UNIFY Updates – February/March, 2024, Adar 5785
Be inspired by the miracle-filled reports from Israel and the Nations during this war– UNIFY is on the move!
Philadelphia versus Laodicea
Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman, Israel/USA
To the angel of Messiah’s community in Philadelphia write: “Thus says the Holy One, the True One, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and no one opens: I know your deeds. Behold, I have set before you an open door that no one is able to shut—because you have little power, but you have kept My word and have not denied My name. Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of satan—who say they are Jewish and are not, but lie—behold, I will cause them to come and bow down before your feet, so that they acknowledge that I have loved you! “Because you have kept My word about patient endurance, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is coming upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth. I am coming soon—hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown. The one who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the Temple of My God, and he will never leave it. And on him I will write the name of My God and the name of the city of My God—the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God—and My own new Name. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Ruach is saying to Messiah’s communities.” To the angel of Messiah’s community in Laodicea write: “Thus says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Originator of God’s creation: I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. Oh, that you were either cold or hot! So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spew you out of My mouth. For you say, ‘I am rich, I have made myself wealthy, and I need nothing. But you do not know that you are miserable and pitiable and poor and blind and naked. I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich, and white clothes so that you may dress yourself and so the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed, and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore, be zealous and repent. Revelation 3:7-19
Comparing the two congregations of Philadelphia and Laodicea is like comparing night and day. The Laodiceans thought they were rich, and they were, because they had a lot of everything, yet they were lukewarm. But the Philadelphians had brotherly love; they loved the Jewish Messiah and each other and they were willing to serve Him even if it was difficult.
The words that jump out at me are “patient endurance” and longsuffering. YHVH doesn’t look at celebrities, but He looks at faith, at those who patiently endure trials and tribulations without denying His Name. When we say, “do not deny His Name,” it means do not deny His character. Do not put Him to shame by our behavior. There is a great promise for this particular brotherly love congregation. It says in John 17 that when we are in unity, Jew and Gentile together, then the world will believe. He said that this particular congregation has an amazing promise. He said He will keep that congregation from the hour of tribulation that will come upon the whole world.
Israel is going through trials and tribulations, is surrounded by enemies, has suffered a tremendous massacre, has evacuated hundreds of thousands of people, has hostages in Gaza, has many soldiers who have had their limbs cut off and wounded severely, and there are many families bereaved, people wonder what is going on. But Yah said that the hour of tribulation was going to come upon the whole world. We can expect that after Israel come the nations. It’s always to the Jew first, both the good and the bad. In the same way, we see in 1 Peter 2:19 that we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, but then it says in 1 Peter 4:17 that judgment must begin in the house of God first. Then it goes to the others who are not in His house. The nations are judged by how they treated Israel at the time they were going through trials and tribulation.
It is very important that we do not judge others. That’s why scripture says not to judge others, lest we be judged. When we point a finger at someone, there are three fingers pointing back, i.e., Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Most congregations get destroyed because of sin and strife. These same things that can destroy Israel will destroy the nations. So, God gave the promise to those who kept practicing brotherly love. He will keep us from the hour of tribulation, even when the whole world is raging around us. We are going to be under the shadow of His wings. Sometimes, it might mean that we will already be out of this world, especially when the great tribulation happens. Rapture didn’t start with the New Testament but was also in the Old Testament, e.g., Enoch, who was taken because Yah didn’t want him to be on this earth when the judgment of the flood came. It is worthwhile to pay the price, to become a pillar in the house of Elohim, to be kept from the hour of tribulation. Even though times are difficult now, we are sheltered. This is a powerful promise.
UNIFY Retreat House
Our Retreat House at Beit Hoglah is fixed up nicely and is ready for a comfortable stay. A few have already used it and had a wonderful time. To book your prayer retreat in ancient Gilgal, Israel, visit at www.ancientGilgal.com
We keep on supporting our OREV Nahal young commando soldiers that suffered terribly on the the Day of the Massacre, October 7. Watch their heartbreaking story below.
The Stories of Orev Nahal on Oct 7th [English Dubbed]
Cyber Attack
Since December 12, our webmaster Wictor has begun to see terrible attacks against our 10 websites. There were thousands and thousands of “cyber-rockets.” Any wall can have holes, even websites. Because of this, when people search for us, they may be taken to a different site. This happened after we broadcasted 13 war programs, and when we exposed Hamas, they started attacking. Please pray that Wictor will be able to seal all of these “ holes”.
We are growing exponentially in donations, giving, and volunteers. We have a few people who are remunerated for their service, but most (about 30) are volunteers. If we had to pay everyone, we would have no money left to give. All are very appreciated.
Goal: Become a Sheep Nation
Pastor Marcelo Corral, Ecuador
On Sunday, February 25, we baptized two brothers who had arrived at the congregation some time ago, very hurt. Since they began to know Yeshua and the Hebrew roots and loving Israel, they began their restoration and finally decided to take the step of being baptized and follow their faith in Yeshua as their Savior. Days later, I had the opportunity to talk to the grandfather, who wanted me to pray for him because he felt the desire to know God, so he also received Yeshua and broke into tears. This family has Jewish ancestry, and the Eternal brought them to this congregation so that they could know Messiah, glory be to Adonai.
I traveled to Quito City, where I was invited to teach about Hebrew roots by a family who did not know where to learn. When I got there, three individuals were eager to learn and make sure they were studying the right material. They had been studying through various means on social networks, and they invited us to open a cell in Quito to spread the word. I invited them to take the Agi Map course, which they agreed to do.
As I was in Quito, I went up to blow the shofar on Mount Panecillo, which is in the centre of the city, declaring that Ecuador will be a sheep nation and will repent of all the sins that the drug trafficking and murder mafias have committed that are devastating the country, that the heads of these criminal gangs that are still in the government and the police will fall, and that peace will return to the nation. We will continue in the spiritual battle until this internal war declared against drug trafficking and the organised crime that plagues the country ends, sounding the shofar of war in the different cities of Ecuador.
The Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to Such as These
Pastor Sonia Gotelli, Peru
All members of Kad-Esh MAP Peru continue to intercede for Israel with our prayers and our offers of help to displaced families, soldiers, and farmers. We have set out to plant trees in the names of each family, each student, and each graduate of the AGIMAP school. We have already managed to plant more than 30 trees, declaring that they will bear fruit in their time and will be a blessing for all our brothers in Israel. As He declares in James 2:16–17, We have learned that faith without works is dead in itself.
As a thank you to YHVH for allowing us to equip all our families with shofars, we begin our Shabbat meetings by declaring the Shema Israel and sounding the shofar. It is encouraging to see how our little ones are already touching it with strength and understanding. We taught them that it represents YHVH’s voice, declaring His will through His Word.
We teach the need to be well informed about the war that Israel is waging against its enemies who seek their extermination, so we can speak the truth with accurate data and not fake news that circulates on social networks. As a ministry, we disseminate the Archbishop’s videos on Facebook, YouTube, and through the private media that we pay weekly through Televisión La Luz and Radio Pacifico.
We requested the “Holocaust and Humanities Educational Center” in Lima to visit with all our graduates and students of the AGIMAP school, and they allowed us to meet with the director of the center, who explained to us what methodology they were using to raise awareness in all students at the schools about antisemitism and banish all kinds of ideologies of hatred, discrimination, and intolerance, with the purpose that the holocaust is not repeated ever again.
Taking the Key of Abraham
Pastor Cesar Silva, Mexico
As I have reported in previous times, we pray on Facebook live six days a week. Here is a powerful testimony from Isac Valdez, whose mother was a worshipper of the “holy death”. Her son became very ill in September 2023, with problems with his pancreas, his kidneys, his heart, and so on, until he was on the verge of death. Those who serve this demon called the “holy death” always have these events in their children. She began to hear about Yeshua, renounced death, and began to hold the Father’s hand. When we started doing the Facebook Live, she connected and began to give her son the prayers that we did for Israel and for every need, to the point that her son began to miraculously recover. Every morning, the Ruach has ensured that by praying for Israel first, thus taking the key of Abraham, wonderful miracles will be performed. The day before the doctor let him out of the hospital when we were taking communion, he said to his mother, “Come, Mom, give me the bread and juice; we’re going to have communion.” His mother was freed from the demon of death and her son from the terrible disease.
Making Restitution on Behalf of Malaysia
Apostle Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia
We made restitution by fertilizing the avocado plants in southern Israel and planted 9 trees.
Far East Mission to Resurrection Tour (May 3-15): We will be represented by 16 UNIFY members for such a time as this: 10 from Malaysia,1 from Japan, 2 from HK, China, and 3 from Taiwan. Our flight tickets have already been booked.
Sharing the Word in China
Pastor Perach Yang, Taiwan
Rut’s Facebook page has suddenly gained so many people, especially people from China, that Apostle Dawid has started a Telegram channel for them with simplified Chinese Israeli news (translating the Archbishop’s channel as well as the Israeli media), with translations by the Malaysia and Taiwan teams. With Apostle Dawid’s permission, Rut and I pray online once a week for these online viewers, and her Facebook page now has over 2,000 viewers, with people asking to join every day. Ruach has told her to help the Chinese people because she knows how difficult it is for those people who don’t speak English well. Praise Yah that Rut has always had a heart for evangelism and that Ruach often reveals to her what messages to post on Facebook. May these Chinese people eventually come to love Israel and even come to GRM
No Other Gods
Pastor Dvora Cheung, Hong Kong and China
With Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh falling on the same date, we made a video, “Stand with Israel,” with Shabbat Shalom dancing, blowing Shofars, and sending greetings to people in the land. This video was sent to the New Unify Group and social media. This date also coincides with the last day of the Chinese New Year. The Jews in the Land responded with love emojis, but the Jews in Hong Kong (in our chat) responded with “Happy Chinese New Year.” All the Jews were compromised and bowed down to worship the dragon, not only in Hong Kong but around the world (where there are Chinese people). We repented on behalf of them in the Zoom prayer on 10/2 and made restitution for them as revealed by Ruach HaKodesh.
Because you are not to bow down to any other god, since Adonai – whose very name is Jealous – is a jealous God. Exodus 34:13
Following the guidance of Ruach Hakodesh, we planted 10 trees for Jews, including the Consulate General, Rabbi Bachurot in the Bells events, and the Sephardic Rabbi and members. One Sephardic Jew responded, “Really, thank you very much; you moved me very much.” He was very surprised that we planted the trees in Gaza and sent the details to him for further planting for their friends. Rabbi Oser’s wife said, “That’s very kind of you. May the merit of your action bring miracles speedily.
Revoking UNRWA
Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway
Pastor Hanne wrote a letter to the Norwegian Foreign Minister about Norway’s decision to still support UNRWA, explaining about UNRWA’s involvement in the Oct.7. massacre, Hamas, and terror, adding Gen.12:3 in the letter. She read the document “The Case Against the UN and for UNIFY” together with Archbishop when she revoked it in the UN building. The Norwegian UNIFY group also read it and revoked UN and UNRWA during our Zoom prayer meeting, with special emphasis on Norwegian participation.
A Month of Pain and Breakthroughs
Apostle Sana, Sweden
Restudying GRM
This month has included more rest and personal processes. I revisited GRM six years after graduation and listened to all the videos again. That has strengthened my spiritual DNA. I noticed that most of the truths of GRM have become a part of me and my life, which was encouraging to experience. Yah pointed out some truths that I had forgotten and needed to re-establish in my spiritual life. I recommend this for my team as well.
We have been translating the war videos and the God of Shalom series. I am looking forward to getting some connections from watchers of these videos.
Resurrection Tour Miracle
Concerning the Resurrection Tour to Israel, I have had a deep longing to participate. As the resurrection tour deadline came closer, I said to Abba: “You have to do this, because the only thing I have is a bunch of unpaid bills and I will not take any loan or credit at this time to make it to Israel. So, if You want me there, You have to make it happen.” Yes, He made it happen and provided me with the whole tour, but not before I said openly: “I am going!” HaleluYah!
Family Restoration Testimonial
Praise the Living Yah for what He has done in our family! This miracle and Yah`s mighty deed deserve their very own chapter in my monthly report! Our family has been broken for so many years because the oldest child has had a painful history and trauma following her all her life. She received Yeshua at the age of 16 but went back to the world, becoming extremely rebellious. She renewed her faith in 2019 and studied GRM, but again left the faith life completely. In 2020, she tried to kill herself but failed because of the protection of Yah. My heart was bleeding. I did not know what to do anymore. Yah wanted me to release her totally into His hands, as I could not save her in any way. So, on her 22nd birthday, she came to us and asked forgiveness for everything and repented for her evil behavior. She said that had it not been for you, Mother, teaching me all these things, I would have been dead today. That night brought healing to our family. This is the covenant blessing and the Key of Abraham in operation. The family blessing is the one promised in Genesis 12:3. “In you, all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
As I was preparing this report, Isaiah 55:8 came to me twice: once when Archbishop was speaking, and again in my daily Bible reading. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways,” says Adonai. I thought of it when Archbishop was talking about why the tribulations were happening to Israel; when Pastor Marcello talked about the troubled boys and their grandfather being baptized; and when Pastor Cesar described the healing of the young man whose mother worshipped a demon, and they were both delivered. I recalled the problems the China team had with social media, and now they are reaching thousands. My heart broke with Apostle Sana when she told of her daughter’s rebellion, but I rejoiced when YHVH brought her back to her mother. As humans, we would never choose war, oppression, illness, or rebellion for those we love, but Adonai knows what is needed for every circumstance. Never doubt His ways and His thoughts.
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with His purpose. Romans 8:28
For Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman,
Glenda Shockley & the UNIFY Team
Support the Mission:
- Donate online: https://unitednationsforisrael.org/unify-donations/
- Please email us at info@unitednationsforsrael.org for bank details
- Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
- Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
- Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Adriana Dominiquae Bierman, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA
United Nations for Israel Online Conference – April
Tuesday April 2, 2024 @ 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EDT)
As a member, you will receive a personal invitation with a link to the conference by email.
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Pray and declare the Word over Israel
Join the UNITED NATIONS FOR ISRAEL – For Such a Time as This!
Get my New Book, The Voice of These Ashes!
Restitution or Judgment
What are the Ashes Crying For?
About what did the blood of Abel cry out to the creator? About what are the blood and ashes of the Jews exterminated during the Shoah (Nazi holocaust), Russian pogroms, Spanish Inquisition, Christian crusades, Islamic terror, and much more crying to the God of the universe? And why should it matter to you, the reader? This is what you will find out in the pages of this book.
Study at GRM Israeli Bible Institute
Discover the original Gospel made in Zion, receive the fullness of anointing and truth, and experience the transforming power of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.
*Full or partial scholarships can be requested in case of extreme need. Please submit your requests to info@grmbibleschool.com explaining the reason for your request.
Our Ministries & Resources
Join the upcoming Israel tours with Dr Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman
From Devastation to Resurrection Tour of Israel
May 3-15, 2024
From Yom HaShoa (Holocaust Memorial Day) through Soldiers Memorial Day through Yom Ha’atsmaut (Independence Day) 76
We invite you to bring life and hope to Israel after the Hamas Massacre of October 7, 2023.
More information & to register →
The Roar of the Lion
Sukkot Tour 5785/2024
October 14-27
Adonai will roar from Zion and give His voice from Jerusalem. Heaven and earth will shudder, but Adonai will be a refuge for His people, and a safe place for the children of Israel. Joel 4:16 TLV
We call all the friends of the Lion of Judah to come to Zion to stand with His brethren, the Jewish people, and the Nation of Israel. As we put our feet in the land, there will be a remarkable time of intercession in KEY locations, impacting history!
More information & to register →