Green field with Israeli flag

Faint Not: In Due Time We Will Reap

Green field with Israeli flag

UNIFY Updates – August/September 2024, Av 5785

Be inspired by the miracle-filled reports from Israel and the Nations – UNIFY is on the move!

A word from Archbishop Dominiquae Bierman:

We have now ended the 5th month of Av and entered the 6th month of Elul, the Month of Mercy. All your reports were very encouraging and moving. Each one of you is advancing His Kingdom agenda by faithfulness and taking small steps of obedience. Yah is doing a profound work in us. He is interested in our hearts, minds, and beings. The biggest work He can do is the work in an individual. We are the United Nations for Israel, the home of the sheep nations. Yet, it doesn’t go any further than the work of Yah in the individual. Carrying the glory means getting rid of lies. No lies, no pain, all glory. That’s why The Identity Theft book and GRM Bible School are so important in dispelling the lies of replacement theology. After that comes the fine-tuning of every vessel of fire, in every one of us. He starts with the leaders, then everyone who is part of UNIFY. Every one of us is a team member standing with Israel, even when Israel cannot stand for herself.

When that time comes, many nations will join themselves to Adonai. “They will be my people, and I will live among you.” Then you will know that it was Adonai-Tzva’ot who sent me to you. Zechariah 2:15

He takes special care of his people. The delegates are like the president or prime minister of their sheep nations. Yah must refine us, work inside of us, and help us to break through our weak areas. He is preparing a government upon the earth. The government of the kingdom consists of the ones who are girding those governments here on earth. He wants a kingdom government that would be like a carbon copy of Yeshua. He is pushing to come back and will not sit again until all of Israel is restored. He has been mobilizing His army, and we are the tip of the spear. So, if you are going through tough times, just know that the magnificent work of the Holy Spirit is to work in us so we will show Yeshua and the Kingdom. We must thank and praise Him to keep us stable. In times of shaking, we will become a rock of stability. If we know how to trust Him, how to hold onto his tzitzit, we will not be shaken.

You make me know the path of life; in your presence is unbounded joy, in your right hand eternal delight. Psalm 16:11

Benjamin Netanyahu

Subur Martiana / U.S. Embassy Jerusalem, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons


Prime Minister Netanyahu gave the best address he has ever given to the nation. He showed the map of Rafah and said we could not leave Rafah and the Philadelphi Corridor. It is the border between Gaza and Egypt. Israel had some control over the maritime border and managed to stop the flotillas from bringing in weapons. All around Gaza, we have had some sort of control over weapons that come in or out. But on the Rafah crossing, we had no control at all. The only ones with control were the Egyptians. There were tunnels underground through which billions of dollars worth of weapons were moved into Gaza through the Rafah crossing. To give the Rafah Crossing back would be national suicide. Therefore, the PM has been withstanding a tremendous amount of pressure from Biden to give up the Philadelphi Corridor, i.e., telling Israel to kill herself. When an enemy gets a victory, it gets stronger next time around. This is why the PM refuses to give it up now or even 42 years from now.

Becalel Smotrich

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich | File photo: Oren Ben Hakoon

The only way to keep the enemy out is to settle. The Nahala Movement, represented by Smotrich, is from the religious Zionist party. They only have 4-5 seats in the Knesset. We need to target this man with our prayers. He has not compromised his beliefs and is keeping Netanyahu sharp. He said we are not going to reward the terrorists by sending them tax money. He sued the Labor Party for a political strike to bring down Netanyahu and the nation. The Nahala movement is growing and is the future of Israel. Smotrich needs to stay the course, pushing for the legalization of the settlements in Judea and Samaria. Keep covering him with prayer.

Here is the reality of what Israel is going through. This is a month of determination when reckonings happen. Elul, the 6th month of the year, prepares us for the 7th month of the High Holy Days. The demonstrations going on now are like those before October 7, 2023. They are trying to bring down Netanyahu and the nation of Israel. Keep praying for him and his family, as well. Those wicked demonstrations are carried out by about 1% of the Israelis. They have been exploiting the families of the hostages to serve the agenda of the anti-messiah. However, among the Arab Israelis, it is different. Read my soon to be published new book Exposing Haman, Amalek, and Hamas to understand what is going on among the Arabs and Hamas. A lot of the terror attacks recently have come from Israeli Arabs who carry an Israeli ID, not from the Palestinians who carry a green ID. Learn to make the distinction between Arab and Arab. Now we don’t only have enemies coming from Gaza, Lebanon, Iran, and so forth, but we also have enemies within and it is hard to tell who the enemy is.

“But I will pity the house of Y’hudah; I will save them not by bow, sword, battle, horses or calvary, but by Adonai their God.” Hosea 1:7

YHVH made a promise to the house of Judah, which is the Jewish people of today. He said He was going to deliver us. It won’t be by a great army, but from above. As we pray for Israel, we are dispatching the angelic host that is coming for the deliverance of Israel.

We still have many evacuees in the North who have not been able to go back home. At some point, we will have to conquer Lebanon.

Barb wire fence with Israeli flag

But there will be no more gloom for those who are now in anguish. In the past, the land of Z’vulun and the land of Naftali were regarded lightly; but in the future, he will honor the way to the lake, beyond the Yarden, Galil-of-the-Goyim. The people living in darkness have seen a great light; upon those living in the land that lies in the shadow of death, light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice in your presence as if rejoicing at harvest time, the way men rejoice when dividing up the spoil. For the yoke that weighed them down, the bar across their shoulders, and their driver’s goad you have broken as on the day of Midyan[’s defeat]. For all the boots of soldiers marching and every cloak rolled in blood is destined for burning, fuel for the fire. For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; dominion will rest on his shoulders, and he will be given the name Pele-Yo‘etz El Gibbor Avi -‘Ad Sar-Shalom [Wonder of a Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace], In order to extend the dominion and perpetuate the peace of the throne and kingdom of David, to secure it and sustain it through justice and righteousness henceforth and forever. The zeal of Adonai-Tzva’ot will accomplish this. Isaiah 8:23-9:1-6

This battle will culminate in the return of Yeshua. The place that is a shadow of death will become a place of joy. 50% of the people of the north do not want to come back to their places because they fear they will have to evacuate again if Lebanon is not conquered. Religious Zionists are pushing to settle the North. Until now, there weren’t many Religious Zionists in the North, but the Nahala Movement is provoking people to settle in the North, making a change of demographics, and fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah 8.

On that day the remnant of Isra’el, those of the house of Ya‘akov who escaped, will no longer rely on the man who struck them down, but will truly rely on Adonai, the Holy One of Isra’el. A remnant will return, the remnant of Ya‘akov, to the mighty God. For, although your people, Isra’el, are like the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return. Destruction is decreed, overflowing with justice. Adonai Elohim-Tzva’ot will bring about this decreed destruction throughout all the land. Therefore Adonai Elohim-Tzva’ot says: “My people living in Tziyon, don’t be afraid of Ashur, even when he strikes you with a stick and raises his staff against you, the way it was in Egypt. For in but a little while, my fury will end; and my anger will have destroyed them.” Adonai-Tzva’ot will wield a whip against them, as he did when striking Midyan at the Rock of ‘Orev; as his staff was over the sea, he will raise it, the way it was in Egypt. On that day his burden will fall from your shoulders and his yoke from your neck; the yoke will be destroyed by your prosperity. Isaiah 10:20-27

He is telling us, His people, not to be afraid. He disciplines His people, but then His anger turns to the destruction of our enemies. What is the burden of Israel? The shoulder of Israel is the Upper Galilee, the border with Lebanon.

See how Adonai Elohim-Tzva’ot lops off the branches with terrible violence! The ones standing highest are chopped down, the lofty are laid low. He will hack down the forest underbrush with an axe, and the L’vanon in its splendor falls. Isaiah 10:33-34

Lebanon will fall, and Israel needs to possess it.

Hostages names and faces

Six more hostages were killed this week. We cannot allow grief and mourning to take us down.

Israel is at a serious crossroads. The threats are too many to count. Gush Etzion, Judea, and Samaria are declared war fronts. Hamas has entrenched itself there. The war in Gaza and the complete destruction of Hamas is far from over. Our soldiers are falling in battle almost daily. Over 100,000 in the north and the south have still not returned home. The rockets occasionally fall in the south. Their last try is pushing for polio vaccines for all the children. The government keeps promising but not delivering enough. Thousands of children have lost almost a whole year of school. Many hostages are found brutally murdered in the tunnels. Overall is the looming threat of annihilation. The people are weary and disoriented. Israel is in a state of PTSD. Many reservists are still being drafted. Many have lost their businesses. Women are raising their children alone. There are hundreds of new widows and thousands of orphaned children. Thousands of family members and wounded have suffered terribly. Many farmers have lost their farms. Inflation is raging. Building sites are paralyzed because of a lack of Palestinian workers. International tourism is non-existent. Airlines are not flying to Israel. Israel is under inhuman international pressure to give up on the Zionist dream. Our government is trying to balance an impossible situation. It is a miracle that we have not been annihilated. Until Yeshua establishes His throne on the Temple Mount, Satan will try to destroy Israel.

We are the only ones standing between the rule of the anti-Christ and the rule of the Messiah on the earth. Whether hard or easy, good or bad, everyone in this world will have to choose sides, with the anti-Messiah or the Messiah, with Israel or against Israel. The end of the story is happy but we are now living through the very difficult part. It is at this time that Yah is testing hearts. Who will remain faithful to Him and to His covenant with Israel and who will choose the seemingly easy way of compromise? I believe Yah is marking people according to who belongs to him and who will eventually be marked by the Beast. These are extremely difficult times for the Jews but also the rest of humanity. The shaking is on and is increasing. Corrie Tenboom once said, “When you go through a dark tunnel, you do not throw away the ticket and jump off but rather sit still and trust the engineer.” The way to keep stable during shaking times is to keep faithful on the path we are preordained to walk. Keep obeying him even when the bullets are flying over your head. Stay the course of faith despite the strong feelings of futility and the desire to quit. Stay faithful to Yeshua and His plan for His Jewish People like we kept on marching in Sderot when the rockets were falling, and if we perish, we perish. Let us not be weary of well-doing even if the battle is long.

For in due time, we will reap if we faint not. Gal 6:9

Graduation ceremony

GRM Bible School Updates

Pastor Hanne Hansen

We have 3 more participants in the UK GRM study group, led by Hilary. We have 199 new GRM students in prisons. The Israel Factor Course was launched. There are also other courses available for those who have graduated from GRM. The GRM in prisons is growing at an amazing speed! Please pray for more volunteers to serve these brethren behind bars.

Reports From the Nations

Group of women sitting on a couch

International Book Fair

Pastor Sonia Gotelli, Peru

The 28th edition of the International Book Fair of Lima was held, in which the embassy of Israel participated, placing on its stand a model of the Kotel, inviting the attendees to deposit prayers that would be taken to Israel. Social networks spread several verbal attacks by pro-Palestinians against the Israeli presence, so we decided as a ministry to attend the fair on different days and visit Israel’s stand, leave our prayer requests, and make the shofar sound as support for Israel.

We will be participating in a virtual seminar in Spanish, “How to Support Israel on Social Networks”, organized by the Embassy of Israel. The lecturer will be the advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Mr. Gabriel Chocrom.

Our senior graduates of the AGIMAP school had a meeting with Pastor Ana Ramos, who arrived from Israel. We were encouraged to stand firm in the Word of YHVH and His promises even in old age.

Woman lying on hospital bed

Bring Up A Child

Pastor Cesar Silva, Mexico

Talita Kumi Mr. 5:41

During the morning prayer broadcast for Israel, a young woman from the congregation asked for prayer for her daughter, who was very sick in the hospital with terminal leukemia and a high fever which made the situation of her daughter’s leukemia worse. She immediately wrote to Pastor Nelda to ask us to put her in prayer. As we prayed, the temperature went away and the specialist doctor was shocked, wondering how it was possible that in just 1 hour the fever left and has never returned since that date. They have since discovered that there is no longer any trace of cancer cells in her marrow! She is completely healthy, and the required treatments are consequently much less invasive. Today she is completely healed and restored. Even more amazing, this is the girl who always stands up in the service, to collect offerings for the congregation. The Eternal One has done a wonderful miracle in her body and now she is constantly there, giving thanks and glory to Adonai.

The Ruach of ADONAI will rest upon them. Isaiah 11:2

On July 15th, the sister teachers of the congregation began a full week of teaching the children and teenagers about the Menorah. They learned about the Hebrew names of the 7 spirits of Adonai from Isaiah 11, and they also learned the importance of blessing Israel and being connected to the Jewish people. They learned that they are like a lit menorah and are the light of this earth just like Yeshúa.We had wonderful fruit and very good teaching.

Soon one bowed down will be released. He will not die and go to the Pit, nor will his bread be lacking. Isaiah 51:14

On August 23, we received a call from Sister Judith Gomez because the cartel had kidnapped her son and she had no communication with him. I immediately told the sister that in addition to prayer, she should send a restitution offering. The cartel immediately began to communicate with her, so she now knows he is alive and well. The offering to Israel was what completely moved everything.The sister continues to pray that he be released and return home safely. *UPDATE: At the time we publish this, Judith’s son has been released after being held three weeks in captivity by these monsters. He was beaten and handcuffed for three weeks, and cannot speak as he is traumatized. Pray for him to be deeply healed, and to break forth in praise to the One that set him free and for the family to find asylum.

Yeshua name written on a mountain slope

Physical and Spiritual Fire

Pastor Marcelo Corral, Ecuador

On the 9th of Av (August 12), we fasted with the entire congregation for Israel, for the IDF to have victory, and for Netanyahu to have wisdom. It was a special time when the people united in a cry for Israel.

In the week of August 18 to August 20, there was a forest fire on the mountain where the name YESHUA is written, which can be seen from the entire city of Cuenca. The day we painted it, we prayed to Adonai, and asked that He send angels to take care of His Name. When we saw the fire in the direction of the mountain, we blew the shofar praying not even the smoke would obscure the letters and the fire did not touch even a single letter. The media took photos of the fire and the mountain in flames and His Name was seen in the city newspapers; glory be to ADONAI.

On Sunday, August 19, two sisters who arrived about two months ago to the congregation to learn about the Hebrew Roots decided to be baptized in the true name of Yeshua. It was a day very full of Ruach.

Asian people with shofar

Faithful Worship and Mikveh

Apostle Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia

We continue to attend the Global Midnight Watch and MAP Men’s Prayer meeting, and have the IMA BAT AMI group of Malaysia. We also have our weekly Shabbat gathering, and Shabbat letter sharing by Zoom for Far East GRM students. In addition to that we hold Zoom meetings with Chinese UNIFY members.

We were blessed to have a mikveh into Yeshua’s name for a new GRM Bible School student.

Flooded street in Japan

Stormy Weather

Yutong Tagawa, Japan

On the afternoon of August 8, after the mayor of Nagasaki’s decision not to invite the Israeli ambassador to the peace ceremony, a magnitude 7 earthquake hit Kyushu. Because the mayor of Nagasaki dishonored Israel, the judgment of YAH came through the earthquake.

On the night of August 26th, I dreamed again that there was a letter B on my forehead and my hat. This is the second time I’ve had this dream in a while. I asked Ruach what B meant. The word “bail” came to my mind. I shared this dream with Pastor Perach, who told me to do a restitution offering, which I did. On August 14, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs supported the Palestinian food plan through the United Nations with up to 400 million yen. Within 48 hours, a typhoon formed off the coast of Tokyo. This typhoon brought heavy rain and the Tokyo Metro flooded. Again, a judgment of stormy weather from YAH.

On August 29, a typhoon landed from Nagasaki in Kyushu and passed through Kumamoto. This is the city where Apostle Dawid led us to blow Shofars earlier this year. and where the Ruach led us to a church. We met a pastor there and I gave him two of the Archbishop’s books (Yeshua is the Name and The Healing Power of the Roots). Although this typhoon is predicted to enter Osaka where my husband and I live, I ask for mercy, and I believe that YAH has given His mercy and will keep me and my family safe because we stand in the gap for Japan. Thank YAH for allowing us to be a member of UNIFY. In this time of judgment, we still have a chance to be shown mercy by humbly repenting, praying, and giving restitution offerings. Thank you, Abba.

Healing Testimonies

Pastor Perach Yang, Taiwan

On the Sabbath of August 17th, we gathered at Adina & Benyamin’s house in Kaohsiung. A sister who had left the team returned, repented of the wrong things she had done during this period, and rededicated her life. That same day, Jing Ying, a student who is studying GRM, was baptized in Yeshua, and the six of us had mikveh together. We were filled with great joy. When I looked into the blue sky, I saw a large angel in a white robe thanking the Lord for restoring the unity of the team.

Every Monday, we read Archbishop’s new book Truly Messianic online together and have a deeper desire to be able to walk in the Messianic anointing.

The next day, I visited a sister I hadn’t seen for about 6 months. She hadn’t been able to lift her head for the last two months because of a shoulder injury. I told her to cry out for His true name, Yeshua, to save her, prayed for her healing, and reminded Yah that she had been supporting me to walk the Jewish Roots since 2017. I thanked the Lord for answering the prayers and her head raised and her neck and shoulder no longer hurt. Her husband said it was the first time in two months that her head had lifted. Yah had healed her. HalleluYah!

Asian people singing

From Mourning to Dancing

Pastor Dvora Cheung, Hong Kong and China

Adina’s 91-year-old father died suddenly, leaving Adina and her family very sad and unprepared. About 30 relatives, GRM students, and unbelievers came to his funeral where we shared the Gospel made in Zion. YHVH was merciful in giving them this chance to listen to the Gospel made in Zion, there in Hong Kong. Then, YHVH turned the family’s mourning into dancing with the birth of her daughter’s baby.

When we blew the Shofar at the Book Fair last month, a university student named Harvey was attracted to the sound and joined our Shabbat Torah reading. He started learning about Israel a few years ago through BBC and Wikipedia. He read the English bible, which enabled him to learn about feasts such as Purim. In May, a teammate gave “The Voice of These Ashes” to her niece, who is also a university student. We are praying for an open door for the Gospel made in Zion to enter this university. If it is Yah’s will, this will be our 2nd generation (youth) for the Gospel made in Zion, one person at a time. Harvey is busy with the Orientation camp now but hopes he can join our Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh’ meetings in the future.

Women with Israel and Norway flag under a tree

Cleansing Old Court Sites

Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway

The Norwegian UNIFY group gathered at Unni-Elisabeth’s home in Elnesvågen August 9th -11th to minister to old court sites in Averøy at Kvernes and Bremsnes. These court sites are from the Iron Age and several Viking kings lived here. From pre-Christian times, there have been sacrifices to idols, executions, murders, and the like. Leviathan has also claimed innocent blood which now cries out for justice from the spiritual darkness remaining over this island.

We prepared ourselves in prayer and fasting and asked for forgiveness for our sins, generational sins, and the national sins of Norway, especially concerning Israel, before we went out to the courts.There was a very heavy rainstorm, but we did not let it stop us. First, we went to Kvernes Tingsted which was the Pilgrim Path for boats going to Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim. We brought Israeli and Norwegian flags, as well as shofars. We prayed for forgiveness for the sins of innocent bloodshed, and idolatry. We proclaimed all offerings illegal and invalid and broke the lines of communication with any spirits or principalities of darkness in Yeshua’s name. We proclaimed the cleansing power of the blood, walking 7 times around Kvernes Tingstede, cleansing the stones with salt and oil and blowing the shofars. After this, we felt Shalom and the rain miraculously stopped. We prayed and praised Yah and played the Norwegian and Israeli national anthems.

From Kvernes Tingsted we went on to Bremsnes court site just a couple of miles away. It was not raining, but strong winds were blowing. There was an atmosphere of darkness there. The court site had a large sacrificial stone in the middle. We did the same here as at Kvernes, walking 7 times around Bremsnes court site. Every time we passed the highest point of the site, a strong wind hit us, and on the 7th round we sprinkled salt and oil, and blew the shofars. After this, we felt Shalom and the sky lit up above us. We prayed and praised Yah once again. The gate from the devil was closed and a heavenly gate from Yah has been opened on Averøy, which affects large areas along the Norwegian coast. HalleluYah!

Woman blowing shofar on a lake boat

He Always Has a Plan

Pastor Terhi Laine, Finland

Eija: I took a lake cruise in August. I had to go alone and I sighed to Abba Father, but I felt that He must have a plan. When I got on the boat, a woman who was also alone greeted me at the gate, so we went together to eat and talk. She was having difficulties in her life and confessed that she was in a relationship with a married man. I shared how I try to be a pure and obedient bride to YHVH, with no wrinkle or stain, not knowing when I may die, and that I want to be saved, but that Yah is merciful if we repent. I blew a shofar on the deck of the ship which gave my new friend joy and wonder. At the same time, the gray rainy weather began to clear and the sun came out, which was a testimony to my new friend. We agreed to meet the following week. At that time, she told me she ended her relationship with the married man. I rejoiced and thanked Yah. We have continued to meet and Yah is continuing to work in her.

At my brother’s funeral in Sweden, I got to minister to my brother’s children and grandchildren that we have hope of seeing him again (he was a believer) if we are born again, taking Yeshua as our Savior. I found that it spoke to many of my relatives.

We hold Shabbat meetings twice a month, rejoicing together in the Word, sharing our joys and sorrows, and praying. We continue to translate the Voice of These Ashes book. I have noticed that more Sabbath letters in Finnish are being read on our Facebook page, as well as the Archbishop’s programs on TV channel 7 being shown and even re-aired multiple times.

I thank Abba Father that we don’t have a leftist government during this Israel/Palestine war. The chairman of a left-wing party recently stated that the Palestinian state should be recognized, to which the Finnish PM and right-wing parliament members responded by saying that we cannot reward a terrorist organization with its own state and cannot make decisions based on emotion. They have courageously put forward the correct facts of the situation. Some Members of Parliament even understand what the Torah says on the subject. HalleluYah!

Truck driver blowing shofar

Building A Natural Foundation on the Spiritual Rock

Pastor Eicha Lohmus, Estonia

From Silver, UNIFY member –

A few months ago, I was contacted by a past client named Marek, who needed someone to build a foundation for his private sauna building. It was not an easy task because the wishes of the client changed constantly. I have constantly sought wisdom, guidance, favor, and shalom in prayer from YHVH – my Rock and Deliverer, and this carried me through this project without conflicts. Ruach also told me that behind the building of the sauna foundation was something of deeper spiritual importance.

I drove a blue ElZion truck that was newly dedicated and painted with symbols of the Lion of Judah and Menorah to proclaim the gospel made in Zion, and is now starting to bear fruit. At the end of the sauna project, we met with Marek and my blue truck caught his attention. He asked about its logos, which led us into a conversation about Israel, the current war, the Messiah, Jews, Shabbat, etc. Marek seems to be a seeker of truth but on his journey he began reading Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”, thus his initial position was very antisemitic. To my surprise, what I shared about the God of Israel and the Jewish people interested him, and he even asked me to give him materials about these topics. I plan to give him the book “The Identity Theft”. I pray that Marek and his family may get to know the Jewish Messiah Yeshua, become lovers of God and the people of Israel, and build their house on a true Rock of Salvation which would crush antisemitism and all other spiritual practices in their lives.

Two women blowing shofars by the lake

Supernatural Touches the Natural

Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden

A Month of Unexpected Missions in the middle of everyday life.

Know therefore that Adonai your God, He is God—the faithful God who keeps covenant kindness for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His mitzvot.” Deut. 7:9 TVL

Praise the Living Yah! He is so good and always faithful! After much suffering, He has given me plenty of calm and resting time in His beautiful creation. When we visited my childhood town, Virrat, with my mother, we experienced great comfort and blessings. My aunt owns the cottage along the lake where I spent most of my childhood summers. She received The Identity Theft book earlier this spring and seems to be significantly updated on the situation in Israel. We spoke about deep issues, and it ended with intercession, in which my aunt participated, and an act of repentance for the whole generational bloodline for taking Israel and the Jews lightly. I sensed the cleansing and the generational blessing that was released after the repentance. My aunt was deeply touched. My Mother and I blew shofars for a great awakening that caused vibration and many circles in the water.

Woman holding The Voice of These Ashes book

We hold the Most Powerful Key (Gen. 12:3) with enormous gratitude!

Mathilda Cuthbertson, Australia

We are glad to report that our little Messianic Home Fellowship Group is on board with UNIFY. This month we received a gracious offering of AUD 960.20 and I topped it up to AUD 1000 and sent it to UNIFY while Ima and Rabbi were camping out in the Dead Sea. As a thank you to those who made the first offering to UNIFY a while back, I gave away five copies of “The Voice of these Ashes” to five families who were present during the Shabbat.

“On that day many nations will join themselves to the LORD, and they will become My people. I will dwell among you, and you will know that the LORD of Hosts has sent Me to you.” Zachariah 2:11

Current Projects

Archbishop will soon have a meeting with the “Seventy Righteous” who are giving at least $100/month to UNIFY. To those who are not already a part of this group, we encourage you to join. It is a blessing to be able to depend on those funds for projects, and it is a blessing to those who give.


I love the opening verse admonishing us to not grow weary of doing what is good, for we will eventually reap the harvest. The next verse reminds me of all the faithful members of UNIFY:

Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful. Galatians 6:10

For Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman,

Glenda Shockley & the UNIFY Team

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bieman

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  • Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Hadassah Paloma Danielsbacka, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA

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