbishop and Rabbi, but after some time they rejected the Gospel made in Zion, and we have had no contact for several years. Now Yah has started to restore our relationship, and when I visited their weekly prayer meeting, both the pastor and a few other participants prayed more and more in Yeshua’s name as the meeting proceeded. I was able to share several things about the Jewish roots of the faith with no resistance.

Alleviate the Suffering

Seeds Bearing Fruit

Pastor Terhi Laine, Finland

I have recently been contacted by some old faithful friends to whom I have sent the Archbishop’s updates on events in Israel. They are lovers of Israel who are aware of the erroneous positions of the Finnish news agencies on the situation in Israel, Gaza, and Lebanon. I have had the opportunity to discuss these issues with them and correct their misconceptions. Archbishop Dominiquae’s Shabbat Letters have miraculously brought answers to these questions every week at just the right moment.

My family has lived in Orivesi since at least the 17th century and therefore there are traces of our family’s idolatry here. My friend and I have had the privilege of blowing the Shofar, healing, liberating, and cleansing the land of these curses and the atmosphere has changed. We have dealt with the distant past of our family, giving me the opportunity to bring up the 5th commandment, the biblical feasts, and the right diet. The seeds of the gospel of the kingdom are beginning to bear fruit. Hallelujah!

Alleviate the Suffering

The Gospel Made in Zion on Wheels

Pastor Eicha Lohmus, Estonia

From Silver, UNIFY member:

Since the beginning of my life as a believer, I have wanted to share the gospel – the good news of hope, and the Holy Spirit gave me the idea to combine preaching with one of my professions as a truck driver. While driving around delivering goods, I met many people with whom I could share the Gospel made in Zion. The idea started to take shape when I shared it with Eicha who connected in the Ruach and we prayerfully began to move forward.

Last November after returning from Israel, I found a suitable truck through Yah’s favor and took it on a 1-year lease. I see Yah’s hand constantly guiding our steps and opening doors with this project which included establishing a new company with the logo and name ElZion (God of Zion) on the truck. The final application of logo elements on the truck, including the Lion of Judah, a Shofar, and a Menorah, took place on Jerusalem Day. My first job opportunities came in soon after where I’ve been able to talk to customers about the Good News of Zion as many have asked about the meaning of logos on the truck. We also launched the ElZion website (in Estonian currently) which offers 3 types of services – trucking, car repair, and spiritual or faith service leading to UNIFY and Kad-Esh MAP Ministries websites and providing the contact details of our UNIFY Estonian delegate, pastor Eicha Lohmus. Apart from providing good service for cars, all activities have a main goal – to preach the Gospel made in Zion and spread awareness of the importance of Israel and the Jewish people in the mighty name of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua.

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by my former athletics teammate Ursel who has been in prison for the last 9 years for drug trafficking and attempted murder and has another 5 years to stay in prison. His call was a surprise to me, especially as he asked if I could go to see him in prison. In Yah’s will, I plan to visit Ursel to testify about how I came to faith and share about the Jewish Messiah Yeshua and the GRM Bible school that he could take in prison. In Yah’s timing, I pray it could be a door to introduce GRM to Estonian prisons. All the glory to the Lion of Judah, Yeshua the Messiah!

Alleviate the Suffering

Where He Leads

Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden

Healing of the Memories

Archbishop`s God of Shalom series has been such a blessing to me and all the disciples. All of us who have been watching it have received a lot of healing and restoration. Ruach has been moving on our behalf. Listening to the series repeatedly because of translating it has also ministered to all the translators mightily.

Mission in Southern Sweden by Marie & Carina

While visiting the original castle from the 15th century, we prayed for acts of repentance for blood guilt, anti-Semitism, idol worship, Replacement Theology, and occultism. We also proclaimed Zion’s gospel and revival over southern Sweden. We sensed a significant stronghold of Freemasonry and blood covenants at the castle and surrounding area. We prayed for repentance and proclaimed the breaking of these strongholds and networks and the closure of evil portals with connections to Scandinavia and globally. We proclaimed the gospel of Zion, revival, and the cleansing of Yeshua’s blood through blowing shofars and pouring oil. Additionally, we collected soil from the ground and prayed for the land, speaking blessings over the area and southern Sweden.

Translating & Building the Team

We are translating GRM videos into Swedish and continuing to translate Archbishop’s videos, sending them to TV Vision Sweden and putting them in Rumble.

A beautiful end to this report is a special meeting with a disabled 30-year-old Afghanistan woman in a wheelchair in Uppsala, where Ruach led me today. She was celebrating her birthday and had a sign in her lap with a text: Can I get a hug? It is my birthday. I hugged her, and she was so grateful. She was filled with Ruach when I wished her Shalom! Later, Ruach said that was why I was sent to the city today. Praise Yah!

Alleviate the Suffering

One Family at a Time

Mathilda Cuthbertson, Australia

We connected with an Aboriginal family at my children’s school, made possible by Ruach because of the similarities in customs and traditions we share – that is, the Papua New Guinea people and First Nations people of Australia. I gave them two of Archbishop’s books, “Healing Power of the Roots” and “The Identity Theft”. Later, I met the grandmother of children who go to the same school as my boys. I had coffee with both the daughter and the mother and, after so much sharing of our similarities of cultures and laughter, I introduced to them the “God of Shalom” teaching after having watched the entire series myself and shared with them about how the teaching ministered to me personally. They received it well and they are longing to break free from the generational cycle of drugs, violence, and abuse. These people are in so much pain. So, by Ruach, let the true gospel of Zion bear much fruit in this country one family at a time.

Then he responded to me by saying, ‘This is the word of Adonai to Zerubbabel saying: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Ruach!” says Adonai-Tzva’ot. “What are you, great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain. He will bring out the capstone with shouts of “Grace, grace” to it.’” Zechariah 4:6-7

Praise Yah! By the Spirit of the Living Yah, let all the mountains of drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and abuse become a plain before these people as they choose the light and embrace the true identity of their Jewish Messiah – Yeshua HaMashiach!

The Hague

Robert Weinger, UNIFY member

Robert of Shofar So Great is in the Hague at the ICC where they are attempting to charge Netanyahu with war crimes. There is a group of leaders from around the world. There were about 200 at a prayer meeting today and expect 800 tomorrow. The anointing is strong. Robert is the official shofar sounder for the event. He is declaring and praying and decreeing against this battle taking place against Israel. Let us all blow our shofars for an overturning of this usurpation.

Current Projects

The IDF soldiers are sweltering in the heat in Israel. They need air conditioners and generators to give them some relief from the heat and fatigue. UNIFY has already sent $1,000 and we are asking for more financial assistance to purchase at least 10 generators, air conditioners, and long cords. We need at least $15,000 for this project. Share it with others who can help to alleviate their suffering and lighten their burden. (Donate here, write in the comment section: AC)

We already have enough money for planting 1,000 trees as a memorial for 1200 murdered by Hamas on October 7, leaving 200 more to reach our goal. (Donate here)

I feel inspired by the love and commitment evident in ArchbishopDominiquae’s teaching and each of these testimonies.

And as for you, may the Lord make you increase and overflow in love toward each other, indeed, toward everyone, just as we do toward you; so that He may give you the inner strength to be blameless, by reason of your holiness, when you stand before God our Father at the coming of our Lord Yeshua with all His angels. 1 Thessalonians 3:12, 13

For Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman,

Glenda Shockley & the UNIFY Team

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bieman

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  • Donate online:
  • Please email us at for bank details
  • Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
  • Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars, or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
  • Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Adriana Dominiquae Bierman, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA

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The Voice of These Ashes and The Israel Factor books

New Books: The Israel Factor & The Voice of These Ashes

The Dynamic duo you cannot afford to miss after the October 7 Massacre by Hamas.

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GRM Bible Institute

Study at GRM Israeli Bible Institute

Discover the original Gospel made in Zion, receive the fullness of anointing and truth, and experience the transforming power of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.

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*Full or partial scholarships can be requested in case of extreme need. Please submit your requests to explaining the reason for your request.

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Join the upcoming Israel tours with Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman

The Roar of The Lion

The Roar of the Lion

Sukkot Tour 5785/2024

October 14-27

Adonai will roar from Zion and give His voice from Jerusalem. Heaven and earth will shudder, but Adonai will be a refuge for His people, and a safe place for the children of Israel. Joel 4:16 TLV

We call all the friends of the Lion of Judah to come to Zion to stand with His brethren, the Jewish people, and the Nation of Israel. As we put our feet in the land, there will be a remarkable time of intercession in KEY locations, impacting history!

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Sign our petition to outlaw public display of Swastikas, Nazi and Hamas flags

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