I met Yeshua when I was a General of the Ecuadorian Army. I was a believer and as many, I was doing my best to be a good Christian. One day while visiting the Sea of Galilee in 2005, Adonai called me. He spoke to me. I was praying on my knees and He said to me, “Leave everything behind and follow Me.”
I was very surprised and I even thought my mind was playing tricks on me. But I remember that I somehow managed to say, “If this is my Lord speaking to me, I want to hear Him again, then I will do as He says.” But nothing happened, and so, the day went by and I thought again that I imagined everything. But the next day, when I was praying at the Kotel (Western Wall), I heard that voice again that told me, “If you leave everything for Me, you will have everything from Me.” I broke down and cried a lot. I thought I was not worthy of such a privilege, but I obeyed Him. I came back to Ecuador on July 28, 2005 and on August 1st, I submitted my discharge from the Ecuadorian Army. It was very hard at the beginning; my family rejected me, I was shunned by the congregation I was attending back then, and I had to start from zero. I allowed Yeshua to lead me where He wanted me to go, so I left the city where I was living and moved alone to the city of Cuenca. I started His work from scratch; I had no experience as a Pastor, I had no idea how to be one, I just surrendered myself into His arms. I studied the Bible more than ever, I took classes, and Adonai has been faithful. He has kept His Word and has sustained me in all ways. Today I am a Pastor of His flock in Cuenca and my wife and I are now teaching Pastors about the Hebrew Roots of the Faith. To Adonai be all the Glory!
As a Chosen Delegate for Ecuador, I commit myself before Adonai and before my Pastors and Directors of Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, to serve Adonai with all my heart and with all my strength in every way, bringing the Gospel made in Zion to my nation, Ecuador, and wherever the Ruach HaKodesh leads me.