Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

UNIFY Updates – April 2024, Adar 5785

Be inspired by the miracle-filled reports from Israel and the Nations during this war– UNIFY is on the move!

Passover Miracles

Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman, Israel & United States

Often, people do not realize that planting vineyards and orchards is a profoundly spiritual thing because it replenishes the land and feeds the people. When we plant them and put up a sign for UNIFY, we claim the territory and put it under the shadow of Yah’s wings. We experienced that in Oriad when Hamas came and they were protected. All these people where we have planted are protected by Yah. For example, we watched a video of a soldier who stepped on an explosive while removing a Palestinian flag, and he is completely whole with only minor scratches. We must continue doing these projects; they are speaking volumes in the Spirit. In another case, two terrorists tried to ram citizens with a car, and their plan was thwarted when their guns didn’t fire. It is being called the Passover Miracle.

Pray for the Resurrection Tour, which is a mission to help. To all of those who are not coming on the tour, please cover them with prayers and offerings. This is your opportunity to dedicate all your finances to Yah and to support Israel so the team will not have to go with empty hands. Make restitution with a sacrificial Passover offering.

A UNIFY team will attend the Israel Summit conference in Tennessee in May. We need finances to cover books, promotional materials, etc., at least $6,000.00, to be able to reach out to as many people as possible. Place your finances before Yah and obey His instructions for giving.

The Israel Factor book will be launched in Tennessee. There are 600 pages, the product of 15 years of writing Shabbat letters about Israel and the Palestinian cause. The team worked together miraculously to get this book ready on time. Oren Cohen, the photographer and cameraman of the IDF, allowed us to use his photo as an inspiring cover photo of IDF soldiers carrying a Torah Scroll to battle. We will also have his photo books available at our table in Tennessee.

We welcome 3 new UNIFY members from Mexico, relatives of Pastor Cesar. There are 81 new GRM Bible School students in the prison ministry and 3 new UNIFY honorary members behind bars. One testimony is that an inmate with pancreatic cancer, whom the team prayed for 6 months ago, is being healed!

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

Intercession for Israel

Pastor Sonia Gotelli, Peru

On April 7, we joined the March for Life to commemorate the 6-month anniversary of the October 7 massacre in Israel perpetrated by the Hamas terrorist group. We all published a graph on our social networks remembering the 134 kidnapped. Every week we intercede for Israel through prayer, keeping informed by Kad-Esh MAP Ministries and the United Nations for Israel. We continue to broadcast without censorship the videos of the apostle Dominique Bierman through television la Luz and radio Pacifico.

On April 13 and 14, all GRM graduates and Kad-Esh members convened for a vigil to pray against Iran’s attack on Israel with hundreds of drones and missiles that sought to kill a large population. On April 15, we had a Zoom meeting to give thanks for the divine protection over all of Israel.

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

7,000 Have Not Bowed Before Baal

Pastor Cesar Silva, Mexico

On April 13, we were in the port of Mansfield, Texas, to do an act of repentance and to pray for Texas. In this prophetic act, the Father gave us a Word that we could speak to the earth so that the children of Adonai who are going to connect with this Unify ministry may appear. The word is that there are 7,000 people in Texas who have not bowed their knee before Baal. Psalm 68:1 Let Yah arise, let his enemies be scattered, and let those who hate him flee before him.

This month, it has been our main objective for new Unify members to register. It has been like breaking a stone, but we know that before the end of the month, we will have more people in Mexico who are going to register. I had a meeting with Pastor Sonia and Pastor Marcelo Corral (who also received the message but has not yet seen it fulfilled) so that in Peru, Ecuador, and our region of Latin America we can have more people supporting the ministry. We hope that not only Peru, Mexico, and Ecuador, but also Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, and Panama will come into it.

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

Miracle from the Rock of Israel

Apostle Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia

On Apr 14, 2024, when sirens went off at 1:14 am Malaysian Time, I was awakened literally by my heart pain and teeth numbness. It was like a symptom of a heart attack. At that point, I didn’t know about the attacks from Iran against Israel. Sirens continued until 5 am. For every single siren, I prayed for the attack to be nullified, backfired, and misfired in Yeshua’s name. Praise YHVH for the 99% interception of all the missiles and UAVs launched against Israel from Iran. It was a miracle from the Rock of Israel.

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

Spiritual Vision

Pastor Perach Yang, Taiwan

On April 21, the team and I went to a Lutheran church to share the Kingdom of God through Israel, how we stand with Israel, and the importance of Gen.12:3 – the key of Abraham. At the end, we sang The Key of Abraham and blew the shofar. Then I saw a vision: the waters parted and many people walked on dry land in the sea. May Yah lead the people to know and love His Jewish people more so that they may have the spiritual aliyah. We sent the pastor 3 books: Identity Theft, Grafted In, and The Voice of These Ashes. In the evening, the pastor and his wife joined us for a Pesach dinner and we printed out Jonah’s 3 Days and 3 Nights table that Apostle Dawid had made to share more about the importance of Yah’s Feast. Praise Yah for opening the door for this church and we will continue to pray for them so the Ruach may teach them His Truth. To Him be all the glory.

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

New Marching Orders

Pastor Dvora Cheung, Hong Kong and China

This month I finished my work as an accountant and book keeper for the Jewish Community Center and synagogue in Hong Kong. I have served them faithfully for 29 years and they gave me a beautiful send off. I obeyed Yah when I decided to retire from this blessed job and now I am available for full time ministry and ready for His new marching orders.

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

UNIFY Germany

Pastor, Sara Heinrich, Germany

On April 14th, Unify Germany participated in a march for the Israeli hostages who are still in captivity, initiated by the local Jewish religious community in Munich. The march was followed by a pro-Israel rally at a central place of the city (Karlsplatz), where many activists and political deputies spoke. Also, some Christian friends of Israel were participating in the march and the rally. The Jewish community in Munich seems to have grown stronger and more confident than some time ago. That is, of course, because many people are praying for them, and probably because the political leadership of Bavaria invited the CER (Conference of European Rabbis) to relocate from London to Munich during the last year, which they did.

A Blessed Gathering

Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway

I had a Shabbat dinner in my home, where I had invited Chanah, the Holocaust survivor, Elisabeth, a Messianic believer, and my father. Chanah talked much about what she had experienced in her life during the Holocaust, antisemitism, and other things. She appreciates that people show understanding for what she has experienced, especially when it comes to antisemitism and the Holocaust. There are not many people she feels that she can share this with who are interested and understanding. It is still a major thing in her life. My father was very touched by what she said, and he expressed it clearly to her. All of us were blessed by this gathering, even though parts of it, of course, were not very uplifting, but very interesting and moving.

Blessing the Restoration

Terhi Laine, Finland

My friend Tuula and I were on a mini cruise about Israel. During the trip, we met the host and presenter, who has done a lot of research on Israel based on the Bible, travelled around Finland speaking about Israel, and has written several books. Also, the founder of the TV7 channel was there. We were able to give him The Voice of These Ashes in English, pointing out that the author of this book was the same person who made the Israeli war report programs that came on his channel. He was very interested and we were able to share more information about our activities. In the same way, we gave him the book Sheep Nations. He was deeply interested and grateful for the gesture. We also met people who had seen Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman’s war report programs. It was a fulfilling experience where we shared information about Unify and distributed brochures. -Eija and Tuula

My son’s company was in big financial trouble because of tax payments and was facing bankruptcy. Employees would have been out of work, the taxman could no longer be negotiated with, and the bank could no longer be borrowed from to pay the debt. I shared a prayer with some of our team and the pastor was reminded of the restitution offering. She said she would put in a restitution offering for my son. I only had a few euros in my account, so I asked my husband for 10€ for this purpose whom immediately gave it to me. Two days later, the help came miraculously; My son got the money for clearing the tax debt, and the company did not go bankrupt. Praise and honor to YHVH.

I sent the second refund offer via Unify. When our daughter and her husband returned to Finland from Thailand after a six-month stay, she had an unusual cold in her body for 5 days. Sensing the cold was a demonic battle, the sisters and I prayed with authority for her and I felt the sacrifice of reparation must be sent quickly. Again, I did not have much money in my account, but obedience to the Father was more important, even though my offering was like that of the “widow’s mite”, and it confirmed what we had prayed. The next morning my daughter was in new strength and recovered very quickly. Hallelujah.

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

Safer Than a Bomb Shelter

Pastor Eicha Lohmus, Estonia

I stayed for 3 weeks in the UNIFY Retreat house in Beit Hogla, ancient Gilgal. The main task was to pray and intercede for the land of Israel and Jews, blow the shofar in the portal and key locations of this area, like Sukkat Yehoshua, the caves of Elijahu, and Qasr Al Yahud at the bank of Jordan River, known as the baptismal site for the Greek Orthodox Church. After many prayers and petitions, Yah gave a breakthrough as the local council officially added the Hebrew name to the site that has been known for a long time through its Arab and Christian names. The Arabic Name Qasr Al Yahud (Castle of the Jews) has been changed to the Hebrew name Maabarot ha’Yarden (Crossing the Jordan). I have been praying for this switch since we first planted the UNIFY flag there and blew the shofar over it.

On the 10th of Nissan in Sukkat Yehoshua, Erna arranged a seminar dedicated to the crossing of the Yarden River by the 12 tribes of Israel, where they entered the Promised Land 3,300 years ago under the leadership of Joshua. I helped Erna with preparations for the seminar and sold local products in the Visitor Center. Many people came from all neighborhoods, both Zionist and Jewish communities, to stand on God’s given promises about the Land of Israel. I had an opportunity to speak to the main photographer of this event and told him about the Sukkat Yehoshua and the UNIFY flag that is flying next to the Israel flag. He was very interested and I gave him the UNIFY flier and name card.

During my stay, the Iran attack on Israel took place on April 14, 2024. I went in the middle of the night with no illumination to pray in the caves of Elijahu and blew my shofar. The next morning, the news all over was that Israelis had to be in bomb shelters all night. Though Beit Hogla has no bomb shelter, I had the scripture from Psalms 91, and that night Yah was the shelter for the people of Beit Hogla as we all were safe under His wings that were more powerful than any bomb shelter.

Under the Shadow of Yah’s Wings

Brand New Connections and Divine Opportunities

Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden

Yah has recently provided me with new opportunities to minister to a group of people I’ve long desired to reach. Marie has worked with them for a long time, but Yah has not allowed me to connect until now. Despite feeling like I’ve been kept “underground”, I’ve embraced this season of preparation and limitation as part of His plan. Unexpectedly, I was invited to participate in the Deliverance Master Class Conference by Restoration Lives International, alongside Marie. This event, led by Bryn Kelly, whom I know through our shared work with Kari Kelly in organizing Hanukkah and Shabbat events, marked a significant shift in my ministry journey. Marie, inspired by her previous seminar with Bryn, began distributing Archbishop’s books and ignited a passion for deliverance ministry. Since then, we’ve collaborated with Kari in spreading Zion’s Gospel and promoting UNIFY. I was pleasantly surprised by the receptiveness of people to Yeshua’s name and UNIFY, leading to numerous opportunities to share the Gospel and distribute Archbishop’s books and UNIFY materials.

A Messianic Remnant

Mathilda Cuthbertson, Australia

In that day many nations will join themselves to ADONAI and they will be My people and I will dwell among you. Then you will know that ADONAI-Tzva’ot has sent me to you. Zechariah 2:15 TLV

A Messianic remnant is now standing strongly with Israel through their active giving under the United Nations for Israel banner. Praise Yah! Since we made known to them about the United Nations for Israel’s mission to overthrow the UN, they have been greatly encouraged. This month, they collected an offering all on their own and presented it to us when we went to visit them for Shabbat fellowship. We were presented with a second offering, which was timely as it came in as a restitution seed for Australia’s stand to support a two-state solution. We have made this offering into UNIFY. We also gave them a praise report about a previous offering in support of the 120 soldiers we supported to purchase their winter gear for their units. They received that news with so much joy. They are now eager to write letters to the soldiers.

“My desire is to bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 TLV


I pray for blessings upon this UNIFY team as many of them travel to Israel for the Resurrection Tour this month to minister to their beloved brethren. May they remain safe and be a blessing to the Land of Israel.

‘Adonai bless you and keep you! Adonai make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you! Adonai turn His face toward you and grant you shalom!’ Deuteronomy 6:24-26

For Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman,

Glenda Shockley & the UNIFY Team

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman

Support the Mission

  • Donate online: https://unitednationsforisrael.org/unify-donations/
  • Please email us at info@unitednationsforsrael.org for bank details
  • Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
  • Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
  • Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Paulette Cowan, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA

The Voice of These Ashes

United Nations for Israel Online Conference – June

Tuesday June 4, 2024 @ 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (EDT)

As a member, you will receive a personal invitation with a link to the conference by email.

Join the United Nations for Israel


Support the War Efforts

Help us to continue broadcasting from Israel, assisting Israeli families and communities in urgent need of food and essential supplies and planting trees in the Holy Land.

We are Your Boots on the Holy Ground.

UNIFY War Efforts Fund

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Pray and declare the Word over Israel

Prayers for Israel

The Voice of These Ashes

Get my New Book, The Voice of These Ashes!

Restitution or Judgment

What are the Ashes Crying For?

About what did the blood of Abel cry out to the creator? About what are the blood and ashes of the Jews exterminated during the shoah (Nazi holocaust), Russian pogroms, Spanish Inquisition, Christian crusades, Islamic terror, and much more crying to the God of the universe? And why should it matter to you, the reader? This is what you will find out in the pages of this book.

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Join the upcoming Israel tours with Dr Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman

The Roar of The Lion

The Roar of the Lion

Sukkot Tour 5785/2024

October 14-27

Adonai will roar from Zion and give His voice from Jerusalem. Heaven and earth will shudder, but Adonai will be a refuge for His people, and a safe place for the children of Israel. Joel 4:16 TLV

We call all the friends of the Lion of Judah to come to Zion to stand with His brethren, the Jewish people, and the Nation of Israel. As we put our feet in the land, there will be a remarkable time of intercession in KEY locations, impacting history!

More information & to register →

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