I am Hadassah, 47 years old, divorced and now currently looking for jobs.
As a representative of China, it is my great honor and privilege to be the vice delegate for China.
Praise Yahveh!
I was sent out from Zion under MAP movement to preach this Gospel made in Zion to China, one person at a time, turning China to become a sheep nation. Amen!
Don’t press me to leave you and stop following you; for wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God (Ruth 4:16) Amen!
My goals as Vice Delegate for China
China (Hadassah)
- I will be graduating from GRM Bible School in coming Sukkot 5782
- Acts of Repentance
- Pray for more Contact Points
- Spread The Identity Theft book
- Restitution altar – pray how to do it