Pick up your Mat and Dance

Pick up your Mat and Dance!

Pick up your Mat and Dance

February/March 2025, Adar I (12th Month) 5785

After this there was a Jewish feast, and Yeshua went up to Jerusalem. Now in Jerusalem there is a pool by the sheep gate, called Bethzatha in Aramaic, which has five porches. In these a crowd of invalids was lying around—blind, lame, disabled. Now a certain man had been an invalid there for thirty-eight years. Seeing him lying there and knowing he had been that way a long time, Yeshua said to him, “Do you want to get well?” The invalid answered Him, “Sir, I have nobody to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up. While I’m trying to get in, somebody else steps down before me!” Yeshua tells him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk!” Immediately, the man was healed! He took up his mat and started walking around. Now that day was Shabbat,” John 5:1-9 TLV

After being chained, tormented, and tortured in captivity for over 500 days, Omer Wenkert, who was recently released, just stood up and began dancing with his father. I believe the message for all of us today as we start the UNIFY Global Update in the month of Adar, leading into Purim, is one of mourning being overturned to joy and of the plans of the enemy being thwarted. The above passage of Yochanan (John) 5 takes place by the sheep gate, called Bethzatha in Aramaic. In Hebrew, it is Bethesda, which means ‘House of Mercy,’ and I believe that we need to learn something from this particular event. This man was blind, lame, and disabled for 38 years. But I believe the disabled part didn’t come from being blind or lame.

I’ve seen people who are blind or lame but are not disabled. Disabled means he was unable to advance or succeed in life. For example, the Australian evangelist Nick Vujicic doesn’t have arms or legs, yet he’s not disabled. He is a powerful and successful speaker. So, being disabled is something in the mind. Sometimes, people, maybe some of us, even right now in our own nations, feel disabled. Perhaps you feel like you are unable to advance because there is so much antisemitism and antagonism. You don’t have that much time, or your knowledge of languages is limited, or you’re not rich, or maybe nobody in your area is supporting you and it is hard to motivate them, and you become “disabled.” You become unable to move forward, and that is a condition of the mind. In other words, you can have two people with the same exact circumstances, yet one will not be disabled and the other will be disabled.

I believe that when Yeshua returns, he will ask everyone who feels disabled, “Do you want to get well?”. If you are reading this message today and you are saying to yourself, “Oh my, she’s really speaking about me. I’ve been feeling disabled,” then be warned. When Yeshua shows up on the scene, He will not ask you what your problems are. Hewon’t say, “Okay, honey, tell me a little bit about how you’re feeling and what it is that’s hurting and ailing you.” No, Beloveds, He will say, “Do you want to get well?” That’s the point. He didn’t go into ‘psychological mode.’ He went into the simple, straightforward mode of cutting through the lies that make a person disabled.

We held a roll call during this month’s meeting, and I asked all the national delegates to open their cameras. We discovered three national delegates were missing and that several nations with a person present had no national delegate at all. I understand that for one of them, there were extenuating circumstances, but that is not necessarily an excuse. I’m sad that not all our Delegates were present because this message is for you.

Beloved ones, the body of Messiah in your nations has been like that lame, disabled, sick person, disabled for a long time. The problem is we become as sick as our nations are. We need to find someone who will say, “Yes, I want to get out of this disabled victim mentality and be healed.” The United Nations for Israel is an act of mercy, holding back the judgment from coming and flooding into the nations. Do you know why judgment comes in? We read in Psalms 2 about why “the nations are plotting a vain thing. They are trying to break off the chains of Messiah.” It is the chains of Zionism and ‘Jewish Stuff’ they don’t want. If you are in your nation, you are holding the gate open for Yeshua’s mercy to come in instead of judgment blatantly destroying your nation. There are 143 nations who have voted for the Palestinian state at the UN, and only nine nations didn’t vote for the Palestinian state.

Pick up your Mat and Dance

The Father sent Yeshua to be at the pool of Bethesda that day because the Father had seen that there was one person there that, although he was disabled physically and mentally, would respond to the message of faith. When Yeshua asked him, “Do you want to get healed?” he was willing to be healed, because then Yeshua said, “Take up your mat and walk.” In other words, despite the disability, the man responded to Him.

You are there to do the will of Yah, not your own. You are not there to be popular with men, but with Yah. Yes, it is uncomfortable to be popular with God, but if you understand what’s written here, you know your nation is being spoken of right now.

Draw near, O nations, to hear, and listen, O peoples! Let the earth hear, and all it contains, the world, and all its offspring! For Adonai is enraged at all the nations, and furious at all their armies. He will utterly destroy them. He will give them over to slaughter. So their slain will be thrown out, and the stench of their corpses will rise, and the hills will be drenched with their blood. Isaiah 34:1-3 TLV

When it says, “So their slain will be thrown out, and the stench of their corpses will rise…” that is like what happened in the massacre of October 7th and will happen in your nations if you are not standing at the gate speaking a message that people can hear. Even if only one person hears, one can change a nation. So, if your nations have been cooperating with the Palestinian cause, which is the murder and annihilation of the Jewish people, your nation will be judged precisely as H*amas will be judged; that is pretty serious because you know that Hamas is on the verge of annihilation. President Trump has said that if they don’t return the hostages, all hell will break loose, and I believe that’s exactly what’s going to happen. However,it will be all Heaven because the one judging is YHVH Himself, not the devil.

Ask Me, and I will give the nations as Your inheritance, and the far reaches of the earth as Your possession. You shall break the nations with an iron scepter. You shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s jar.”

When I entered into my retreat to prepare for the mission in PNG, the Holy Spirit came upon me, and I began to weep and said, “Oh Abba, I ask of you give me the nation of Papua New Guinea.” He says here, “You shall break the nations with an iron scepter. You shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s jar.” whichmeans that when Yeshua is provoked by the Father to ask Him for the nations, it’s to rule over and break the nations with an iron scepter. That’s exactly what will happen in the millennial reign and what we are being raised for. But we are starting today, collecting the sheep nations already.

I believe Yeshua left us on this earth to ask of the Father on his behalf. We are Yeshua’s hands and feet on this earth. The question is, are we asking Him for the nations to be our inheritance? Yeshua will break them with an iron scepter; either they will submit to his rule or to judgment. Before this happens, we are supposed to be asking, “Give me the Nation” just as I asked Him for the nation of Papua New Guinea, and I understood that was a momentous occasion. It was like Queen Esther, when she showed up before the king uncalled for and said, “If I perish, I perish. But I will show up before the king dressed in my royal garments.”

The wisdom of YHVH often causes us to put our lives on the line. It will often cause us to show up in places we are not called to or speak words people were not planning to listen to. That is the real Revivalist. That is a real Church Transformer and Nation Reformer. All of you are called to be Reformers. I’m giving an altar call today; we are rededicating UNIFY for the purpose for which it was originally established. Right before Purim, we are re-dedicating UNIFY to turn entire nations into sheep nations, one person at a time. We are committing to stand with Israel when Israel cannot stand for herself, not to play dead and lift our feet and coast. No, it is your duty to ask Yah for wisdom, put yourself on the line, and show up when Yah shows you where to show up. It is your duty to put yourself on that altar as a living sacrifice. We are answering that call today, and we are repenting from being disabled and feeling disabled together with our nations. We cannot be disabled. We must be like Yeshua being sent to the Pool of Bethesda, even for one person, to do a miracle. If you’re willing to answer that call, join UNIFY financially, in prayer, and in action- in rededication to the purpose that we are here for. Pick up your mat and dance!You can do it through your finances, actions, or prayer. Some of you will do it through all three. My goal is that all of you will be able to show up in finances, in prayers, and in action without holding back in Yeshua’s mighty name.

Pick up your Mat and Dance

Collective Prayer: Father, I thank you today. We are rededicating the United Nations for Israel, for your glory. We are asking you for forgiveness right now for any one of us that has felt disabled for any one of us that has been identifying with the hopeless state of their nation in that way instead of identifying with you and standing in a gap for our nation. I praise you in the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach for raising up men and women of Yah who will be so powerful financially, in prayer, and in action. We thank you for all the National Delegates, Vice Delegates, and the members of the United Nations for Israel and their nations that will report for duty to their national delegates, willing to put their life on the line and seek you for their nations, for wisdom, and to do the work of the Kingdom through United Nations for Israel, in the name of Yeshua, even if they show up in other ministries and carry the message to “cross-pollinate.” I give you praise in the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Hallelujah for a new dawn rising for every one of the national delegates, the vice delegates, and the members of the United Nations for Israel. Father, I ask your forgiveness for giving into the lie that I am still shackled by the false gospel coming from Rome. I renounce those mindsets that caused me to feel the chains. And I get up and dance with the Father. And get up and run with a message in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach. We break off those shackles and dance with the Father like Omer Wenkert danced with his father. We break through not only the shackles but even the feeling that we still have them, just as Omer defied those shackles and that mindset of bondage. We break off the chains of replacement theology. I give you praise. I give you honor. I bless you in the name of Yeshua haMashiach.

HOMEWORK: Have I been feeling disabled? How can I contribute financially, in action, or in prayer to UNIFY and in sharing the message of the Gospel made in Zion?

Flags of many nations

Reports from the Nations

Behold My servant, whom I uphold. My Chosen One, in whom My soul delights. I have put My Ruach on Him, He will bring justice to the nations. Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things. Before they spring forth I announce them to you.”- Isaiah 42:1, 9 TLV

Pick up your Mat and Dance

Independence and Exile

Pastor Eicha Lohmus, Estonia

The 24th of February was Estonian Independence Day, the 107th Anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. It was my first time celebrating this day with the Estonian Jewish Community in the Tallinn synagogue. It was an amazing experience to pray, bless, and celebrate the independence of Estonia through Israel, together with Estonian jews. This was the Key of Abraham in action as Israel is returning the blessing upon those who bless the Jewish people. We are also preparing for the Nordic UNIFY Conference.

Also seek the shalom of the city where I took you as captives in exile, and pray to Adonai for it—for in its shalom will you have shalom.” Jeremiah 29:7 TLV

Finding a Place

Pastor Terhi Laine, Finland

We launched the 8.2 GRM Bible School online. It works as a face-to-face online course. We have six eager students. Waiting a week for the next lesson seems like a long time for them. Two of them considered not to start studying at the last minute, for different reasons, but the Holy Spirit moved them to join anyway. Now, after six lessons, one student has received confirmation of what the Holy Spirit has spoken and taught her in the past. She had not found her place in the churches but is beginning to understand why not. One student said she should have started this Bible school, which she had been told about for a long time, much earlier. She stated that she “had been in replacement theology and did not understand that I also needed the so-called ‘Old Testament’ I just always thought I only needed the New Testament.” We will continue to translate the books and prepare for the Nordic Conference in Norway.

Spreading the Name and Shabbat

Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway

We keep having our Norwegian GRM local group on Zoom every week. The students receive the teachings wholeheartedly. We meet every second week for Norwegian UNIFY prayer, and we have our Ima Bat Ami group on Zoom the other weeks. We are reading Voice of These Ashes this week to prepare for the Nordic UNIFY conference.

We attend the JPB weekly Zoom prayers as we can and attend the prayers in the local Israel-friendly church when we have the time. The pastor there is very prophetic and has a great love for our city and the Jewish Community here, as well as for Israel and Norway. There are not many of us, but we have such great unity in the group that powerful prayers are being prayed there. The pastor prays almost only in the name of Yeshua now, and one of the other members is now celebrating Shabbat with her family, who also attends these meetings. I informed the Pastor there about the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in Oslo, and he plans to attend.

Our UNIFY members continue to attend UNIFY Conferences and Prayer meetings, including the second Woman on the Frontlines Conference and the UNIFY Nordic Conference prayer meeting this month.

Pick up your Mat and Dance

A Ministry of the Heart

Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden

This month has been so special! During my latest retreat, I rose to the position of the nation’s spiritual leader. After coming home, things began to happen, and after Mikael`s mother`s death, breakthrough anointing was in operation. Yah has used me to expose and reveal things and release inner healings, deliverance, and the healing of memories for my precious husband, Mikael, which has been a great privilege. That is a result of His deep work in me. That ministry has taken the whole month, both days and nights, as Ruach has been moving continually, quickly bringing things to the surface. I am poured out after the month but in great joy, as this has been a victorious breakthrough for both of us. My mother and stepfather visited us in Sweden and had a breakthrough, deciding to join GRM in Pastor Terhi`s study group.

One day, when we were training at the gym in a T-shirt with Hebrew words on it, two different ladies approached us and said, “Very bold of you to wear that T-shirt!” She was also an Israel lover and a believer who wanted to have my contact info and promised to write an email. When we did not have time to go to the churches, the churches came to us. While we were at the funeral in Finland, Marie visited the Stockholm synagogue for Shabbat service and a Shabbat dinner with the Council for Cooperation between Christians and Jews. She spoke to several people about UNIFY and gave them some books and materials. The head of the religious section in the Jewish congregation, Bengt Mosesson, wanted to know more about UNIFY and has said he wants to have more conversations about UNIFY and even cooperate with UNIFY events. Praise the Living Yah!

Pick up your Mat and Dance

Turning off the “Lights” of Replacement Theology

Hilary Anderson, United Kingdom

Underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27)

February has been a short but challenging month in Israel and the nations, but also locally. Nevertheless, Yah has been truly present, and we have seen that “underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27)

Some of our UK GRM Study Group members have experienced tragedy and struggle this month, but we have been praying and supporting each other, and Yah has been gracious to us. Moreover, during the month, Pastor Hanne asked me to write an ad for the Loss and Grief seminar. To do this, I had to review the material. This turned out to be a powerful blessing for me, and while doing it, Yah impressed on me to purchase the material for the UK GRM group. I will do this when it is released, and I believe it will bring much-needed healing to our members.

I felt impressed by the Ruach to take a copy of The Identity Theft to a local pastor. Things didn’t turn out as I expected but Yah used it to expose Replacement Theology and antisemitism in my area. I couldn’t give it to that pastor himself because he was busy, so I gave it to a congregant to pass on. The congregant was very curious, so I explained the book briefly. He then shocked me by saying that he was a Messianic Pastor. Initially, I was very excited, but it soon became clear that he was connected with the “Black Hebrews”, and he started saying some very antisemitic things, which I strongly refuted. I was perplexed and went home to pray and blow the shofar. From my living room, I could see the lights of the hall where the church was meeting, and as I blew the shofar, all the lights suddenly went out! I sensed this was a prophetic sign of the “lights” of Replacement Theology going out in my area. Amen! So be it!

Two of my sisters, Kathryn and Sheila, have committed to attending the Nordic conference and have already booked their flights and accommodations. I am very pleased about this. Sheila is part of the UK GRM local study, but Kathryn is not yet a believer. Bishop Mikael passed on the details of an English woman named Catherine who is interested in the Roots, so I had a blessed Zoom meeting with her. She is interested in joining the Ima Bat Ami group, which we expect to start next month. I believe Yah is leading me to start by studying “The Israel Factor”.

Pick up your Mat and Dance

Freedom from Pain in the Far East

Pastor D’vora Cheung, China & Hong Kong


We continued to praise YHVH for the healing and restoration of the health of Tong Feng, Flower Peng’s husband. About 2 weeks after he started therapy, he could walk on his own, but the left hand was still unable to move freely. Thank you, YHVH, for the miraculous healing in such a short time!

Hong Kong

Through the power of Ruach, the Freedom from Pain (Depression) course helped one teammate to understand the hurts incurred during childhood. Despite trying various types of “inner healing” through Ministries rooted in Replacement Theory and using the Greek name Jesus, she was not healed until this course set her free in the name of Yeshua. She had been in bondage to feeling inferior because of her mother in making comparisons between her and her siblings and friends. Now, her identity is restored to seek the will of Yah and only to please Him.

As we were doing inner healing, the Ruach reminded me of the oppression in acupuncture and Yoga, which were revealed in the God of Shalom series. Acupuncture is popular in Hong Kong. We also fell into this trap and have repented and cleansed with this course.

The Women on Fire Zoom Conference strengthened us to fulfill our mission as called by YHVH and remain steadfast till the end of the breath to receive the crown of life.

As we were planning on joining the PNG conference, we celebrated Purim earlier in a Jewish restaurant on the day the Bibas’ mother and children were buried. We were moved to comfort the people with our love and UNIFY flags.

Remain faithful, even to the point of death; and I will give you life as your crown. ‘ (Revelation of Yeshua to Yochanan (Rev)) 2:10

Grafted In - Japanese

Japan is Being Grafted in!

Yutong Tagawa, Japan

I thank Abba Father for allowing me to spend time with my family in Taiwan, and even though my father has passed away, in my heart I deeply understand that I have a Heavenly Father who will continue to love and lead me. I returned to Japan on February 20th to continue the work and mission that Abba Father wants me to accomplish. During February, I continued to pray for Israel, Ima, and Rabbi, especially for Adi and Dor, the IDF, the Nachala movement, and for

the return of the kidnapped hostages, for the Jewish people around the world to make Aliyah, and for Kad-Esh Ministry, UNIFY, the GRM Prison ministry, the PNG conference, and the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast Oslo Norway. I have continued responding to UNIFY’s financial need by making contributions. I have acted as an Interpreter for Chinese at the Midnight Watch Prayer Meeting & Women on Fire Zoom Meetings. Additionally, I continue my work to translate and proofread the GRM workbooks, and I have now completed three e-books: Vision Negev, Stormy Weather, and Grafted In. Praise YAH!

Pick up your Mat and Dance

Divine Appointments in a Taxi

Apostle Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia

UNIFY Malaysia continues to participate in the Global Midnight Watch & MAP Men’s weekly prayer groups, as well as our weekly Ima Bat Ami Zoom Meeting every Yom Revi’i (Wed.) at 8:40 pm and our weekly Shabbat gathering @ 10:30 am, followed by the Shabbat Letter Reading at 11 am. We continue making Restitution on behalf of Malaysia and supporting UNIFY Projects. For this month, my three children responded quickly to Kad-esh, though they are still in high school & University. Mr Ken Loong Lee is progressing well in Level 1 books. Miryam Looi has completed the Level 3 Term Paper and is now engaged in Healing & Deliverance.

On the Shabbat of Feb 8, we invited Mr. Michael Tham, a Christian from Chengdu, China, to join us for Shabbat. He was visiting his wife and son, who is studying in Malaysia. It was by divine appointment; my Vice Delegate Cornelius met him in his taxi. We shared with him about Gospel Made in Zion, Yeshua & Israel & Replacement Theology. He returned with 12 Chinese books (3 books of each title), namely, The Identity Theft, Yeshua, Grafted In, and The Healing Power of the Roots. We prayed for Abba to open his understanding through the books and help him lead other Christian friends to the Gospel made in Zion.

Healing and Restoration

Pastor Perach Yang, Taiwan

After Apostle Dawid had surgery, 2-3 brothers and sisters from Taiwan and Malaysia took turns to watch over Apostle David and the Far East team at 9:00 am 4 days a week. We also began a prayer watch for Ima and the PNG Conference. On Feb. 15th, a Shabbat meeting was arranged especially to comfort Yutong and her mother in southern Taiwan after the funeral of Yutong’s father. After a nice lunch, we comforted them and then prayed for Israel. During the worship, Abba also did the work of healing and restoration in all of us.

The three GRM students have made good progress this month. One of them loves to read the Bible more (she’s a teenager), and the other began to understand that praying for Israel is like praying for our mother. Another student had a lot of contact with pagan religions in the past. The Holy Spirit touched her more deeply and caused her to repent of the sins in her life and make a restitution offering to UNIFY.

Pick up your Mat and Dance

A Picture that speaks 1000 Words

Mathilda Cuthbertson, Australia

I am only sending you a picture for my monthly report. It speaks a thousand words since it all happened suddenly on our Shabbat. We ministered to a Youths With A Mission (YWAM) group who came from 10 different countries and wanted to know about Shabbat and how to keep it. They came to our house to observe but were excited to join us for Kiddush.

Pick up your Mat and Dance

A Rededication to Advancing the Kingdom

Pastor Dr. Marcelo Corral, Ecuador

We organized an outdoor activity to maintain unity between the prayer group, Ima Bat Ami, and the most committed individuals who attend the ministry every Shabbat. The purpose was to have a time of teaching and prayer, thank Adonai for all we received throughout the year, and unite in prayer for the new season with a greater commitment from the deacons. We also focused on interceding for the soldiers of Israel and their families.

On Sunday, February 23, we gathered in a quiet, distraction-free place to share testimonies in an open environment. The Ruach filled us with sincere unity, as His word says, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). This marked a new beginning, encouraging us to continue advancing YHVH’s kingdom in Ecuador. Glory be to Adonai!

Pick up your Mat and Dance

Immersed in the Gospel made in Zion

Pastor Sonia Gotelli, Peru

For weeks before the Women on Fire Conference, the members of the Kad-Esh Peru Ministry shared the registration invitation with all their contacts, and they assisted them in filling out their registrations so they could listen to the Conference in Spanish.

The AGIMAP students (ten Peruvians and three foreigners) completed the course. On Monday, February 24th, we organized the Mikveh of the graduates living in Lima, on one of the beaches of the Costa Verde, so everyone is prepared for their Graduation Ceremony. On March 1st, we will have the Graduation meeting with all the students residing in Lima. On March 9, we will be the Graduation for those residing in Panama and Colombia, with the participation of our Regional Leader, Pastor César Silva, via Zoom. We also continue to broadcast weekly the videos of ArchBishop Dominiquae through “Television La Luz” and Radio Pacífico. ALL FOR THE GLORY OF YHVH.

Pick up your Mat and Dance

The Fruit of Longsuffering

Pastor Cesar Silva, Mexico

One person at a time! This is the phrase that has characterized the vision of ArchBishop

Dominiquae, and more specifically, the Ministry Mission. That ́s the way it goes.

Putting the Mission and Vision in Action.

This month, our Pastor Missionary friend, Isaias Gutierrez, who planted 13 trees in Israel, received a powerful miracle of protection for his garden. He has dedicated half of all profit from the next harvest to UNIFY. He also experienced miraculous healing and deliverance of a grandson who had autism.

Pastor Joel Gutierrez experienced restoration in his family with his daughter, who had been separated from her husband. After allowing us to minister to their marriage, they were restored, and they also sent a restitution offering to Israel and registered in GRM school. One of their daughters was also baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Bishop Pablo Reyes had partially lost his eyesight and was depressed. After Nelda prayed over him he was set free from the spirit of depression and sadness and able to sleep like never before, We are expecting a miracle for his eyes, as after visiting him and ministering to him, he received everything with a very open heart, and has registered for GRM. as well as sending a restitution offering and donating to plant trees in Israel, as well as blessing us with an offering. I ́am now very happy to see how the fruit is coming our way.

We look forward to doing much more in the coming month.

For the Lion of Judah,

Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman, and the UNIFY Team.

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bieman

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  • Please email us at info@unitednationsforsrael.org for bank details
  • Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
  • Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars, or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
  • Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Paulette Cowan, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA


United Nations for Israel Online Conference – April

Monday, April 7th, 2025 @ 8AM – 10 AM (EDT)

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Exposing Haman, Amalek and Hamas


Exposing Haman, Amalek, and Hamas

Who are Haman, Amalek, and Hamas, and why is it important to know?

The last battle for the establishment of God’s Kingdom has already begun. It is vital to discern who the enemies are.

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God of Wonders Tour

The God of Wonders Tour – Sukkot 2025

You are the God who works wonders. You have made Your power known among the peoples.”

– Psalms 77:15 TLV

October 3-15, 2025 (13 nights)

Join our Special Mission Tour to Support and Love Israel during this prophetic 77th year, in Prayer and Action! We will travel from North to south, visiting Jerusalem, Galilee, Negev & the Gaza border, Eilat, and the Dead Sea. The tour includes 4-star hotel or kibbutz hotel accommodations, daily breakfast & dinner buffet, lunch on Shabbat & holidays, all tour transportation, tips, and entrance fees. (Flights and health insurance are NOT included.)

Price: $3888

Register Now