Becoming Water Walkers

Becoming Water Walkers

Becoming Water Walkers

UNIFY Updates – December 2024/January 2025, Tivet (10th Month) 5785

But now, thus says Adonai— the One who created you, O Jacob, the One who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, or through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flame burn you. For I am Adonai your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I have given Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in your place. “Do not remember former things, nor consider things of the past.” Isaiah 43:1-3, 18 TLV

As I was seeking YHVH to prepare for this month’s meeting he gave me the word ‘A New Thing,’ and as I was meditating on your reports, I realized that every one of us, in one way or another, have been plowing and sowing in the desert, just as our Sukkat Yehoshua is in the Judean desert. In this passage from Isaiah, we see that it says, “I will surely make a way in the desert, rivers in the wasteland.” Yah is about to crown our efforts in the wilderness of our nations with success. In Hebrew, the word for success is very revealing, hatzlacha. It comes from the word tzalach, which means to land on something to bring it to fruition. For example, when we talk about the Ruach that fell on disciples in Acts 2 during Shavuot, that is the Ruach tzalcha – the Ruach falling on them; an anointing and glory falling upon them. So when I say that Yah is about to crown our efforts with success, I am talking about that kind of success, where the Ruach falls on us and gives us the power and the anointing to succeed in everything that He gives us to do.

We can see also in this passage there is a direct connection between the opening of the ways, waters in the desert, and rivers in the wilderness to His Chosen people drinking, becoming happy, and beginning to declare His praise. We have experienced this firsthand as we have sown trees in the Judean deserts and the joy it brings when the rains come to water those orchards and cause them to grow and bear fruit. Therefore we can also see this promise of blessing confirmed not only to Israel but also to those grafted into the olive tree through Yeshua.

We have just completed 7 years since we established UNIFY as a non-profit in the state of Florida, dedicated it on the mountains of Jerusalem, and started the Knesset of the Nations. We are thus entering our eighth year, and eight is the number of new beginnings. Because we have not been there before, we need to be prepared and open to receive it, to shake off the familiarity, and to ask Yah to do a new thing within us.

Now in the fourth watch of the night, Yeshua came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It’s a ghost!” And they cried out with fear. But immediately, Yeshua spoke to them, saying, “Take courage! I am. Don’t be afraid.” Answering, Peter said to Him, “Master, if it’s You, command me to come to You on the water.”And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to go to Yeshua. But seeing the wind, he became terrified. And beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Master, save me!” Immediately Yeshua reached out His hand and grabbed him. And He said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “You really are Ben-Elohim!”

Matthew 14:25-33 TLV

When YHVH presents us with a new thing, it can be frightening.

Notice that the reaction of the Apostles upon first seeing Yeshua walking on the water was to become frightened. They thought he was a ghost! Beloveds, when we are presented with a new thing we often react the same way because we are experiencing something outside the parameters of what we have come to expect. It can feel very frightening. Yet the Prophet Isaiah reminded us to ‘Fear not!’ as also Yeshua exhorted the Apostles saying, “Take Courage!’

When we take a step of faith we must stay focused on Yeshua.

We can also learn from Peter that the most important thing when taking a step of faith to be a ‘water-walker’ is to keep our eyes on Yeshua. You see, even in his fear that what he was seeing might be a ghost Peter put out a ‘fleece,’ he asked Yeshua to speak so that he would know it was truly Him. That ‘fleece’ allowed him to step out in faith, thus he walked! Peter walked on water! Yet as soon as he began to look around at the circumstances, in this case, the elements of the raging wind and rain, he began to doubt and he sank. Often when we look around and see that the winds are contrary we think we must have done something wrong, but that is not necessarily the case. We must ask the Ruach to steady us and imbue us with power to overcome the circumstances that threaten to sow doubt in us.

Even if we begin to sink in our doubts, Yeshua will reach out to lift us up!

What tremendous comfort we can take in knowing that if we step out in faith, even if we begin to falter He will be there to lift us up and deliver us from our own lack of faith. Yet how much greater of a revival might have manifested if Yeshua and Peter had walked together to Gennesaret on the water where the people were waiting to touch the tzit-tzit of Yeshua and be healed?!

We have launched two new courses available through GRM, so even if you have studied and graduated from GRM, there are always more ‘new things springing up’ through which you can multiply your learning! Please also be sure to check these out and share the links for them with everyone you know!

We now offer:

Hanukkah Course advert

The Hanukkah Course

The Israel Factor Course advert

The Israel Factor Course

Women on the Front Lines – Zoom Conferences

Our recent Women’s Conferences were very anointed with over 200 women in attendance. There were several testimonies shared with us by women who attended and said these conferences initiated a spiritual breakthrough for them, so we trust there were many more in whom the seeds were planted and we are believing for a good harvest to come forth from these conferences.

Esther Yonah, GRM Prison Ministry

As part of our Prison Ministry, we go to the U-dorm, a close management section where they keep the “uncontrollables”, the inmates that are difficult to handle. We offer them GRM Bible School and many of them are at the point where they immediately say, “Yes!” and many have even heard about GRM before from other inmates. We can only spend a few minutes at each cell front, thus we must work very quickly but even still many of them give their lives to Yeshua on the spot, and I can see that they are serious. We pray that they will keep walking with Yah. Many also become GRM Ambassadors within the prison and tell one another about it, even though they are not allowed out of their cells much they shout back and forth between the cells. We have had 55 new enrollments just this month! It is a revival within the prison system.

United Nations for Israel

Reports from the Nations

Behold My servant, whom I uphold. My Chosen One, in whom My soul delights. I have put My Ruach on Him, He will bring justice to the nations. Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things. Before they spring forth I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:1, 9 TLV

A New Altar of Worship for America and the World

Dr. ArchBishop Dominiquae Bierman, USA & Israel


We established a New undefiled altar of worship in St. Augustine, Florida during the Feast of Re-dedication this year, just as the Maccabees did. Halleluyah! I have been saying for quite a while that we are a new body of Messiah that is arising, and we are each like a new altar. If you have not had a chance to watch this series of shorts on the establishment of this New Altar please take a moment to watch and share!

The other exciting thing coming up this month for UNIFY USA is the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast at Mar-a-Lago as well as the Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. where I have been asked to participate in the program. I have sent a letter ahead of me to the President-Elect and am bringing other copies along with me to give to quite a few people who also know him so that it will reach its target. I also included many Scriptural References along with this letter. Let us pray and believe it will reach President Trump. Next month we will publish the Prophetic word I sent.


As you know Israel has been in a ceasefire with Hezbollah. But Hezbollah has broken the ceasefire many times and yet the US is continuing to pressure Israel to withdraw all its troops from there. We must pray for that not to happen because it would be a serious mistake. We also need to pray the troops will not be removed from Mt Hermon.

In northern Gaza, the IDF has been doing a very thorough operation. Consequently there have been many soldiers lost because instead of simply leveling the place the IDF has been systematically going into buildings to try to preserve civilian lives, but most of them are booby trapped, so they are planning now to remove all of that infrastructure to make a buffer zone but I am praying and believing, along with the Nachala Movement, that the only way to restore peace is to return Jewish settlements to Gaza.

We know there was a recent terrorist attack in Samaria in Kedumim which is where the water for the orchard we planted in Oriad comes from and is very nearby. Beloved ones, we need to continue praying for them. Two elderly women and a police officer lost their lives and they are in mourning there. I contacted them through Arbel and asked what we could do. He explained that the situation is very complex and what we need to do is to try to build a road that goes up to the hill overlooking the orchard so that the settlers can watch over the area and protect it. So prepare because we are about to enter into new projects in Israel that will require our faith and finances.

Campaigning for Israel – A Prophetic Word for Growth

As UNIFY members, you have been given an incredible weapon to wield. You may not feel like you are an evangelist but there are two very simple strategies that any one of you can use to put this powerful weapon to work:

  1. Campaigning among friends, family, and your communities to grow UNIFY membership.
  2. Sharing posts and Videos on all Social Media platforms.

Paulette Cowan has a wonderful testimony of how the Ruach (The Holy Spirit) has been prompting her to do this.

She set the goal of planting 50 trees through UNIFY and later expanded that to a goal of 100 trees so that she could place a sign there to commemorate her efforts.

Tree Memorial

Stepping out onto the Waters

Paulette Cowan, Jamaica/USA

I was seeking the Father as to how I could bless Israel and he put the word campaign in my mind. I began with my children, calling them and telling them that I was campaigning to raise funds for planting fruit trees in Israel. Right away they donated to plant 5 trees. I continued by calling neighbors and friends. I also contacted my Jewish neighbor here in St. Augustine and he was very happy about the invitation, and I am still working on it and believing I will reach my goal of 100 trees, because I am not looking at the circumstances but beyond them because I serve a GREAT God! I am stepping out by faith onto the water! Halleluyah!

YOU can help UNIFY reach its goal by donating here!

Donate now

Couple in front of menorah

A Rededication for Estonia

Pastor Eicha Lohmus, Estonia

This month we attended the Women’s Conference and the Hanukkah Conference and I was able to translate on both conferences for Estonian participants. We sent a restitution offering to UNIFY on behalf of the Estonian Government, which sided with the UN resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and condemning Israel’s refusal to cooperate with UNRWA. Also, The Estonian Academy of Arts decided to cancel any cooperation with Universities and any higher education institutions of Israel. I printed a copy of these demonic decisions and we burned this document on paper and declared all these antisemitic resolutions void and dead!

Incredibly, this year the Estonian Jewish community arranged for the first time a public Hanukkah event in Tallinn on the street for lighting candles on Hanukkiah. We joined this event and were the only people carrying the Israeli flag, which in our case was the flag of UNIFY and it brought much attention.

Menorah in front of a window

A Jewish Conduit for the Father’s Love

Pastor Terhi Laine, Finland

Our team participated in the Archbishop’s Hanukkah and Women’s Conferences on Zoom. Below is a testimony from a team member at the Women’s Conference:

“The conference was very inspiring. As the Archbishop prayed, I saw how her hand touched the glory of YHVH and she was able to be a conduit for the Father’s love. The Jew touched the heavenly as he prayed for the Gentiles. This affected my whole being. I became aware of the presence of the Heavenly Father and the Archbishop’s love for the Gentiles. The next day I was filled with the Gospel of Zion. I experienced what it means ‘For Zion’s sake I cannot be silent.’ Hallelujah!”

We have been able to tell our family members about Hanukkah when we have met them. For example, we shared about the meaning of the Hanukkah candles, and why we celebrate Hanukkah, and not Christmas, and we invited them to a Hanukkah dinner. I have experienced respect from a few family members when celebrating Hanukkah. There have also been some friends we have had the opportunity to tell about Hanukkah.

We continue to share the Archbishop’s teachings on our social media platforms, through personal contacts. We also continue to work on translation with Jahi of the Sabbath letters and books.


Bringing Light in the Darkness

Pastor Hanne Hansen, Norway

We are reaching out to people with the Gospel from Zion, and advertising for the Norwegian GRM Bible School local group on Zoom that is starting on January 12th.

This month we were able to make a very special visit. My father and I visited a Holocaust survivor from Poland during Christmas because Christmas is a particularly difficult time for her. When she was a child, in Poland before WW2, the Christians used to throw stones at their windows during Christmas. They were thus always afraid at those times. So, she appreciated us visiting her very much.

Apostle Sana

GRM in Focus: Way to Zion (Vägen till Sion)

Apostle Sana Enroos, Sweden

Everything during this month has focused on GRM. I have been translating the video teachings with the help of the Matesub program, which is excellent for making subtitles. GRM in Swedish is the spiritual baby I am called to give birth to. When we have the education, we will have the people.

We started our first GRM study group on November 30th and have studied together every Shabbat since then. All eight students are committed and have submitted their studies. We also did the first GRM Zoom outreach event called Way to Zion (Vägen till Sion), where I preached and inspired new Swedish people about GRM and the Gospel of Zion. The fire and anointing were powerfully released, and the truth convicted people. This was a brand-new opening for a new way to work as a team, as five people gave life-changing testimonials of GRM, too. I was so pleased with my team as they have grown and become preachers, wow! That was like dynamite in the Spirit.

This is one of the testimonials which came after the meeting:

“Bless you, Ma’am, for the powerful encouragement for the GRM school. It was so great to hear a bit of your call. I felt Yeshua so strong here, and I was crying almost all the time. Again, this powerful Shalom I was surrounded with in my childhood many times fell upon me during the broadcast. I can feel the roots strongly and can’t wait to get close to my Savior and King!”

Woman wrapped in UNIFY flag

A Farewell to Christmas

Hilary Anderson, United Kingdom

December 2024 was a full month with lots of activity and commitments. On the 8th of December, Kay and I met in London to attend the march against antisemitism. Although it was a gloomy wet day, many turned out and yet again we were reminded of the resilience of the Jewish people. Our UNIFY flag attracted a lot of attention and led us to some good conversations. Initially, people were skeptical, thinking that we were a splinter group of the UN, but when we explained that we were the United Nations FOR Israel, they listened and were interested and appreciative. Some took the small flags from us.

On the 15th of December, Archbishop held her first Women’s conference- Women on the Frontlines. Janet and I managed to attend this session and Kay and I attended the follow-up session on 29th of December. We were all blessed and empowered by these timely meetings. Janet and I also attended the Hanukkah conference on the 22nd of December which was also very inspiring and encouraging. Our GRM local study group also continued throughout the month without a break, Yah’s presence is sweet and strong in this group. HalleluYah!

In obedience to the prompting of the Ruach, Kay ordered a copy of The Identity Theft for a family friend despite limited finances and family opposition. We are expectant to see the fruit from this. I also ordered some more copies of The Identity Theft and have started to carry a copy with me when I am out. This has proved quite effective in sparking interest and conversation.

Finally, despite some demonic oppression and backlash, five of our group managed to celebrate Hanukkah and gain victories in the face of opposition. Also, one member of our group has said that this will be her last Christmas. Praise Yah!

Asian people with UNIFY flag

New Wine, New Oil, and a New Altar

Pastor D’vora Cheung, China & Hong Kong

They defeated him because of the Lamb’s blood and because of the message of their witness. Even when facing death they did not cling to life. Revelation 12:11

This year, the first day of Chanukah, the 25th of Kislev falls on exactly the same date as the Roman Pagan Christmas celebration on the 25th of December. Ruach guided us to go on an outreach mission to renounce the traditions of Christmas, sharing the meaning of Chanukah, the purpose of UNIFY, and the need for restitution on behalf of China.

There were many tourists in Hong Kong, especially those from China who came for this Pagan festival. On this day, many unbelievers shared the world’s songs. We were here to build up our new altar for the Gospel made in Zion, in the name of Yeshua, alongside the celebration of Chanukah. We worshipped, danced, and sounded the shofar to remove all Pagan worship. The sounds of the Shofarot attracted many people, especially from mainland China to come over. Testimonials of Yeshua, Identity Theft, and the United Nations for Israel were given. People understood the difference between the United Nations and the United Nations for Israel. Praise YHVH! This outreach advanced our faith as we walked in deep water facing the immovable and changing political environment enforced by China. We walked with His cloud of glory and His anointing, in the shield of His protection.

The Lion of Judah defeated the Dragon!


A Spiritual Bomb Being Prepared

Yutong Tagawa, Japan

In December, we continue editing translated books into eBooks. We take time to make sure that each book is proofread and completed well. We also continue translating the GRM workbooks into Japanese and ‘The Identity Theft’.

I gave the books Identity Theft and The Voice of These Ashes to my cousins, and have continued sharing news from Archbishop’s Telegram channel on social media.

We pray for Israel, Ima, and Rabbi daily, and especially for Adi and Dor, the IDF, the Nachala movement, and the return of the kidnapped hostages. We pray that Jewish people around the world would make Aliyah, for the growth of Kad-Esh Ministry, UNIFY, the GRM Prison ministry, and everything that needs to be prayed for.

Becoming Water Walkers

Forbidding Entry to the Evil Hamas

Apostle Dawid Yosef Lee, Malaysia

We continue to make restitution on behalf of Malaysia and to support UNIFY Projects, especially the Tree Memorial Project for which we were able to help UNIFY plant 6 trees, as well as contribute toward the important upcoming Mar A Lago Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast and send support for Duv Devan.

JNS reported on Dec 4th, that a Senior Hamas official, Khalil al-Hayya, once the deputy of now-slain terrorist mastermind Yahya Sinwar, has settled in Ankara, while others were said to be considering a move to Malaysia. On December 5th, UNIFY Malaysia went to KL International Airport at the gate of the entrance to bind and forbid any of the Hamas leaders in Qatar from entering the soil of Malaysia or nations in the Far East.

Chinese people with Yeshua and UNIFY flags

Breaking Down the Ancient Altars of False Worship

Pastor Perach, Taiwan

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly but powerful through God for the tearing down of strongholds. We are tearing down false arguments 5 and every high-minded thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 TLV

GRM has been growing in Taiwan. On the 4th of December, a new GRM student registered and also joined UNIFY on the first day of Hanukkah. On the 14th of December, we blew the shofar at the Yushan Aboriginal Seminary, founded 78 years ago by the Presbyterian Church for Aboriginal preachers in eastern Taiwan. Yah showed us that Replacement Theology is like a thick steel plate underground with a sign of the Catholic cross, and like a wall of brass and iron, blocking the well of God’s salvation from flowing. After we had done all the shofar missions, some changes happened, a vision showed us the spring flowing in the middle of a Star of David, just like Isaiah 12:3-4 which describes the springs of salvation flowing.

We hosted 2 days of gathering to celebrate the festival of Hanukkah. On the 28th of December, we praised Yah that we could dance in a park to glorify His name and Yah always draws people to watch and talk to us. This kind of outreach is also very inspiring for us. On the 29th of December, after the completion of blowing the shofar in 4 strategic places, a mission we began in November to break the Replacement Theology and plant the Gospel made in Zion, we came to worship Yah at Yudit’s home. Her home is in Siraya, the first revival area in Taiwan 400 years ago. It was just as Archbishop said in the video: The New Altar of Worship is being established in St Augustine …and around the world. Praise Yah for leading us to a new dedication on this Feast of Hanukkah.

Christmas tree

An Army of Two: Living in the Light

Mathilda Cuthbertson, Australia

You must utterly destroy all the places where the nations that you will dispossess served their gods—on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree. You are to tear down their altars, smash their pillars, burn their Asherah poles in the fire and cut down the carved images of their gods, and you are to obliterate their name from that place.” Deuteronomy 12:2-3

For the last five years since we have been in Australia, we have never been to the city of Adelaide during the Christmas period in the evenings. The city is always overly decorated with Christmas decorations so we stayed away from it. But this time during Chanukkah we went. It was a two-man mission. My almost 6-year-old boy and I.

Two are better than one, because they get a good return for their effort.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 TLV

After we had lit our 6th Chanukah candle, we prepared ourselves spiritually and took to the streets of Adelaide taking with us the true light. We showed up in the middle of the city on Victoria Square around 8 pm and marched around the biggest Christmas Tree. We marched around it like an army seven times, and blew the shofar, declaring Jeremiah 1:10 and we declared the true Light to return into the city and then left the scene. Praise Yah, there were not many people there. It was an act of obedience to Deuteronomy 12:1-3 in taking our city back from dark pagan practices.


Spreading Light across Borders and Territories

Apostle Mollie, Papua New Guinea

I’m pleased to announce that new students are enquiring about joining GRM in Papua New Guinea, at least one at a time. We do experience that when students join up, they begin to slow down, but myself and Ida keep them motivated to do their studies. Right now we have 6 active students, and I believe 8 including a Member of Parliament who are ready to graduate during the coming PNG Purim Conference. We are encouraging more students especially young people to get involved.

Apostle Charlie and I, along with a Ministry team including our Banner Dancers, Women’s Ministry, church musicians, and some youth all joined up with our local church in Vanimo town, on the border of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia to celebrate the Feast and Celebration of Hanukkah.

Along with the celebrations, we ran Bible School Teachings. There were Catholics, Lutherans, and others from mainstream churches in attendance. There were even 2 men from Jayapura, who crossed the border into Vanimo after hearing our Sound System. There were also a few people from West Papua who lived in Vanimo town among us. Awareness of the Archbishop’s coming visit to PNG has gone across the border. I mentioned in one of my past reports when I moved to the other side of the border, that Indonesia is the largest Muslim country and our closest neighbor. However, this also means it could be a tremendous opportunity for Revival, and if we are carrying the Right Revival, then we’d like to continue to get closer.

It was a great miracle during Hanukkah to be able to share the light across the Indonesian Border. Indonesia, a land that rules with the tyranny and darkness of the Muslim world, has long been oppressing West Papua. We pray that the same courage of the Jewish Maccabees, who against all odds brought down an Empire, will also bring the sparkle of the Gospel and the Hanukkah Light across territories and boundaries for Yeshua our Jewish Messiah.


The Joy of ADONAI is my Strength!

Pastor Dr. Marcello Corral, Ecuador

One of the most important activities in the Kad-Esh MAP Ecuador ministry for December 2024 was a beautiful marriage under the Huppah. On December 21st, a new couple who had joined our congregation a year ago, but were only married in a civil ceremony before, got married. They were taught that obedience to the laws of the Torah brings blessing to their lives and that they must live under a marriage blessed by Elohim, so they decided to get married in the name of YESHUA and under the Huppah. It was a very beautiful ceremony and full of joy and happiness. Some relatives and coworkers of the bride and groom came and we took the opportunity to talk about marriage according to the Holy Scriptures, and they were surprised by the teachings they heard and said they would come back to continue learning more.

On December 25th we began the celebration of Hanukkah with the whole congregation and each day we lit a Hanukkiah in the congregation. On the last day, we celebrated in a hall of the military circle with great joy and rejoicing, and the couples who have committed themselves the most since last year to serve and support the ministry lit the lamp. On this last day, Christian people were invited who had not heard of the Feast of the Dedication before and were surprised by the teachings. They were especially surprised during a moment of the celebration when the children went one by one to put Christmas decorations on a burning bonfire and declare a biblical verse against idolatry. It was beautiful to see the attitude of the children who are already beginning to understand the true meaning of Hanukkah of removing all kinds of idolatry from their lives, homes, and hearts. They demonstrated an understanding that YHVH abhors mixtures and only wants us to live His word and obey it as children of Yeshua, our example to imitate. All glory be to Adonai! I say goodbye to you, beloved pastors, and I wish that you are filled with the light of Yeshua in this new season.

Group of people celebrating Hanukkah

The Peruvian Maccabees Sound the Shofar!

Pastor Sonia, Peru

The team of shofaristas were preparing through the 18th of December, to be able to participate in the event that we organized to gather with various groups founded in Hebrew Roots in Lima, Peru. We had a time of prayer of repentance in one of the high places there, called “El Morro Solar.” We prayed against the ancient idolatry as well as the corruption in areas of authority in our country, especially for the position they have taken against Israel in the UN every time a vote is cast against Israel.

On December 21st, we held the event “The Sound of the Shofar” in one of the largest public parks in Lima, called Campo de Marte. More than 50 people gathered to sound their shofars and to declare the end of the pagan holidays of the church: Christmas and New Year, and a

return to the biblical calendar and the moadim established by Yah.

On the evening of December 25th, we gathered as a ministry to light the first candle of Hanukkah and start a time for the re-dedication of our lives to YHVH service as pictured in the photo above. Hallelu-Yah!


The Fruit of Righteous Giving

Pastor Cesar Silva, Mexico

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,” Proverbs 11:30

In 2022, Sister Judith went on the Sukkot tour. This was the occasion when we went to plant trees in the Mispeh Yuval (Yuval Lookout), in the UNIFY orchard in Oriad. When planting the pomegranate, Sister Judith prayed for her son and daughter-in-law, as they had already been married for twelve years and had not been able to have children. Sister Judith declared when planting it, “Just as

today I plant this pomegranate tree in the land of Israel, so my son will have a baby.” Their names are Jose Carlos and Anahí, and after many years of treatments and examinations, the doctors said that most of Jose Carlos’ seed was dead. He is a constant sower of restitution offerings for Israel, and every time we go up to Israel he sends offerings as well. The great wonder is that in April of this year, the Eternal One granted them this miracle, she became pregnant! This December their first girl, named Isabella Ori, was born!

During the Hanukkah Festival, we were doing a prophetic act in the center of the Plaza Mall in McAllen Texas, next to the Hanukkiah that they put there, the Father had several people come and we shared with them how to connect with the Kad-Esh MAP ministry. All praise to Yah!

For The Lion of Judah,

Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae & Rabbi Baruch Bierman, and the UNIFY Team.

Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bieman

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  • Call us in the USA at 1-972-301-7087
  • Checks in USD, Canadian Dollars, or British Pounds to be sent to Kad-Esh MAP Ministries, 52 Tuscan Way Ste 202-412, St Augustine, Florida 32092, USA
  • Western Unions & Money Grams addressed to Paulette Cowan, 52 Tuscan Way Ste. 202-412, St. Augustine, FL 32092, USA

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United Nations for Israel Online Conference – February

Monday, February 4th, 2025 @ 9 AM – 10 AM (EDT)

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Exposing Haman, Amalek and Hamas


Exposing Haman, Amalek, and Hamas

Who are Haman, Amalek, and Hamas, and why is it important to know?

The last battle for the establishment of God’s Kingdom has already begun. It is vital to discern who the enemies are.

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Discover the original Gospel made in Zion, receive the fullness of anointing and truth, and experience the transforming power of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah.

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God of Wonders Tour

The God of Wonders Tour – Sukkot 2025

You are the God who works wonders. You have made Your power known among the peoples.” – Psalms 77:15 TLV

October 3-15, 2025 (13 nights)

Join our Special Mission Tour to Support and Love Israel, during this prophetic 77th year, in Prayer and Action! We will travel from North to south, visiting Jerusalem, Galilee, Negev & the Gaza border, Eilat, and the Dead Sea. The tour includes 4-star hotel or kibbutz hotel accommodations, daily breakfast & dinner buffet, lunch on Shabbat & holidays, all tour transportation, tips, and entrance fees. (Flights and health insurance are NOT included.)

Price: $3888

Register Now