UNIFY Updates – March 2023/Adar-Nissan 5783
As we are entering into the Biblical New Year, it is a time of overturning and expansion. We praise Yah for breakthroughs all around!
When He gives us a sudden breakthrough, it can be scary. Isaiah 60:5 tells us, “Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged…” When the “suddenly” breaks in, we shall be scared, awed, like when Yeshua visited Jochanan in the book of Revelation. He was scared, like dead, because His glory came in. When Yah breaks in and gives us an overturning, it is so scary that in the case of the people of the land, Esther 8:17 says, Many from the peoples of the land became Jews, because fear of the Jews had overcome them. That is when favor happens, and breakthrough comes. That’s when miracle healing comes. That’s when salvation and deliverance come. That’s when miracle success happens.
Israel has been fighting and struggling to settle, and now this new government is thrusting settlements, about 18,000 of them throughout the land. The nations are distressed about this. America and this American administration are nervous, and they’ve been trying to pressurize Israel. They are behaving so wickedly that this may bring down this administration. But even if this administration that is wicked to the core is brought down because it has been espousing everything that is unbiblical, the next administration that will come will depend on the church showing up as Esther here in the United States. In every nation where wicked kings come down, unless we fill it up with new leaders and advisors who know that they’d better not touch the apple of Yah’s eye, the whole nation will be destroyed. Just like the call of Esther, If you fail to speak up now, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from a different direction; but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this. Esther 4:14 CJB Esther’s father’s house at that time was the kingdom of Persia (Iran today). That was her country. That’s why Archbishop Dominiquae got a citizenship in the USA, so she could stand in the gap for America as well as Israel. Unless the bride rises up like Esther, that nation will be destroyed. That’s why Isaiah 34:8 says, For Adonai has a day of vengeance, a year of requital for fighting with Tziyon. CJB
It is absolutely pivotal that the United Nations of Israel be here for such a time as this, making sheep nations one person at a time. The tremendous revival that happened in Purim is exactly the 3rd day revival. (Read the free downloadable booklet, The Revival of the 3rd Day.) It is all about many people becoming as Jews because the fear of the Jews has fallen upon them. In other words, many are becoming grafted into the olive tree, celebrating the moadim, and making Israel jealous (Romans 11). This is the time for this revival. The purpose of bringing the gospel to the Gentiles was to make Israel jealous. Only a grafted in bride like Esther can do that.
This was the first Purim of the new seven-year cycle, a first fruits Purim that started the 3rd day revival! That’s why we have been praying and fasting for expansion and enlargement of the territory.
May Adonai, the God of your ancestors, increase you yet a thousandfold and bless you, as he has promised you! Deuteronomy 1:11. He increases UNIFY a thousand times and He blesses us just as He has promised. I’m expecting an overturning, a third day revival, even in Iran!
Reports from the Nations
Growing Prison Ministry, Purim in Orlando, and Portal work in Arizona
Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman, USA
The prison ministry is very successful. We have about 430 inmates studying GRM now in many different facilities. We have received many testimonies of those touched and changed by this message. Recently, we held a graduation ceremony at Lowell Annex prison and witnessed ten powerful women like Ester and Ruth rising behind bars!
Archbishop and Rabbi were doing powerful Portal Work on Sedona, Arizona, which is known as a place a pilgrimage to many new agers. They blew shofars and prayed in key locations bringing down the strongholds of darkness and opening the portal of heaven. They also had a divine appointment with a local Rabbi, who was very moved when Archbishop blew Shofar in her synagogue and sang Shma Israel over everyone present. We are expecting much fruit coming from Arizona.
On March 7th, we held a Special Purim conference on Good Life 45 TV station in the Orlando area. Some people came from several hours away and were very touched by Archbishop’s powerful message, connected to a special Purim Act telling the story of queen Esther and Mordecai. The monster of Antisemitism was exposed to its roots, and we pray that many faithful disciples will come forth! A bride like Esther is arising, and like Ruth, we are standing in the gap. Sometimes we’re Ruth; sometimes, we’re Esther. We’re the new bride arising, the bride without spot or wrinkle.
Mission to Top of the World
Reverend Debra Barnes, Alabama, USA
Our yearly excursion took us to the area around the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. The focus we had was upon the plight of the spiritual lives of current native American peoples. Declarations were made and shofars blown at appropriate times and places to “set the captives free”—we need those in America of native blood to be free from demonic cultural deceptions and be free to worship in Spirit and Truth. We believe that all the native cultures will arise and discover their destiny in Him.
A prophetic act was performed at the Top of the World (a high place). An aboriginal rain stick, obtained many months earlier from a believer in Kentucky, was destroyed as we declared the end of the witchcraft powers accessed by deceived native cultures. Our Maker of heaven and earth was honored as the Only One with power to open or shut the heavens. He is the Most High, declared from this high place. All other spiritual entities will bow their knees, from this day forth.
Prayer Day for Estonia
Eicha Lohmus, Estonia
On February 21, we attended a Prayer Day for Estonia with the purpose of repentance and praying for mercy for Estonia. The Ruach Elohim gave us a strategic location to sit in the main hall where we had some private encounters with people before the meeting. We blew shofars in front of the Methodist church where the event took place. I was grieved in my heart because Estonian pastors and church leaders as well as their sheep have forgotten Israel and the Jewish people, but then I heard Ruach saying in me, “Don’t grieve my servants, there is reward for your work.” Praise Yah!
On the Estonian Independence Day, Feb. 24, we stood up in front of the Estonian Parliament, a strategic portal, and called upon YHVH to interfere in Estonian elections that will soon take place. We proclaimed a Yah-fearing government that will establish tight connections with Israel.
Exposures and Dismantling the False Altars
Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden
Day of Honor: As I was cleaning the Jewish Cemetery, Ruach dropped “Day of Honor” in my spirit. In preparation for this special day, I have found the 50 Shoa survivors who are still alive in this area. The UNIFY teams in Norway, Finland, and Germany are doing the same. The next step will take place next month and during Purim.
Translation of Yeshua is the Name is completed, and after diligent proofreading, it is now ready to be printed. There is a rush for the message of Yeshua’s name to come out. Just talking about the message is no longer enough; we must have books translated into Swedish! The translation of the United Nations for Israel website into Swedish is now being proofread, as well as Healing Power of the Roots. Grafted In is in the translation process. Shabbat letters and UNIFY reports are being translated into Finnish.
The Identity Theft has been shared with national leaders, pastors, and celebrities. May the message be received with willing hearts.
Yah has given me a huge mandate to deal with Islam in a deeper way, as well as Freemasonry and witchcraft. In all these missions He led me to walk around false demonic altars and portals seven times. Three missions were completed in this way. Every time I use the Key of Abraham (Genesis 12:3), Yah answers with favor, authority, and mandates.
Reaching the Russian Residents
Pastor Terhi Laine, Finland
Besides our regular meetings, our team member Eija reaches out to people and shares information about UNIFY while traveling by bus, train, jogging, or going to the city for errands. We have been sharing Shabbat letters, teaching videos by Archbishop, and other materials online.
Russian people in Finland have been on my mind. I have shared Russian Shabbat letters which Eicha has translated. I have noticed that about 10-20 people have visited the page and seen my posts. Russian speakers are the oldest, biggest, and still growing foreign language minority in Finland. Some of them have lived in Finland throughout our history. Now about 70,000 Russian people live here, and their numbers have slightly increased due to Ukrainian refugees to Finland.
I ordered Russian The Identity Theft and The Healing Power of the Roots books from Eicha. The first book has been posted to the western coast of Finland. May Yeshua become real for them and be their Savior!
Commemorating Shoa
Pastor Hanne G. Hansen, Norway
February 25 marked the 80th anniversary of the departure from Norway of the ship MS Gotenland with 158 Jews on board, destined for Stettin, where 153 of them were killed. The commemoration of this event is especially important for Jews in the middle and northern part of Norway since most of the Jews from these areas were on this particular transport. One survivor, 17-year-old Julius Paltiel, spent much of his life recounting the atrocities he experienced. We shall not forget, and we shall never let it happen again. Pastor Hanne lit two candles in front of the memorial stone to honor the Jews from this area who were killed in the Shoa.
Working Together
UNIFY Members Christine & Oliver Maier and Sara Heinrich, Austria and Germany
UNIFY Austria (Christine and Oliver Maier) and Germany (Sara Heinrich) met in Austria for the first time. We did a repentance and prayer walk in Mödling (the hometown of Christine and Oliver Maier) on Shoa Memorial Day, January 27th. We also visited Vienna, the Jewish quarter, and the Jewish Museum there. We had a Shabbat meeting together with other believers and a meeting with a (messianic) women’s group at “Hallelujah Family Center” in Neunkirchen.
Kehilat Hoshana Rabba
Pastor D’vora Cheung, Hong Kong/China
D’vora shared a beautiful testimony of a man with whom she shared From Sickology to a Healthy Logic book. Because of his refusal to be vaccinated, he resigned from his job and stepped out in faith to go on the Sukkot tour. Upon his return, he was blessed with a job that did not require the vaccination even though it was not in his field. In February, YHVH gave him the favor of another job with which he was experienced, and he learned the value of trusting YHVH, obeying His words, and not bowing down to the one world order. He is now studying GRM.
YHVH is opening the doors for a radio ministry to China and Hong Kong. Archbishop Domibiquae’s YouTube videos have been sent to the Far East Broadcasting Company Ltd.—Christ to the World by Radio, and their reply is pending. Please pray for this project.
Repentance in the Court (Hunan)
Hadassah Ping Jing, China
Inspired by Archbishop’s message about winning the battle at the gates, Hadassah and sister Peng Chunhua went to court building to confess, repent, pray for Israel, and dance and wave the flag of Israel. They declared Ruth 1:16 on behalf of China: Don’t urge me to go back and not follow you. Wherever you go, I will go there; wherever you stay, I will stay there; your country is (China’s) country, and your Adonai is (China’s) Adonai. They prayed against the spirit of Amalek; for uprooting all injustices from the power of the courts in the name of Yeshua; and, that the court realm would obey YHVH. The next day, they went to the Great Wall to blow the shofar and pray. The Lion of Judah has defeated the dragon. Hallelujah!
Making Restitutions for Antisemitism
Pastor Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia
Malaysia strongly condemned the killing of Palestinians by Israeli occupation forces in Jenin. Therefore, we felt the need to make restitution on behalf of Malaysia and repent for hostilities of the government and citizens of Malaysia. They are continuing to print a false book, the Quran (1 million copies) that is hostile against Israel and the Jewish people; supporting terror against Israel and dividing the land of YHVH; calling His chosen people Israeli occupant forces; and dishonoring the nation of Israel. Therefore, we repent for AntiMESITOJUZ.
How Can One Chase a Thousand?
Pastor Perach Serena Yang, Taiwan
We welcome a new UNIFY member, Orah’s elder sister, Chen Fang Wang. Orah helped to translate these e-books to Chinese: Restoring the Glory, From Sickology to a Healthy Logic, and Yes. They will soon be available online.
After understanding the importance of the Pesach Sheni Tour, I and four sisters repented and decided to walk on the water together, and we registered for the tour. Praise Yah, we have five people from Taiwan going on this tour.
Before our urgent anti-Amalek online meeting, I heard a verse: After all, how can one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to rout, unless their Rock sells them to the enemies, unless Adonai hands them over? Deuteronomy 32:30. This really made me understand the importance of blowing shofars in Israel, even though we are just a few people. It’s all because Adonai hands the enemies over to the people who belong to Him. He will send angels to help so that one can chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to rout. Our visit to Israel is crucial for Israel to expand many settlements in Judea and Samaria. It is also a critical time for our own sake that Taiwan is under the threat of China. First the Jews, then the Gentiles. Romans 2:9
Standing Against Pagan Celebrations
Pastor Marcelo Corral Martinez, Ecuador
On February 14, Valentine’s Day, we taught the entire congregation that it is an unbiblical celebration of pagan origin that does not honor YHVH. These pagan festivals must be discarded from His people because he who lives in the flesh is against the Spirit. In our country, people feel more attached to sensual love, rather than to the true love of Yeshua, therefore, it was an opportunity to talk about true love according to the Torah. For Elohim so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Another pagan celebration this month was the carnival, from February 20-22. It is a festival originating in the Saturnalia of Rome where drunkenness and orgies were held in honor of the god Bacchus, Aphrodite and other gods. This party is well celebrated in our country with a lot of music, alcohol, eating pork and other disorderly and unclean customs, so that it is impossible to go out to the city. It is total debauchery of satisfying the desires of the flesh. Therefore, we took the opportunity to teach the congregation that the garments of Yeshua’s bride are clean, and we are to be holy, separate from the world and its celebrations. We recommended that the entire congregation go away these 3 days to a secluded place of meditation with Adonai. Personally, I went to a beautiful place full of peace, Camp Nueva Vida, where I stayed for 3 days resting my spirit and seeking His presence. The experience that I had was a complete healing in my soul, and I received strength to continue with the ministry, glory be to YHVH.
Finally, we invited a group of new people to a seminar on Hebrew roots, along with an invitation to become part of our congregation. These people had been curious about Hebrew roots for a long time, but they had heard bad comments about our ministry from Christian pastors. We were able to clear up those misunderstandings and they will continue to congregate with us, glory be to Adonai!
Planting and Praising
Pastor Sonia Gotelli Gonzales, Peru
We have planted 10 vines in Israel, declaring that these will bring much fruit in Israel and in our country. Archbishop Dominiquae’s messages are being broadcast weekly via TV La Luz and Radio Pacifico. The pastor who conducts the TV program “Para Ti Mujer” (For You Woman) in TV LaLuz has decided to study AGIMAP (Spanish GRM Bible School). It is with great joy that we see the fruit of the shofar that we are sounding in high places.
As I read through these reports, this verse came to my mind:
Therefore, you are to store up these words of mine in your heart and in all your being; tie them on your hand as a sign; put them at the front of a headband around your forehead; teach them carefully to your children, talking about them when you sit at home, when you are traveling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up; and write them on the door-frames of your house and on your gates—so that your children will live long on the land Adonai swore to your ancestors that he would give them for as long as there is sky above the earth. Deuteronomy 11:18-21
I am so thankful for these faithful leaders who are obedient to this mission.
For Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman,
Glenda Shockley & the UNIFY Team
Support the Mission
- Donate online: https://unitednationsforisrael.org/unify-donations/
- Please email us at info@unitednationsforsrael.org for bank details
- Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
- Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
- Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Adriana Dominiquae Bierman, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA
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Blow your Shofar in Zion!
Sukkot 5784
Sukkot Tour & Holy Convocation
September 27 – October 9, 2023 (13 days)
With Archbishop Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman
“Blow the shofar in Zion! Sound an alarm on My holy mountain!” Joel 2:1 TLV
Come celebrate Sukkot, blowing your shofars through Israel with us, impacting His Holy Land with your Presence and Prayers.
We will visit Jerusalem, Samaria, the healing waters of the Dead Sea, and will march throughout Jerusalem with joyous believers from many nations. The Tour will even sail upon the Sea of Galilee – and so much more, including optional baptism in the Jordan River. Don’t miss it!
More information & to register →
Overcome Anti-Semitism – Discover the Jewish Messiah
Dominiquae Bierman’s latest book The Identity Theft & Study GRI Against Antisemitism online course
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