Every person counts

Every Person Counts

Every person counts

UNIFY Updates – January/February 2025, Tevet (10th Month) 5785

For just as through the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one man, many will be set right forever.” Romans 5:19 TLV

Shalom, Beloveds! Last month was a tremendous month, from attending the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast at Mar-a-Lago to the Inaugural Prayer Breakfast event in Washington D.C., where I was invited to lead a prayer, to the ongoing prison ministry work our team has done, we have been very busy. Testimonies and reports I received from the national delegates this month also showed me that you are becoming ‘Water-Walkers’ and beginning to walk by faith and not by sight. I know that miracles are going to follow! We give praise to Yah for all these things.

We must pray about the disaster this cease-fire deal is making for Israel, which is importing terrorists to Judea and Samaria at the same time we are battling a war on terror there. As excited as we are to see the hostages returning home and reuniting with their families, and as encouraging as the messages of resilience these young men and women are sharing with the world upon their return are, we must not lose sight of the need to pray that the IDF will be allowed to complete their mission in Gaza. Only Yah knows the brutality the hostages have been through, yet they come back smiling and walking out stoically despite Hamas’ attempts to humiliate them by parading them on a stage. Many are giving glory to God, saying, “Faith has taken me through; I thank God, the IDF, and our people.” Still, we must continue praying for their healing and restoration and for no compromise on the part of the Israeli government and on the part of the present US administration.

Every person counts

Israel-USA Relations

We believe the letter to President Trump, which I shared with you last month, has been received by him. My letter to him was a prophetic word of warning that the manner in which he deals with Israel and, specifically, the undivided possession of the land will have a direct bearing on the success of his current term and the future greatness of America. If he does right by Israel, then he will probably be the most blessed and greatest President that America has ever had; if he does not do right by her, then great judgment will fall on her, and I would suggest that anyone who can escape would escape. This is a very serious time; judgment is absolutely knocking at the door, and the only thing that can stop it right now is radical obedience to Yah concerning the land covenant He has with Israel.

It is significant that we had our monthly meeting on the same day that President Trump met with PM Benyamin Netanyahu, who was the first head of state to visit America after his election. This is exciting evidence that President Donald Trump is literally putting Israel first. There were also two terrible tragedies that happened in the USA at the same time that Steve Witkoff, a special envoy to the Middle East who secured the current ceasefire deal in Gaza, was visiting Qatar and Israel, which also coincided with the latest hostage release. Dr. Kadar, a Professor in Middle Eastern affairs, recently spoke on Israel Channel 14 News and said that Witkoff, who is a real estate mogul, had some serious problems with a real estate deal in the past, and Qatar bailed him out. Therefore, he is indebted to the Qataris. I am very concerned about this. It means he may possibly be very conflicted. The timing of these tragedies could simply be a coincidence, but they may hold a warning as well. Steve Witkoff is a Jew, and he loves Israel, but he is not necessarily a Jew with a depth of understanding of the Torah. Therefore, it may very well be that he is compromising some things and that Yah is using these tragedies, not that he caused them, but he may be using them to call President Trump’s attention to something concerning Israel. We need to pray that Steve Witkoff will somehow also receive the letter that I sent to President Trump and that he will not compromise the land of Israel in any way.

Every person counts

We commend President Trump for the biblical politics he is implementing so far, including an Executive Order stating that there are only two genders, male and female. It is difficult to believe that we needed to have an executive order for that, but we needed that in America because it had gotten so out of hand. Even when you book flights or fill in various forms now, there is an option for ‘other’ as if there is another gender aside from male and female. He is putting out the fires in California, deporting the illegal immigrants who are criminals and gang members, removing the United States from the dictatorship of the World Health Organization, and many other good things. But it is our job as UNIFY Delegates and members to pray that Yah will keep him targeted and that he will see the key to blessing the USA is to put Israel first, even before America.

Apostle Markita Brooks has stepped up as Vice Delegate for the USA to bring order to UNIFY. In America, because of the lack of biblical foundations in the Torah principles of order and obedience, people often show up, but then they are later missing in action due to the circumstances of life. You must be able to navigate the affairs of life without relinquishing your position. Despite the hospitalizations of my daughter and the death of my son, I have remained resilient and have stayed faithful to my position. In fact, I have expanded territory despite the shakings, and I want you all to follow this example. Just as the Apostle Paul said, “Imitate me as I imitate Yeshua,” I am telling you the same. Yeshua did not leave his position no matter what happened, even while he was being crucified on the cross, although he could have taken himself off the cross even as they were taunting him to do so. Yah releases His Heavenly Host to help us when we are staunchly committed. It is written in Psalm 24:3-4, ‘Who can ascend my holy hill? He who has made a vow to his own heart and does not change’. Different translations may say it in different ways, but in Hebrew, the phrase ‘v’lo nishba lemirmah’ means to ‘not make a vow fraudulently’. In other words, be steadfast and unchanging in your commitments. In the army, when you are MIA (missing in action), when you are found, you are put in military prison. I want you to be free to deny yourself and step out in faith, even if it hurts and is not convenient. The key to freedom is obedience.

Testimony by Apostle Markita Brooks, Vice Delegate Elect, USA

During this past Sukkot, Yah spoke to me and said, ‘You need to be in the Sukkot Israel Tour next year; you need to get in position.’ I had previously been the UNIFY Vice Delegate and then stepped down after some challenges here in the USA. Yah has been showing me the impending judgment on our nation and how the other nations within UNIFY have order, and things are happening in those nations according to the order Yah has set for UNIFY, yet we have not seen that here in the USA. We all know how important that is, especially now as our nation is coming before the Great Judge. It could really go either way: we could be judged, or we could receive the discipline we need to get back on track. UNIFY is Yah’s United Nations and is the preparation for Messiah’s return. It will also exist in his millennial reign as a biblical government to govern the sheep nations of the world. There has been a burden on my heart about Archbishop carrying the USA. She has been carrying us a long time, but we are going to have to step up. So, I felt convicted, and I repented for not stepping up into that role. I will be officially installed in Jerusalem and ordained during the next Sukkot tour.

Testimony by Erika Mendoza, USA

As with many others, the enemy has fought me and tried to destroy me even before I was born. My mother was like Hannah. She was barren, but she prayed, and God responded to her with me. Like Hannah, she made a covenant with God that she would never allow me to leave the church and would always lead me to Him. As a child, I always knew I had a special discernment, and like Samuel, I heard a voice that I now know was the spirit of the living God. But the life around me and the abuse I suffered as a child did not allow me to see myself as Yah saw me. When Yah first called me, and I actually responded, I was in an abusive marriage with two children, and the abuse continued to follow me. Despite what I had experienced as a child, I made the decision to seek God for myself, and on my journey of faith, He began to train and exercise my gifts. I knew there was more. I was divorced, remarried, and established as an ordained minister, prophetess, and worship leader. Still, I knew there was much more that we in the church were not tapping into.

In 2020, He began to reveal Hebraic words to me. He revealed the name Yeshua, which eventually led me to UNIFY. Archbishop reminded me of my own mother. I felt a connection that Yah put in me. In order to proceed, I had to be mentored by this Jewish woman because I had been told to follow Yeshua and not ‘Jesus.’I was finally truly born again. Archbishop was his warrior guide, who made crooked paths straight. I left everything to join GRM and UNIFY and stayed connected to the lifeline of the midnight prayer watch. Yah was testing me to see whether I would follow Him. Week after week, I joined in and heard my UNIFY family on fire, never backing down. There is unity among all of us seeking the same God in one spirit.

After my third Israel Sukkot tour, I came full circle. I returned home tired but refreshed, worn down yet revived. I faced many challenges in my home after receiving a prophetic word that the ministry for me would begin in my home. It was almost as if that prophetic word reached satan himself, and he unleashed hell in my home while I was gone. Something shifted in me; I became a vessel of fire, and it began to expose and consume all impurity around me. Those prayer watches continued to be my lifeline. He has shown me that no matter what, we must continue to show up and stand firm in faith. We must stay connected to the true vine, King Yeshua, and to the family that Yah has assigned us to. Yah is still leading me into greater faith, that burning bush that never consumes what is holy but rather purifies, ignites, and increases that holy fire. In the last meeting, Archbishop left us with this word: BE YOU – be who Yah has called you to be, full of faith, wisdom, and knowledge. Amen!

Every person counts

The Importance of Being ‘Shema People’

For it is not the hearers of Torah who are righteous before God; rather, it is the doers of Torah who will be justified. For when Gentiles, who do not have the Torah, do by nature the things of the Torah, they are a law to themselves even though they do not have the Torah. They show that the work of the Torah is written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts switching between accusing or defending them on the day when God judges the secrets of men according to my Good News through Messiah Yeshua.” Romans 2:13-16 TLV

We are very excited about both Apostle Markita and Erika making a choice to remain where they have been planted so that the roots may go down deep and the fruit comes upward. Many worship leaders get sidetracked with wanting to become celebrities and begin to worship their desire for fame. We are there together; this is not something we do alone. We do it together in the high places and the low places as one global community; even though each walks their own road, we are interdependent, and that gives us a backbone. Something new is happening, and some of you have already begun to feel it.

Many people try to hide behind their own secrets, yet we are called to walk transparently before the Most High. We must be accountable, and then our conscience will not be accusing us, and we will have Shalom. That doesn’t mean that we will not have anguish, but if we walk transparently and do not hide our sins, our conscience will not be accusing us. It is not those who hear the Torah but those doing the Torah who will be justified. Remember that Torah means instructions in righteousness. This refers not only to the written Torah but also to instructions he gives specifically to us. In key times, he gives us a ‘personal Torah’ based on the principles of Torah. For example, He wouldn’t have given me a prophetic word for Trump unless he wanted me to deliver it. He may not tell you every step, but it is up to you to understand and carry out the work that Yah has appointed you to. The gifts we are given are not for us. They are to reach out.

When you have something in your hand, it is up to you to reach out and use it eagerly. That’s why it says in 1 Corinthians 13 that love must be the motivation for everything we do, and we must eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, for the building up of the community and for the reaching of the unbelievers as well. When you eagerly desire to use what he has given you, he will open up ways and you will not be missing in action. Passive people accomplish nothing; you must take what He gives you, thrust it out, and invest it. That is what Rabbi and I have done all the years He has given us to serve Him, and that is why you are here and what you are also called to do.

This is a community of governments. You are in governmental positions for the future reign of Messiah. This is very serious; we are in training to govern here. Whatever we have been given is for the purpose of using. Do not let your fruits rot; use them and thrust them forward. You may make mistakes, but I prefer to have a racehorse that I need to break into obedience than a mule that will not move. If you are taking the instruction of the rider (Yeshua), you will not be missing in action because of family circumstances or setbacks of rejection or persecution – keep going, and do not lose your position.

UNIFY has been called to restore the ancient foundations of faith -looking to the ancient paths, as Jeremiah tells us (Jer. 6:16). This is a major difference between the Greek faith and the Hebrew faith. Greek faith is about hearing and philosophizing about it. Hebrew faith is about hearing and doing. UNIFY is a global community of ‘Shema People,’ a faith that hears and does, even if it means walking on the water or crossing the Red Sea. Perhaps you have joined UNIFY, but you have never shown up with your gifts, your callings, or your time to be a doer. If you seek Yah and He shows you a way you are being called to serve, write to us and tell us. Often, if I pray about what to do to advance the Ministry and do not hear a response, it may be that someone else has been given the Word and is not taking action. Make sure you are not MIA (missing in action), whether in hearing, giving, or doing. Once you know what is right to do- just do it! Listen, hear, and obey.

Every Advance Matters

I am especially excited to see what Yah is going to do in our upcoming Purim Conference in Papua New Guinea. Apostles Molly and Charlie have literally crisscrossed that country, even branching out into Indonesia. I remember that in one of the campaigns we did in the past, I saw thousands of people in the stadium and thousands more outside the stadium. They came walking for days, even sometimes barefooted and they even stood under pouring rain. We must pray that there will be such a hunger in the other nations. We need to see a breakout revival like this in every nation, especially in the USA.

Every advance matters. For example, Pastor Eicha in Estonia, who displayed the UNIFY flag at a remembrance event for HaShoah, was connected with an Estonian Parliament member and was able to share with him about the United Nations for Israel. The model for UNIFY is ‘One Person at a Time’ – Beloved ones, every person counts! One person can shift the fate of a nation and even the world. When one of us is missing in action, the battle can be lost. Just as it took one Adam to fall into sin, it took only one new Adam to break the curse. For example, consider the Battle of Ai (Josh. 7 & 8).

Then Adonai said to Joshua, “Arise! Why are you fallen on your face? Israel has sinned. Yes, they have also transgressed My covenant, which I commanded them. Now they have even taken of the things under the ban of destruction. So they have also stolen and even deceived, and even put them among their own possessions. So Bnei-Yisrael cannot stand before their enemies. So they turn their necks before their enemies, because they have come under the ban. I will not be with you any more unless you destroy whatever is under the ban from among you. Arise! Consecrate the people and say, ‘Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, for thus says Adonai, the God of Israel: Something under the ban is in the midst of you, Israel. You will not be able to stand up before your enemies until you remove whatever is under the ban from among you. Joshua 7:10-13 TLV

Beloveds, when we fail to listen and submit, we are like Achan, who was disobedient and hid a Babylonian garment under his tent because of the love of mammon. That caused a defeat in Ai, and many died because of one. When Joshua cried out to Yah to understand why they were defeated, Yah told him, “Arise! Why are you fallen on your face? Israel has sinned. Notice that he didn’t say, ‘Achan has sinned,’ because the moment one of us has not surrendered, is MIA, or is hiding his sin (like the Babylonian garment), he looks at all of us and says, “UNIFY has sinned.” The moment one of us loves his life more than serving Yeshua – the battle becomes fiercer because one is missing in action. We affect each other. That is the call to accountability. One person matters. When you show up, it affects all of us. We are like Joseph’s storehouse- storing up the material we have and the knowledge for a time of spiritual famine, when people will be able to come to the storehouse and buy the grain of the good word. Someone is missing in action. I have been battling for years with the fact that we have the best material available and the best content in so many languages – How do we get it into the hands of every person in the world?

HOMEWORK: Ask yourself- Am I missing in action somewhere? In my giving? My ministry? In helping? In being part of the Team?

Every person counts

Vessels of Fire Testimony – Deliverance from Darkness

He rescued us from the domain of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son whom He loves.” Colossians 1:13 TLV – E.P. (Male)

I am not entirely sure what made me sign up for GRM Bible School. It may have been because I am confined to a cell or something deeper than I can ever imagine. I do know that I am forever grateful for being in the right place at the right time. I used to be confused and uncomfortable because I didn’t know what to believe. There are so many different doctrines, all going against each other, and they say different things. For years, I’ve been searching for the truth and before, when I would seek, I would find things that were a bit unsettling. It made me turn away from it all and not care. GRM Bible School has done an extreme makeover in my life. There are many times that I would pray for revelation, knowledge, truth, and understanding. GRM Bible School has given me that, praise God. I now understand the Gospel better and know my faith’s roots. I learned in another setting that knowledge in Hebrew means light, so the knowledge I gained through GRM Bible School has shined a light on the errors of darkness I had before. Thanks to GRM, I have recommitted myself to God and truly accepted the Jewish Messiah. I’m no longer running around blind. I know the truth now, and nothing can change that. Bless Israel and the Jewish Messiah Yeshua! Praise God for deliverance from darkness! (Order the Vessels of Fire book HERE)

USA Prison Ministry

Updates from the Prison Ministry Team

Things are going very well in the Prison Ministry with many new GRM students. This past Shabbat, during the monthly meeting in one of the prisons we visit, we had a wonderful idea to invite the inmates to share their own stories, and when they began to share, it was very moving. One young man, a GRM Bible School graduate, shared about how the Gospel made in Zion had changed his life, and now he wants to serve God, and he was so excited and full of enthusiasm for Yeshua. The other ones shared remarkable stories describing painful family tragedies, loneliness, loss, and addiction. Through GRM Bible School, God is healing and transforming lives and giving new hope and new beginnings to many of His prodigal sons and daughters.

Had it not been for Rabbi Baruch Bierman showing up to launch this prison ministry, countless lives would not have been touched in this way. Had it not been for me having the download of GRM and taking it and turning it into a course, they would not have had the training program to help them. Were it not for our faithful prison ministry team, we would not have the new students. We give Yah all the glory!

United Nations for Israel

Reports from the Nations

Behold My servant, whom I uphold. My Chosen One, in whom My soul delights. I have put My Ruach on Him, He will bring justice to the nations. Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things. Before they spring forth I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:1, 9 TLV

Every person counts

Raising the Banner

Pastor Eicha Lohmus, Estonia

Our team attended haShoa Remembrance Day on 27 January, which was held at a Jewish cemetery in Tallinn and organized by the Estonian Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Estonian Jewish Community. It is amazing how every year, there is one person at this public event who responds to the nudge of Ruah Elohim through the UNIFY flag. Before the Shoa Remembrance event, in my weary moment, I asked YHVH: “What is the point of going there when the same people and the same speeches are presented?” His answer was: “Just go, be obedient, lift up the flag, and you will see.” This year, the one person was an Estonian parliament member, the Minister of Population Affairs Riina Solman. She is a friend of Israel and a member of the Israeli committee group inside Parliament. She grabbed the UNIFY flag when we took pictures. I gave her my UNIFY name card, and she was very interested in meeting me again. I pray this divinely guided contact will bear good fruit. Praise Yah, for He always rewards obedience to the call, giving one person at a time.

Obedience is not convenience, it is not logic talking to us. Obedience is the Shema to the voice of Adonai.”

Every person counts

One Finnish Jew

Pastor Terhi Laine, Finland

Our team had an online meeting on Shoa Memorial Day. We lit candles in memory of the 6 million Jews killed and those killed in the Hamas attack on 7 October 2023. We prayed for all those kidnapped, for YHVH’s protection and deliverance for them, and for comfort for the bereaved and healing for those released. We repented for the 8 Jews extradited from Finland, one of whom survived, and for those who sought refuge in our land but were not allowed to board the ship to our land. We sent a reparation offering through UNIFY proclaiming, “Am Israel Chai“.

A week before the Shoah Memorial Day, a new film about Abraham Stiller, the one Finnish Jew who tried to help save the 8 Jews, was released in Finnish cinemas. The film has received considerable attention in Finland and has already had high attendance since its premiere. The film brings home to viewers, even those who are not familiar with the history of this country, the hatred, intrigue, and lust for power of a few people and its consequences. The forgiveness between the surviving Kohlman (who moved to Israel) and Abraham Stiller was also strongly expressed. It was a very moving film, and I hope the film will bring about a change in many hearts and a turning of hearts away from evil. May the Ruach lead them to pray and bless the people of Israel.

Every person counts

A Light Shines Forth

Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway

We are very blessed and looking forward to hosting Archbishop and Rabbi at the upcoming Nordic UNIFY conference in Oslo for 2 days directly after the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in Oslo in April that they will also attend. We expect participants from Nordic countries and other European countries, especially nations where we have UNIFY members. We have reserved a meeting hall just a few minutes’ walk from the Parliament in our capital, Oslo. Apostle Sana and I are busy planning for this event. Receiving Archbishop and Rabbi in Norway at this time is significant, especially since Norway is now reckoned almost the most antisemitic nation in Europe, and the Israeli ambassador to Norway has been called back home due to this.

UNIFY Norway has also been busy with a new Norwegian local GRM group with five students, our Norwegian UNIFY prayer and Ima Bat Ami group on Zoom, and attending the weekly prayer meetings on Zoom for the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in Norway. Because of our praying in the name of Yeshua, the leader of the prayer meetings also has begun to do so more when he speaks and prays. Praise Yah!

This year, the Synagogue was able to have the International Holocaust Day gathering outside, as we normally do, rather than inside the Synagogue because of the fear of terror. We lit one candle for each Jew from the Jewish community in Trondheim, who lost the largest percentage of members among the Northern countries during Shoa. Every name was read aloud, and the Kaddish for the dead was prayed. A Norwegian Parliament Member expressed views from his heart in support of the Jews despite the current antisemitic political climate here.

Every person counts

Spiritual Momentum for Sweden

Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden

After my last retreat, a powerful concept was born by Ruach HaKodesh to continue The Way to Zion (Vägen till Sion) outreach weekly (instead of monthly) on different subjects and perspectives and to include testimonials. That has been appreciated, and some new followers have already received Yeshua’s name and started celebrating Shabbat.

Another part of the momentum is going to different local Christian and Jewish congregations to make contacts. In every place, exciting discussions and connections were made, and brochures and books were given. It feels like a new time for outreach missions to the Christian churches with the Gospel made in Zion. Brother Yun from China visited Sweden for one week, and we felt we should give him Healing Power of the Roots in Mandarin and Identity Theft in German as he is currently living in Frankfurt and knows some German. His global evangelization ministry is called Back to Jerusalem. When we gave him the book, he was grateful, prayed for us, and felt in the Ruach to say: You are doing precisely the right thing; continue.

Keren Kajamet Sweden organized a Shoah Memorial event, and UNIFY Sweden participated. It was a profoundly touching and inspiring event with two book releases, dialogue between authors, and memorial speeches by various speakers, including Shoah survivor Elisabeth Masur. There were good discussions, fellowship, and opportunities to share the message of UNIFY. It was great to see the cooperation and dialogue between Jews and Christians.

Every person counts

Embracing the Future

Hilary Anderson, United Kingdom

Not by might, nor by power but by My Ruach says Adonai-Tzva’ot” (Zechariah 4: 6 TLV)

January has been a month of change and new beginnings, and Archbishop’s message about being prepared for the new has resonated deeply. On a personal level, I had a flood in my property, which caused a lot of damage and resulted in me having to throw away a lot of things. Amid the situation, I felt shalom and instantly knew that this was Yah’s hand, causing me to let go of the past in order to embrace the future. I am now excited at what Yah has next.

In regard to the UK GRM group, three of the students have submitted their first assignment ahead of the deadline, and we are now moving on to level 2. On 27th Jan, we listened to the first two videos about “Rediscovering Genesis” and were powerfully impacted by them. Also, as it was International Holocaust Memorial Day, we spent time praying for Israel and repenting on behalf of the UK and her part in sending Jews to their deaths by refusing to allow those fleeing Europe to enter Israel. This month, the UK GRM group also planted a tree in Israel as part of the Oct 7th memorial. It is a small start, but I believe that it will open the door for more restitution giving from this group toward Israel through UNIFY.

As part of the Nordic and European nations, I will be attending the Conference in Oslo with Archbishop on 5th-6th April 2025 and have been attending the preparatory zooms. I will be promoting this conference in the UK.

Every person counts

From Death to New Life in Yeshua

Pastor D’vora Cheung, China & Hong Kong

The people living in darkness have seen a great light; upon those living in the land that lies in the shadow of death, light has dawned. Isaiah 9:1


At the end of Chanukah, Tong Feng, the husband of UNIFY member Flower Peng, suffered a stroke and went into the hospital for an operation. Despite the darkness of nearly dying, it was transformed to light as Tong Feng accepted Yeshua after the operation. They received support, love, and offerings from the Far East Members. Observing Shabbat brought healing for Tong Feng.

Hong Kong

We continued cleansing the altars of our hearts by hosting a Freedom from Pain Retreat on two different Rosh Chodeshim (Biblical new moon) at the beginning of the months Tevet and Shevat. Our entire congregation experienced cleansing and becoming filled with His glory as a vessel to be used by YHVH.

On the 20th of January, we and some Christians joined the UN?? Shoah Memorial Commemoration. It was the first time that some of them participated in this event, and they were now re-educated. They showed love and support when we sang the haTikvah anthem. UNIFY flags were distributed to them as well.

Every person counts

Shalom in Vayechi

Yutong Tagawa, Japan

We continue to pray daily for Israel, our leaders, Archbishop and Rabbi, including their children, the IDF, the Nachala movement, and the return of the kidnapped hostages. We pray that Jewish people around the world would make Aliyah for the growth of Kad-Esh Ministries, UNIFY, the GRM Prison ministry, and everything that needs to be prayed for.

My father passed away on January 19th. I thus returned to Taiwan to help my family deal with my father’s hospitalization and his funeral. I thanked Yah for the Torah portion, VayecHi, before I returned to Taiwan. This allowed me to be mentally prepared to receive Yah’s revelation about my father’s situation before I returned to Taiwan. Although there is sadness and reluctance, I still thank Yah for allowing us to have His shalom and grace in this whole process.

Every person counts

Earthquakes Rumble as Haman is Exposed!

Pastor Perach Yang, Taiwan

Every night, at least two people take turns praying online for the Archbishop & Rabbi, UNIFY, Israel, Far East, and Taiwan teams, and recently for the coming Purim conference in Papua New Guinea. Exposing Haman, Amalek, and Hamas book has finally been translated into Chinese with the Malaysian team, and the final proofreading will be completed this month. We look forward to its launch at this special time.

At the same time, southern Taiwan has experienced frequent earthquakes. A 6.4 magnitude earthquake occurred, and at least three statues of pagan idols were reportedly knocked down and shattered at a Temple in Tainan City. It connects with the message of the recent Shabbat letter, titled The Judge is Coming, and we must stand in the gap and call the people to repent.

Currently, we have three students studying GRM online once a week to discuss their questions and pray for their needs. All three students have now reached level 2, and one of them, along with ten other UNIFY members from Malaysia, have signed up to go to the Purim Conference in Papua New Guinea and are preparing and praying.

Every person counts

A Seed Sown

Mathilda Cuthbertson, Australia

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully.” 2 Corinthians 9:6 TLV

It was hard for me to do what I did. Nevertheless, I took courage and did it anyway! In my head, I kept hearing the words of Ima Archbishop, “No limitations.” So, I stepped out in faith nervously on Sunday, January 12th. I set on a mission to visit a local Christian Congregation. The Church is called the “Field of Dreams”. It is a non-denominational Christian Group. I have joined the Christians a couple of times during the Covid-19 to pray for Australia together with like-minded believers who had not taken the jab.

In my heart, I felt that I needed to visit this church with the book “The Voice of These Ashes” to give to those who love Israel as a gift of appreciation. So, I turned up that morning as they were entering the Church. I was met by a couple who happened to be the Congregation leaders. They asked me why I was holding up the book “The Voice of these Ashes” and what I was doing there. I told him that I was there to raise awareness about Israel, and he told me that I could meet them after church to discuss it. So, I waited in the car park until they finished church, and we met briefly. He told me that He would connect me with His Team, who were already heavily involved in doing many different activities for Israel. He took my phone number and said, “I can take the book that you have to read it.” So, I gave him “The Voice of the Ashes”. HalleuYah! That’s probably all that needed to be done. Since then, I have waited to receive a phone call from that organization but have not, yet a seed has been sown!

Every person counts

Feeding God’s Lambs with a New Wineskin

Apostle Mollie George, Papua New Guinea

…the people sitting in darkness have seen a great light, and those sitting in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” Matthew 4:16 TLV

During our trip to Vanimo in West Sepik Province on Hanukkah, we met a Pastor from West Papua, Indonesia, who is interested in helping translate the “Yeshua is the Name” book into Bahasa. Vanimo, West Sepik Province is the last Province of Papua New Guinea that shares the border with Indonesia, which is one of the biggest gates to the largest Muslim community in the world. It is my heart’s desire that this province would see that Great Light of the Gospel made in Zion! They love Israel – you see Israeli flags everywhere there. Pastors of the Assemblies of God in Vanimo were given Archbishop’s books, stressing to them all that those books were

written by an anointed Jew. I told them that if they want anointed sermons, they must read and glean into those books and feed God’s lambs with a new wineskin and not from the old wineskin of Replacement Theology. My heart’s vision is to have Archbishop’s books translated into Basaha and sold in the entire land of Indonesia. Of course, we will finance all publications from Papua New Guinea. Right now, the books are printed only in Papua New Guinea. This would be my second time across. Please pray for me because I know I need to go across to establish the presence of UNIFY there; I must, and I will, in Yeshua’s Name.

As to the preparations for the Purim Conference, there are a lot of people coming. Some of them are arriving already; some have already walked here and were even here in the church last Shabbat. The people are very excited! We also have 31 UNIFY Members coming from Asia to help with everything.

Every person counts

Shma’uel – El has Heard

Pastor Dr. Marcelo Corral, Ecuador

We began this month by celebrating the last day of Hanukkah, thus ending the Feast of Lights, and the entire congregation danced full of joy and happy to have celebrated the feast of dedication one more year.

On January 18, which was a Shabbat, we had the presentation of a 4-day-old baby named Samuel. Being the firstborn who was given to Adonai, the joy of his parents was great. On January 27th, we held a conference with the congregation to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Jewish people. It was remembered that on this very day in 1945, the Soviet army liberated the Nazi concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz in Poland. This was the theme of the conference, and the event finished with a time of prayer for the people of Israel.

Every person counts

A Hunger Awakened

Pastor Sonia Gotelli, Peru

We began the month by lighting the menorah for the end of Hanukkah, and then we participated in the women’s conference led by Archbishop Dominiquae. Women from the interior of the country and sisters we met at the shofar-sounding event were able to register. They were very impressed with the message and obtained the Apostle’s books – a pastor’s daughter even decided to study at the AGIMAP school! This was the first fruit of the conference.

The leader of our IMA BAT AMI women’s group, sister Maribel Carbajal, shared with her co-workers the importance of preparing themselves to learn the truth of the Holy Scriptures, and they are now willing to study the school and are reading the book “The Identity Theft.” They wrote to us requesting a marriage conference because they want their husbands to understand the role of the believing wife. Now, our men also want a conference; YHVH has awakened a lot of hunger for instruction. HalleluYah!

Every person counts

Laying New Foundations

Pastor Cesar Silva, Mexico

We have made progress in the foundational stones of the ministry, the first one being the GRM Bible School – this month, we got nineteen new students! They will be the people who will continue this vision of love for Israel. The second foundational thing is that every student needs to become a member of UNIFY, and we are still working on this goal. Our third goal is connected to Paulette’s testimony about starting a personal campaign to plant trees in Israel with UNIFY; it was a tremendous inspiration to me. This month, we sent 45 trees to be planted in Israel. A family here whose daughter was delivered from demons donated 18 trees to be planted in Israel. I am now very happy to see how the fruit is now coming our way. We look forward to doing much more in the coming month.

For The Lion of Judah,

Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman, and the UNIFY Team.

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bieman

Plant Trees in Israel with UNIFY

Join the campaign to bless the land with new growth and fruit!

Planting one tree costs $35, including a printable planting certificate.

Plant Trees in Israel

Support the Mission

  • Donate online: https://unitednationsforisrael.org/unify-donations/
  • Please email us at info@unitednationsforsrael.org for bank details
  • Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
  • Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars, or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
  • Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Paulette Cowan, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA


United Nations for Israel Online Conference – March

Monday, March 3, 2025 @ 8 -10 AM (EDT)

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Exposing Haman, Amalek and Hamas

Exposing Haman, Amalek, and Hamas

Who are Haman, Amalek, and Hamas, and why is it important to know? The last battle for the establishment of God’s Kingdom has already begun. It is vital to discern who the enemies are.

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GRM Bible Institute

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Discover the original Gospel made in Zion, receive the fullness of anointing and truth, and experience the transforming power of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.

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God of Wonders Tour

The God of Wonders Tour – Sukkot 2025

You are the God who works wonders. You have made Your power known among the peoples.”
– Psalms 77:15 TLV

October 3-15, 2025 (13 nights)

Join our Special Mission Tour to Support and Love Israel during this prophetic 77th year in Prayer and Action! We will travel from North to south, visiting Jerusalem, Galilee, Negev & the Gaza border, Eilat, and the Dead Sea. The tour includes 4-star hotel or kibbutz hotel accommodations, daily breakfast & dinner buffet, lunch on Shabbat & holidays, all tour transportation, tips, and entrance fees. (Flights and health insurance are NOT included.)

Price: $3888

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