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United Nations for Israel

New World Order (NWO)

Under Judgment

“For behold, in those days and at that time, When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have divided up My land.
JOEL 3:1-‬2 NASB‬‬


United Nations for Israel

United Nations for Israel (UNIFY)

Prophetic Fulfillment

“Many nations will join themselves to YHVH in that day and will become My people. Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me to you. YHVH will possess Judah as His portion in the holy land, and will again choose Jerusalem. “Be silent, all flesh, before YHVH; for He is aroused from His holy habitation.”
ZECHARIAH 2:11-‬13 (15-17)

A Wide Path – New World Order


A Narrow Path – United Nations for Israel

The 5 Foolish Virgins – NWO


The 5 Wise Virgins – UNIFY

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: take your nation out of the Valley of Judgment.


  • With your prayers
  • With your finances
    Donate online
  • With your presence in our tours and conferences
    Israel Tours
  • With your referrals on Facebook and social media
    UNIFY Facebook
    UNIFY YouTube
  • By displaying the UNIFY flag, T-shirt and cap at all times
    UNIFY Promo products
  • By being a UNIFY member contributing $25 a month
    Become a member
  • By supporting the operation of YOUR Embassy with $100 a month, being included in the select group called The 70 Righteous of the Nations
    (Choose “70 Righteous”)
  • By joining our Annual Sukkot Tour and UNIFY Convention in Israel
    UNIFY Tours

We are the Prophetic Fulfillment of Zechariah 2:11-13 (15-17)

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman


  • Divinely appointed
  • Prophesied over 2,500 years ago
  • Turning Your nation into a Sheep Nation, one person at a time.
  • Standing with the Eternal Covenant with Israel, up to 1000 generations.

He remembers His covenant forever— the word He commanded for a thousand generations— which He made with Abraham, and swore to Isaac, and confirmed to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, “To you I give the land of Canaan, the portion of your inheritance.” Psalms 105:8-‬11 TLV

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For information on submitting bank transfers, checks, Western Union or Money Gram email: info@unitednationsforisrael.org

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The Most Important Move of Yah since John the Immerser prepared the First Arrival of Messiah. Prepare His Second Arrival with us!

so times of relief might come from the presence of Adonai and He might send Yeshua , the Messiah appointed for you. Heaven must receive Him, until the time of the restoration of all the things that God spoke about long ago through the mouth of His holy prophets.
Acts 3:20-‬21 TLV‬‬

UNIFYING ALL FUTURE SHEEP NATIONS, according to Zechariah 2:11

Many nations will join YHVH in that day and will become His People.

Become a member of the Knesset of the Nations today: Stand in the gap and represent YOUR nation.

Do not let this Divine Move pass you by – Join Today!

Be silent before YHVH, all flesh, for He has aroused Himself from His holy dwelling.”
Zechariah 2:15 (17)

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Any questions?

Send email to info@unitednationsforisrael.org

For His Glory,

Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman
President of the United Nations for Israel