Hong Kong became part of China since 1 July 1997. Prior to that it was ruled as Commonwealth of
British. I was borne, studied and graduated in accounting in Hong Kong. I was a believer during my studies in the secondary school. With my profession, I was chosen by YHVH to work in the Jewish Community of Hong Kong upon changing jobs.
Like Yosef, my life looked different after being with them. I am very thankful that I can able to learn all the feasts, traditions, life style and language through serving them till now. I was very precious that I knew the Hebrew Roots of Faith when Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae Bierman visited Hong Kong in 2016. Then I immediately joined the Sukkot Tour in 2017, started my GRM studies in Chanukah 2017 and be graduated in Sukkot 2019 (5780). Now I become Hadassah to fulfil the redemption plan of YHVH with the Jewish people.
I was sent out from Zion under MAP movement to preach this Gospel made in Zion to China, one person at a time, turning China to become a Sheep Nation.
I will commit to preach the Gospel Made in Zion to Jews and Gentiles so that they will be united into One.
Hong Kong & Macau (D’vora)
The Jewish people
- Already established the network. Join the activities and participate the events when appropriate.
- Blowing Shofar in the Synagogue
Foot Soldiers
- Already formed the Identity Restoration Group for those that have bought The Identity Theft book
- Encourage those who read books to write book review, spread the books and study GRI online course
- Calling the Identity Restoration Group members to join the UNIFY events, such as The 40 Days Fast for Israel fast and teach them the principle of sending Restitution offerings for buying the UNIFY Embassy.
Zoom Shabbat teaching
- Those who do not know who to keep shabbat
GRM studies/UNIFY member/Sukkot tour
- to be followed step by step
- Organize the feasts where appropriate
- Connect with teachers to visit the Synagogue to learn how to pray and love Israel
Restitution altar
- Match dollar to dollar basis for those restitution offerings that I received for one year up to end of 2021. To be reviewed next year.
Purchase Embassy
- Send WS to request this funding
- Visit Macau when gate is opened
- Do Acts of Repentance
Pray for Contact Point