I am a believer since 1993, but in 2012 after participating in a conference of Kad-Esh MAP Ministries held in Finland, I was “born again 2nd time” and I became to realize the Hebrew roots of my faith in Jewish Master Yeshua Ha’Mashiah.
As a chosen delegate for Estonia:
- I will spread the information about The United Nations for Israel with peoples in Estonia using various channels where possible (Facebook, WhatsApp, other social media, and through personal conversations).
- I will pray daily for The United Nations for Israel, all the delegates in the nations, and Archbishop Dominiquae and Rabbi Bierman.
- I will continue translating books written by Archbishop Dominiquae and the GRM workbook so that Estonian peoples will be able to begin GRM studies.
- I will attend public marches to promote Israel and the United Nations for Israel, waving UNIFY banners, flags, and wearing t-shirts.
- I will travel to Israel for UNIFY annual meetings and conferences during Sukkot and, when possible, during other Biblical feasts.