Helping Ukrainian & Russian Olim

Our partner, Pastor Sergei from the Ruach Chayim congregation, received many needed supplies for new Ukrainian immigrants, including winter clothing and toiletries, brought to Israel by our Sukkot Israel Tour participants in 2022.

UNIFY held a donation campaign to support Russian Jews who made Aliyah to Israel with warm blankets and winter jackets. UNIFY sent $2,500 from a special “Chen & Chesed” fund to buy warm blankets for these olim, and our UNIFY members donated another $2,500 within 24 hours to purchase 60 winter coats.

During the Pesach Sheni tour in 2023, participants brought summer clothing and other supplies needed for the new immigrants. During the war in 2023, we donated finances to buy heaters and warm winter blankets to families in need.

Watch: Helping in Ukrainian Aliyah