Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?” And I said: “Here am I. Send me!”
I am a Papua New Guinean (PNG) Citizen married to an Australian. I am also a Permanent Resident of Australia! I now live permanently in Australia with my husband and four sons since 16th December 2019. I discovered my Hebrew Roots of Faith in 2017. I have a staunch determination to serve the Lord and to make known the Hebrew Roots of the Gospel wherever I go through practical living by observing Shabbat and celebrating all the Biblical Feastings – YAHVEH’s Way!
I had twice visited Israel in 2018 and 2019. During my first Holocaust Memorial visit in 2018 in Jerusalem, I was shocked to learn that in 1944 during World War II, Australia rejected a proposed plan to resettle 10,000 Jews in the Kimberly region of Western Australia who were fleeing Auschwitz.
My spirit grieved and it burdened my heart that when my family moved to Australia from PNG, we will represent Australia in UNIFY at any given opportunity. And here we are today having responded to the call in Isaiah 6:8.
Our Family Commitment
As a chosen delegate for Australia, we recognise the huge Heavenly Governmental responsibility and Heavenly Authority like that of Esther, like that of Daniel, placed upon us by Yah through UNIFY. We recognise it as a divine appointment and we will not be taking this responsibility lightly and we hereby commit to:
- bridge the gap for Australia through much restitution and repentance for rejecting the Jews during World War 2.
- represent Yahveh well in Australia through UNIFY Conferences and Monthly Meetings and Monthly reporting of our work in Australia.
Our Goal
Our greater reliance is on Ruach Elohim for His leading. Our end goal is for Australia to become a Sheep Nation. Before being appointed to be a National Delegate for Australia, we have already begun some work. On the day that we landed in Australia, we blew the Shofar and sprinkled salt and poured oil on Australian soil and began reclaiming the land and sanctifying the land, followed with acts of restitution. This will be on-going as there is much more work to do.
As the Spirit wills and leads us, we will actively:
- Walk the land and blow the Shofars in the strategic Government Locations
- Identify the strongholds and portals and the gates of hell and make prophetic declarations over the Land with the Word of Yah and blowing of the Shofars!
- Walk the land prophetically and sanctifying and reclaiming the land for Yeshua
- Pray that new Messianic Believers will be added to UNIFY by Ruach Elohim. And even if it means that some existing Messianic Believers that have been broken off earlier from Kadesh MAP to come and re-join with acts of repentance and restitution – let it be so!
- Pray for open doors to connect with the First Nations People of the Land – “The Aborigines People”.
- Give it our best shot to connect with the Jewish Community in South Australia
- Be an advocate for Kad-Esh MAP, UNIFY, GRM and GRI amongst the Messianic Believers beginning in South Australia.
- Advocate for Israel and the Jewish people wherever we are! – Genesis 12:3
May the Mantle of Mercy of Yahveh rest upon Australia!