I have a B.S. in Electrical Engineering (UW USA 94). I have graduated from GRM Bible School, becoming an Ordained Pastor of Kad-Esh MAP Ministries in Yerushalayim during the Sukkot of 5779/Oct. 2018. At Sukkot 5780, I became the official Delegate to Malaysia for The United Nations for Israel.
Wai Bee and I have been married for 18 years with three children. We learned the original Hebrew Foundation of the true Gospel made in Zion in GRM Bible School. As a ministry pastor, I will continue the task in the Far East to re-educate the nations about the gospel made in Zion and the importance of standing with Israel against all the odds.
As a chosen Delegate to Malaysia, I am committed to sharing the message of the Original Gospel made in Zion/the Eternal Gospel to my country to expose and eradicate Replacement Theology, which has divorced the church from its Jewish roots. I am committed to the vision of The United Nations for Israel to re-educate the nations in the Far East through GRM Bible School and to teach about Israel, to love the Land and the Chosen People. I am also committed to returning home annually to Yerushalayim, the undivided capital of Israel forever and ever.