Archbishop blowing shofar over Kotel

A Year of Mercy

Archbishop blowing shofar over Kotel

One Year since the October 7th Massacre and Hamas invasion of Israel.

By Dr. Dominiquae Bierman,

United Nations for Israel

“See now that I am He! There are no other gods beside Me. I bring death and give life; I have wounded, but I will heal, and none can rescue from My hand.’” Deuteronomy 32:39 TLV

On this 1st year anniversary of the terrible happenings, we thank the God of Israel, who has rescued His People again and again. When the figures of Buddha and Shiva were lifted up at the Nova festival in the Reim forest at the Gaza border, the massacre began. It had been prepared beforehand, but the party with thousands of young people dancing under the influence of alcohol and drugs was an irresistible bait for the beasts of Hamas. They butchered them right and left and raped many women in brutal ways that have never been seen and heard before. They kidnapped as many of these young revelers as possible and took them as plunder to Gaza. Then they proceeded to attack, butcher, loot, and burn 22 peace-loving Israeli communities near Gaza. They took many hostages while Gaza civilians participated, UNWRA workers joined them, and foreign terror journalists documented and reported with glee from the midst of brutality, doing nothing to alert or to stop it.

Israel launches Operation Iron Swords

Over 100,000 Israelis were evacuated for their own protection from the unceasing Hamas rockets and terror paragliders. The Iron Swords War against Hamas began.

There are 101 of those that were kidnapped that are still in captivity a year later, some living, some dead, including the red-headed Bibas children. 1200 were murdered, many thousands wounded, and a whole nation was traumatized. Where was the mighty Israeli army, the IDF? What happened? Why were we caught by surprise? Didn’t our intel know of these brute intentions? Even a year later, those questions have gone unanswered.

Hezbollah joined their Hamas brethren and attacked Israel from the North, causing the evacuation of 80,000 more Israeli citizens, lighting many fires, and destroying property.

Entire books can and will be written about the cruelty of Hamas and the sufferings of Israel on all fronts from all the proxies of Iran that have vowed to annihilate her, including Hezbollah and the Houthis from Yemen.

Soldier with Israeli flag

(Evan Lang & Adi James Brown, IDF Spokesperson’s Unit/CC 2.0)

Thousands of stories can be written about heroic acts of both civilians and soldiers that ran to the front lines much before being summoned by the IDF commanders. Women tankers became heroes at the border, running over terrorists with their tanks fighting for many hours nonstop. Ambulance drivers went into the hellish fires and the butchery, rescuing many and taking them to treatment and safety. Policemen filled the gap of a lack of army for a few hours and fought like lions.

The “gods” that did not help

“He will say, ‘Where are their gods, the “rock” they took refuge in?” Deuteronomy 32:37 TLV

The Buddha and Shiva figures lifted high over the Nova party did nothing to rescue its worshippers.

Gaza barrier

The mighty and highly digitized fence the IDF had trusted in did nothing to stop the invasion of Hamas. Neither spiritual “gods” nor technological “gods” helped. But the God of Israel became very present once people started calling upon Him. There are untold miracle stories of faith that prevented catastrophes. Many people testified of those miracles, and when inside the temporary bomb shelters in the Nova party, they began to recite the “Shma Israel” prayers and invoke YHVH’s protection. One young man who had started to keep Shabbat but decided to party on the Holy Day of Hoshana Raba called Simchat Torah repented and committed himself to obey Yah’s Shabbat Commandment; he survived an impossible onslaught. Another young woman kidnapped by Hamas, though not religious, had memorized Psalm 27, which sustained her in captivity, and she was among the ones released from Hamas captivity in November of 2023. In Kfar Maimon, people were honoring Yah and the Holy Feast in the synagogue when all hell broke loose. The God of Israel honored their faith and brought them IDF helicopters to the rescue. However, the helicopters were shot down by Hamas and fell between the fields. As the last of the soldiers evacuated the helicopter, it exploded. The IDF brave soldiers fought and overpowered the hundreds of terrorists that had infiltrated this Moshav parameter and managed to rescue a few Jewish villages from the carnage.

Another woman, a Messianic believer living in one of the kibbutzim, saw how Elohim answered her prayers in an astounding way. She was hiding in the bomb shelter with her children. The terrorists invaded her house looking for victims. As she prayed, she saw they were trying to find the bomb shelter, but they seemed to be blinded by the Almighty and could not find the door. Her whole family was rescued.

During the two times that Iran attacked Israel with hundreds of ballistic long-range rockets, the God of Israel starred again. On April 13 and October 1, 2024, all of our air defenses and the air defenses of our allies worked in complete harmony to prevent any casualties. The chances of such cooperation and coordination are null.

Archbishop and Rabbi with Israeli soldiers

Our IDF soldiers have arisen from the nightmare of October 7 failure as mighty lions, full of the Spirit of David. Many heroes have been made during this war. We remember all those reservists who left jobs, families, and children and ran to volunteer, laying down their lives to protect their homeland. We salute the “tik tok” generation of young soldiers that showed their hearts beating with bravery in unison with the God of Israel. We ask for holy revenge for the blood of our soldiers spilled on the Altar of Israel. We keep on believing and praying for the return of the 101 hostages and for our God to help us defeat the Ayatollahs of Iran and their nuclear capabilities. Meanwhile, many beepers and walkie-talkies exploded in Lebanon, and the head of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, along with all its commanders and successors, have been eliminated by the IDF and the Mossad. Hamas in Gaza has been decimated and dismantled. The head of the octopus of terror, Iran, is scared of Israel. They have seen the God of Israel fight for His People.

The People of Israel are emerging battered, wounded, and bereaved, but stronger and more full of faith than ever after this ordeal.

Mantle of Mercy banner

The prayers of our brothers and sisters in the nations have covered and are covering Israel with a Mantle of Mercy and Protection. Israel’s battle is not only for herself but for the entire free world. Above all, we pray that the eyes of the blind will be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped so the Jewish Messiah from the House of David, the King of Kings, will be revealed to His People once again.

“Then I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication, when they will look toward Me whom they pierced. They will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son and grieve bitterly for him, as one grieves for a firstborn.” Zechariah 12:10 TLV

Baruch HaBah Be Shem YHVH

May the year of 5785 since the creation of Adam be a year of healing and Breakthrough!

Am Yisrael Chai.

“But Judah will be inhabited forever— Jerusalem from generation to generation. I will acquit their bloodguilt that I had not acquitted, for YHVH dwells in Zion.” Joel 4:20-21 STB

Your Israeli American Mentors and Friends

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman

Exposing Haman, Amalek & Hamas

NEW BOOK for Such a Time as This:

Exposing Haman, Amalek and Hamas

Who are Haman, Amalek, and Hamas, and why is it important to know?

The last battle for the establishment of God’s Kingdom has already begun. It is vital to discern who the enemies are.

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Archbishop with a plant

1st Year Memorial of October 7

We invite you to plant a fruit tree in memory of the Israelis murdered on October 7, and in memory of your own loved ones that have departed.

Let us bring life from the dead by planting new trees to sustain Israel & to reclaim the promised Land.

“Those who sow in tears will reap with a song of joy.” Psalms 126:5 TLV

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