I am a Peruvian believer in the Messiah and member of Kad-Esh MAP Peru. When I learned about the Hebrew Roots of my faith, I immediately enrolled myself in the GRM Bible School. Now I am a graduate from the GRM Bible School and have attended three Bible School on Wheels Sukkot Tours in Israel. Since my background is administration, I provide admin support to Kad-Esh MAP Peru and as a translator (English to Spanish) on Sukkot Tours.
I am excited about the mission of the United Nations for Israel and will provide all the support needed as a vice-delegate for Peru.
As a chosen Vice-Delegate for PERU:
- I will pray daily for the organization UNITED NATIONS FOR ISRAEL, its leaders and all other delegates.
- I will encourage others that love Israel to become members of United Nations for Israel.
- I will encourage believers to study GRM to equip themselves for this end of time era.
- I will encourage believers to join the Sukkot tour.
- I will keep alert to see what my government is doing to help or come against Israel and I will send e-mails, or contact personally, to any officer I need to address about the issues.
- I will travel to Jerusalem, Israel yearly to attend and be a part of the annual meetings of United Nations for Israel.