Israeli flag on a hill

Zion: A Sign on the Road to Point the Way

Israeli flag on a hill

UNIFY Updates – July/August 2024, Tammuz 5785

Be inspired by the miracle-filled reports from Israel and the Nations – UNIFY is on the move!

A Time of “Be” to Let Him “Do”

Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah! In His great mercy, He caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua from the dead. An incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading inheritance has been reserved in heaven for you. By trusting (in faith), you are being protected by God’s power for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice in this greatly, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials. These trials are so that the true metal of your faith (far more valuable than gold, which perishes though refined by fire) may come to light in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Messiah Yeshua.” 1 Peter 1:3-7 TLV

This has been a month of trials, stresses, distresses, tensions, heartbreaks, and challenges that seem insurmountable, from the assassination attempt of Donald Trump to the elimination of Ismayil Haniya to the tense wait for retaliation to the moving of a vast array of warships.

The US is sending more aircraft carriers, warships, and fighter squadrons to the Middle East as the region braces for Iranian retaliation.

US plane carriers

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) transits through the Suez Canal, Nov. 4, 2023. US Navy Photo

4 of the 11 US carriers are currently deployed in the region. This is the largest concentration of US carrier strike groups in one region in history.

– USS General Ford [CVN-78] – USS Abraham Lincoln [CVN-72] – USS Theodore Roosevelt [CVN-71] – USS Dwight D. Eisenhower [CVN-69]

12 more warships and 4000 Marines are on their way.

We have never been closer to WW3 than we are today, and with nuclear capabilities on many sides, this could come right out of the Book of Revelation where 1/3 of the earth will be destroyed. Naturally, Israel does not stand a chance. The only thing that is preserving her is the Word of Yah through his prophets of old.

“Thus says Adonai, who gives the sun as a light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars as a light by night, who stirs up the sea so its waves roar, Adonai-Tzva’ot is His Name: “Only if this fixed order departs from before Me” —it is a declaration of Adonai— “then also might Israel’s offspring cease from being a nation before Me—for all time.” Thus says Adonai: “Only if heaven above can be measured and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, then also I will cast off the offspring of Israel—for all they have done.” It is a declaration of Adonai. “Behold, days are coming”—it is a declaration of Adonai—“when the city will be rebuilt for Adonai, from the tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate. The measuring line will go out farther, straight to the Gareb Hill, then turn to Goah. Then the whole valley—the dead bodies and the ashes, and all the fields up to the Kidron Valley to the corner of the Horse Gate toward the east—will be holy to Adonai. It will never be uprooted or thrown down again—forever.” Jeremiah 31:34-39 TLV

Wife praying for a sick husband

In the personal arena, many of us are going through painful battles with sick family members as well as losses and death. We are not immune to the normal things of life that this broken world has to offer. All our attempts to fix the world are futile. We have been kept down here to be a lighthouse in the darkness and shine on those who are lost and shipwrecked. It is devastating when we offer light and truth and people choose to keep their familiar darkness and blame the Creator for their condition. We cannot change that either, but we must keep on shining for those who are groping for light.

The word Zion means “a sign on the road to point the way”. Israel is that Zion for the nations and we are that Zion for Israel. UNIFY has a very important task to keep on shining for His Glory until all of Israel is restored, the Bride of Messiah is formed, and Sheep Nations come in.

There are times of “do” and times of “be” (hacer o ser). We are at a time of “be” to let Him “do”.

Be still, and know that I am God. I am exalted among the nations. I am exalted in the earth. Adonai-Tzva’ot is with us. The God of Jacob is our strong tower. Selah” Psalms 46:11-12 TLV

Reports from the Nations

Ministry of the Shofaristas

Pastor Sonia Gotelli, Peru

We meet weekly with Panamá, Colombia, and Argentina to intercede for Israel, declaring the prophetic word of divine protection and the fulfillment of all the promises of YHVH to His people. From our 10 students from the AGIMAP school, our students from Panama and Colombia are already finishing the course! Soon they will be able to graduate and represent their nations in UNIFY. Kad-Esh MAP Peru and the Latin American team are meeting to carry out strategies guided by the Ruach HaKodesh to disseminate the messages of the apostle Dominiquae Bierman in Spanish.

The Shofar Team accepts any invitation to make the sound of the shofar heard in prayer meetings, which is why we are known as the Ministry of Shofaristas. On July 27, we were invited to a Thanksgiving meeting to celebrate one more anniversary of Perú’s independence in one of the districts of Lima, characterized by being a place of corruption at the level of the authorities, drug addiction, and citizen insecurity. However, to our great surprise, when we arrived at the place, we were received by a worker of the Congress of the Republic who has on many occasions allowed us to play the shofar for the Congress of Peru. With great joy, we were able to hear her testimony about the sound of the shofar opening doors for prayer in the congressional facilities, since it had been prohibited. She asked us to break down the fortresses of darkness that govern that district of Lima. They surrounded us and touched the shofars, demanding that the district hear the gospel made in Zion and that the light of the Word will prevail over the darkness. We gave the The Key of Abraham book to the organizers. We have been invited to participate in the next prayer meetings organized by the workers of the judiciary of Peru. Alleluyah!

We thank YHVH for all the sowing that our apostles Baruch and Dominiquae Bierman did every time they visited Peru and toured the places of authority, making the shofar heard and opening a path through which now we are striving to continue, to be able to see Peru as a sheep nation.

We have a new member for Peru in the United Nations for Israel, sister Diana Melero, a student of the AGIMAP school, who also serves as a translator for Spanish-speaking members.

Worship, Restitution, and Translation Continue

Apostle Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia

UNIFY Malaysia continues to participate in:

  • Global Midnight Watch & MAP Men’s Prayer
  • IMA BAT AMI of Malaysia – Zoom meeting
  • UNIFY Malaysia weekly Shabbat gathering
  • Weekly Shabbat letter Zoom sharing for Far East UNIFY GRM students
  • Weekly Zoom Meeting with China Hadassah & Elder Sister Chun Hua. Ps Perach leads the Zoom meeting together with Ps Dvora & Ruth Yap of Malaysia.
  • Making Restitution on behalf of Malaysia with donations to Nahal Orev and Oriad Kedummim tar road works
  • Translation Works – The faithful translation team consisting of Ps Perach, Sheva, Orah (Taiwan) and Michelle Chen (Malaysia) completed the translation of The Israel Factor & Truly Messianic into Traditional & Simplified Chinese on 15th July 2024.
Translations and Prayers

Pastor Yutong Tagawa, Japan

In July, we continued translating books (The Identity Theft) and GRM lessons.

We pray for Israel, especially Archbishop Dominiquae’s family there, the IDF, Orev Nahal’s 120 soldiers adopted by UNIFY, the Nachala movement, the Jewish people around the world to make Aliyah, Kad-Esh Ministries, UNIFY, GRM Prison ministry, and any other prayer needs.

Beautiful Testimonies

Pastor Perach Yang, Taiwan

Every Thursday at noon we read “Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother: Stories of Loss and Love” with the teams of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Taiwan. This is the story of a generation of young women of China who lost their youth before they could enjoy it. After the reading, Hadassah and her sister and Ps D’vora all prayed and repented for China. When Hadassah prayed for China to repent, she asked Yah to give China the Torah so that young people would learn to be holy and stop being sexually immoral and having trial marriages. As she was praying for China to repent of the above sin and the shedding of innocent blood, suddenly a very heavy rain fell on the place where she was (Shenzhen) and she cried out asking for the precious blood of Yeshua to wash the land and make it holy in Yeshua; we believe that Yah heard her prayers.

A New Heart – Testimonial from Orah

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you; I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezk 36:26

“At the end of November 2022, I left my home, chose Lech Lecha, left my comfort zone, and started a new life, and everything seemed so good. However, a few months later, memories of my past life began to surface. I began to fall into a cycle of asking Yah repeatedly, “What is wrong with me? I said, “Abba, haven’t I reconciled with my parents? I understood that I had to stop blaming them for leaving me with my grandparents when I was a baby and not being able to live with them until I was five years old. I know that my parents didn’t abandon me, but I have no memory of what happened before the age of five. I did learn from my elders that my grandmother loved me very much. When I had reconciled with my father, he told me that he had come to visit me when I was little, that he had left in tears, and that he couldn’t bear to be separated from me. Again, I have no memory of how, at the age of five, I was then forced to leave my grandparents to live with parents I remember as strangers.

I was screaming inside and I kept asking Yah: Why? Why? But Abba had no answer for me. The comfort that accompanied me was His Word: Psalm 139:5, 11-12. I went from screaming to disappointment, to silence, and to closing my heart to Him. It wasn’t until I was on the bus on the Sukkot 2023 Tour in Israel that the words poured out of my heart: “What gives you the right? Who are you to make arbitrary decisions for me?” I started to cry and couldn’t stop sobbing. I know it was me as a baby, unable to put it into words: “I don’t want this, don’t leave me here.” Back in Taiwan, I felt that I “should” be OK because I already had the answer, right? I reminded myself that I had to make a choice to step out and not to stay in the past. Once again, I was disappointed in myself, and I forbade myself to talk about all this pain.

One day I asked God: Why am I still the one left behind? This feeling of loneliness came up again and again and made me want to escape. At night, when I was alone, I often cried and said angrily: “Abba, why can’t I get out of this?” Until a few days before Purim in 2024, I used to say, “Father, please lead me to victory.” One morning I woke up and suddenly my tears kept flowing and then there was a deep cry. I felt that my heart was hurting and I was so sad that I couldn’t breathe. I said to Abba: “Please give me a new heart and a new spirit. My wounded heart is too broken. I need a new one.” Gradually I stopped crying and my heart felt lighter than ever, not so heavy. I knew that real healing had come into me and I began to open my heart to Abba, and to my spiritual leaders and family. On Purim, Yah restored my relationship with my pastor and sisters. This time I felt comforted and my heart rested. Hallelujah, thank you, and praise the Lord!”

Recently, Orah has been watching the God of Shalom series episode by episode, taking notes and praying the prayers in each episode. The Ruach (the Holy Spirit) has done deep work in her. She has learned to write down the true feelings in her heart and then declare Abba’s truth. She also shared about it with many sisters who started to also study online, episode by episode. Thank you, Ima, for sharing your life experience transparently with us and allowing more people to truly get healing from Yeshua. May the God of Shalom use this series to heal more people.

Overcoming Dark Principalities

Pastor Dvora Cheung, Hong Kong and China

With Ruach’s guidance, we went to Peak to pray for Israel and repent for China and HK. As this was a sensitive day, we were wise not to wear the UNIFY T-shirts. We redid all the prophetic actions of Psalm 2:8 with salt covenants (2 Kings 2:20), broke the bondage (Isaiah 10:27), and reclaimed the Land like Yericho was reclaimed by Israel. After the worship, two policemen came and threatened us not to violate the law. Those policemen who had been involved in our Purim mission recognized us as well. As I was familiar with the tone and action, we stayed calm and continued with our mission till the end, when we introduced UNIFY to those who stand with Israel. They raised questions about the children of Gaza as seen in the propaganda of social media. We explained and they understood. We felt the presence of Ruach throughout the mission, especially when we blew the shofars. The principalities were not as dark as in Purim.

Hong Kong Book Fair

This is the first time I have attended this book fair since COVID. Many obstacles tried to prevent us from going, but we prayed and saw a vision that we were there in the book fair wearing green T-shirts. Before the opening, I prayed at midnight watch with Shofars sounding. One teammate saw a vision – the sound of shofar shook heaven and earth and broke the solid bronze door. An arrow was sent from Mount Zion and shot towards the book fair, filling it with the glory of YHVH.

Once we entered the book fair, we realized the dark principalities – a book stand with books full of replacement theology, and other ones promoting LGBTQ, deep state, New World Order agenda (from HK author in Chinese), and pagan religions.

We spent 3 days at the book fair. At first, our offer to volunteer was declined. Neither politics could be spoken nor books could be sold, so we walked around the venue and asked Ruach where we could display Archbishop Dominiquae’s books. After lunch, Ruach opened our eyes. I saw people sitting at the back of the venue (near the Consulate General of Nations). We sat there worshiping with the song Lion of Judah and blew low-tone shofars for two hours. Security guards passed by without asking us to leave. People passing by the road came and looked at the books. Finally, security guards asked us to leave. I regret the treasures (books) were not properly displayed on the shelves or counter, but we were given many opportunities to share the Gospel made in Zion.

Maintaining Connections in Norway

Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway

The Norwegian UNIFY team functions through:

  1. Weekly prayer meetings for Israel and Norway.
  2. Inviting people to Shabbat dinners in our homes. We give them the truth when Yah opens doors.
  3. Attending the weekly lunches in the Synagogue, blessing and supporting the Jewish people there.
  4. Sharing the posts made by Kad-Esh MAP Ministries/UNIFY on our Facebook pages.
  5. Attending local prayer groups or Churches that have prayer meetings for Israel and Norway. We pray in the name of Yeshua and bring in the Gospel from Zion as well as info about UNIFY when we find an open door for it.

Woman with UNIFY flag in a forest

Healing and Repairing

Pastor Terhi Laine, Finland

The act of healing

I heard there had been a meeting of a neo-Nazi group in the place where I live. (They had kept the meeting secret as long as possible.) It was like a punch to my stomach. How dare they come. Holy anger rose in me, so we went up to the highest point in the center of my town, where there was a water tower. We repented (2 Chronicles 7:14) of this sin, taking bread and wine with the land. I proclaimed the cleansing of the land from this sin in our area. I was reminded of Balak asking Balaam to curse the Israelites, and Balaam said: how can I curse what Yah has blessed?

“Then Balaam spoke his message:“Balak brought me from Aram, the king of Moab from the eastern mountains.‘Come,’ he said, ‘curse Jacob for me; come, denounce Israel.’ How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?” Numbers 23:7-8 TLV

I desired to bless, not curse my hometown and these people. The shofar sounded for a long time in every direction. Joy and shalom descended. Thank you, YHVH!

Repair of cracks

‘ Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? ‘ Isaiah 58:6

I was visiting a colleague at my former workplace. The Ruach urged me to repent for all the dissension we had experienced in that place which still has a binding effect on other people of faith, preventing them from hearing the call of the Holy One of Israel to the Gospel of Zion. The work continues and I believe it will bear fruit in time.

Woman in red in front of a big building

Battling Opposition in Sweden

Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden

Gothenburg Israel Boycott

A court has suspended the City of Gothenburg’s decision to boycott Israeli goods. Gothenburg is now taking up the fight for this shameful position. This is a severe sin of Gothenburg! I have repented on its behalf and on behalf of Sweden.

Palestine Soft Drinks

Palestine soft drinks are produced by a Swedish company located in Malmö. In a concealed manner, they are spreading their antisemitism, speaking nicely about values and care, which is nothing but a trap. I have repented on their behalf.

Crown Princess Victoria

The Princess got The Identity Theft book two years ago and wrote to thank me personally. Last year and this year, the Swedish people and press were angered and disappointed because Crown Princess Victoria stopped sending her popular traditional Christmas and Easter greetings. We wonder what has happened. Could it be that she does not want to celebrate these pagan festivals anymore? We pray that she will receive the Jewish Messiah Yeshua in her heart if that has not happened yet. She has attended the Shoah memorial service and ceremony to honor the victims of Shoah and participates in many different Shoah commemorations.

Ministry Updates

We have been translating The Resurrection Tour videos into Swedish and sending them to TV Vision Sweden and Rumble. They have received a deeper understanding of standing for Israel. Praise Yah! They write this in their latest newsletter: Vision Sweden is in an exciting situation where we experience how God leads us forward through new doors and connections. From our calling and mission to reach Sweden with the gospel and teaching unto salvation and enlightenment, many opportunities and ideas for the channel are born. With the development of Israel and God’s Word that blesses Israel as a foundation, we will increase our focus on Israel in future program offerings. Even though UNIFY stopped sending the programs there, I pray they will keep them in their archive. We are working with the last programs and will continue with Rumble and YouTube.

I have been teaching the Swedish and Finnish teams twice a month and will continue to do so. Yah also called me to teach Archbishop`s God of Shalom series in Finnish. I have been reading and studying for my BA, which has been a blessing. Six books have helped and blessed me in my process.

Our God is in the heavens— He does whatever pleases Him! Ps. 115:3 TLV

Woman with UNIFY flat at the border of Indonesia

Expanding to Indonesia

Apostle Mollie George, Papua New Guinea

On July 14th, I traveled to Vanimo and Wewak, two Provinces located next to our international border of Indonesia-West Papua. Many were touched and encouraged when they heard that the Archbishop was coming back again to PNG (scheduled for Purim 2025) and are saving up to fly to the nation’s capital Port Moresby to see her and receive from YAH a prophetic Word to take back to the Provinces. Many of the literate people in the provinces have read the Archbishop’s books and are touched by this Jewish Apostle to the nations. Papua New Guinea has a special love for the people of Israel and the nation.

Indonesia is the biggest Muslim region in the world, and it is our neighbor. We have heard great testimonies of committed and passionate followers of Islam already having encounters with Yeshua. The Gospel made in Zion must break through borders through Indonesia, West Papua, and Jayapura. That was one of my key prayers along with doing the prophetic acts of salt and oil and blowing the Shofar into this great Muslim region. I would like to take Archbishop’s books there. It may be challenging to get them all the way to Indonesia but at least they must reach West Papua and Jayapura.

Forward together

We have decided to stop the broadcasting via conventional TV stations, and are redirecting those funds to reaching people online where the most activity is.

We believe in a great harvest! To support the mission at this challenging time, please designate offerings for the general fund to be used in where most needed.

With the predicament the world is in, it would be easy to become discouraged. This is why it is important to come together to share scriptures, teachings, and testimonies. The reports this month have been uplifting despite the threats to the well-being of Israel and YHVH’s people.

Therefore, encourage each other, and build each other up—just as you are doing. 1 Thess. 5:11 TLV

For Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman,

Glenda Shockley & the UNIFY Team

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bieman

Support the Mission

  • Donate online:
  • Please email us at for bank details
  • Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
  • Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars, or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
  • Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Hadassah Paloma Danielsbacka, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA

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The Roar of The Lion

The Roar of the Lion

Sukkot Tour 5785/2024

October 14-27

Adonai will roar from Zion and give His voice from Jerusalem. Heaven and earth will shudder, but Adonai will be a refuge for His people, and a safe place for the children of Israel. Joel 4:16 TLV

We call all the friends of the Lion of Judah to come to Zion to stand with His brethren, the Jewish people, and the Nation of Israel. As we put our feet in the land, there will be a remarkable time of intercession in KEY locations, impacting history!

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